~Yuli's First Experience~

~My Life Turned Upside Down~

It’s been two days already since YG Entertainment made the announcement. I had a hard time leaving my mom and making her understand what was going to happen. It took hours and hours of explaining before she agreed to me moving out. Now I am here in my new apartment alone! It’s been two days and I haven’t seen him or heard from him. But its not like I am asking for him to come home. It is just a bit lonely living by myself and being trapped in a room. I was unable to leave the apartment after the announcement was made. Fans and the press would gather outside out apartment building waiting for either Taeyang or I to leave so they can ask us questions or tell me how ugly I am. Besides waiting for us downstairs, the internet sites were having non-stop discussions about our “relationship”. Fans were angry at Taeyang’s “choice” for his relationship partner. They compared me with every single girl in this country. Some fans said that if that was his ideal type then they would for sure win him over. They were all pretty nasty comments, but I tried to be optimistic about it…

Soon I couldn’t stand the loneliness so I went to give Gi Eun a call.

“YULI! How are you?” she asked right when she picked up the phone.

“Bored.” I replied.

“How come? Shouldn’t you be drooling over your boyfriend’s body?”

“He is not my boyfriend, and I don’t drool.”

“You so do. I saw you looking at him the day he came to your house”

“It was out of curiosity ok? Besides he hasn’t even come home. His things are here but not his person”

“Oh. You miss him?”


“You do don’t you?”

“NO! WHY WOULD I MISS HIM ANYWAY?” and then I heard someone opening the door.

“Unni, let me call you back later” and I hanged up the phone.

I turned around and saw Taeyang taking off his shoes and putting them in the rack next to the door.

“Um..Hey” he said when he saw me sitting in the living room.


He came over and took a seat next to me.

“Sorry I wasn’t here the first day you moved in. Our schedule has been busy” he apologized

“It’s fine.”

Both of us looked away from each other. He was focusing on the t.v and I was well staring at the kitchen.

“You really don’t like talking to strangers do you?” he asked

“Mmmm…” giving him a short answer

He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face him.

“I know how much you don’t want to live with me. But you are my “girlfriend” now. I hope you can open up to me more so we can really act like a true couple.” He told me

I nodded because I knew this was what I signed up for in the first place.

He smiled and said, “Good. Now honey, I am going to take a nap right now ok?”

“Ok” shivering at the word honey. No one has ever called me that, not even my mom!

He went upstairs into his room, while I continued watching t.v. After a few hours of t.v I went to check the time and it was already 7. My stomach started to growl and I knew I was hungry. So I went to the kitchen to cook something to eat.

As I was at the kitchen I figured the person upstairs would probably want something to eat. So I made enough food for both people.

When I finished cooking, I went upstairs to wake Taeyang up from his sleep. I opened the door to his room; it was big and full of pictures of him. He also had a big closet to put all his clothes and accessories in. I slowly walked over to his bed and was shocked when I found him half , I turned around immediately. I tried tapping him to wake him up while focusing my eyes on the wall or the floor. Taeyang rolled around a few times, but still didn’t want to get up. I started calling out to him.

“Taeyang-sshi, wake up. I made dinner.” I said

“Mmmm.” was all that came out of his mouth.

“Taeyang-sshi..” I said in my softest voice.

Then an arm went around my waist and pulled me onto the bed. But my head missed the pillow and bumped it into the headboard of the bed. It was loud enough for him to notice and it did hurt.

“You okay. Let me see” he said pulling me closer to check my head.

Before I could tell him how much it hurt and maybe punch him a few times for doing that, I noticed that we were in bed together and his arms were still around my waist. It was like a hugging position and the worst part is that he was half !

I got up immediately and turned my whole body around so that my back was facing him so he couldn’t see that I was blushing.

He chuckled probably knowing that I was embarrassed.

“I made dinner for both of us. Come down before it gets cold.” I told him and left the room.

After I left his room I took a few deep breaths and told myself to stop blushing…and so my first hug with a male was given to Taeyang-sshi!


Enjoy! Check out my other fanfic "The Never Ending First Love"


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nessa5 #1
Plz update I really like this story
Addicz #2
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
Addicz #3
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
iloveuforever #4
Ohhhh cute so taeyang fell for her already? Update sooon
iloveuforever #5
Oh oh the shirt was cute ^^ so are they gonna fall for each other ? Pls update soon
lovis89 #6
kekeke they are not pretending right? if they are youngbae wouldn't be hugging her
lovis89 #7
awwww <3
so she doesn't talk much and taeyang is quiet. perfect match <3
iloveuforever #8
pls update sooon