~Welcome To The Life of Jung Yuli~

~My Life Turned Upside Down~

hey guys this is the first chapter of my story I hope you enjoy and if you don't understand this chapter it is probably because you didn't read my forwards. Please enjoy and don't forget no silent readers.

Bang Bang Bang

“YAH! Jung Yuli wake up!” the annoying voice coming outside of my room

“Wake up this instance or you will be late for class”

Grrr the most annoying thing that could ever happen to you! I’m serious, what can be worse than to wake up with someone banging at your door. The worse wake up call ever!

I rolled out of bed and slowly made my way to the door.

“Jung Yuli WAKE UP!” the loud voice still coming from outside of my room

I turned the doorknob but even before I managed to open a little crack, the person outside pushed right in, making the door hit me right in the face.

“YAH! Choi Gi Eun!”

“Opps sorry” with her little smile.

Gi Eun was my one and only best friend. I know I know. You must be thinking how a loner can have a best friend. Well lets just say Gi Eun came to my life way before I became a loner. After my mom moved back to Seoul, Gi Eun’s family was my neighbor. She is the only person in this world that I can trust beside my mom. She also knows why and how I became a loner in the first place. Although she disagrees and thinks I should interact with people more, she still supports me no matter what. But she does have a flaw and that is, SHE IS TOO LOUD IN THE MORNING!!

“You know you will be late” she said.

“Why do you always sound like my mom?”

“That’s because I am your unni”

“Whatever, if I am late then you are too” I gave her an evil smirk.

“I don’t need to be at school this early. I guess you can find a way to get to school then” she gave me a “haha loser look”

She always knows how to shut me up. That right, I am a 20 year old that doesn’t know how to drive a car. My bad fortune caused me to fail my exam 5 times already giving me no choice but to go with Gi Eun every single morning. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys; I have never taken public transportation before, due to my bad fortune. The only time I took it was with me mom and that was bad enough. It almost got us killed… Ever since then I never got on another bus or taxi again. Gi Eun’s car is the only car that I have ridden without having any accident. I guess I am somewhat fortunate that my friend is able to handle all my bad luck. So since I was almost late for class, the only way was to listen to unni and get ready.

While brushing my teeth, I put on the first thing I grabbed out of my closet. A simple graphic t-shirt and ripped jeans. I rinsed my mouth and washed my face, then immediately grabbed my big book bag and was out the door. I look less than 10 minutes and we were out the house.

“How did you get into my house anyway?” I asked

“Auntie opened the door for me before she left for work”

“How come she didn’t wake me up before? Now I am late” I asked

“She said you stayed up last night cramming for today’s test, so she wanted you to get as much sleep as you can”

Oh how much I love my umma! I did stay up last night to cram for the test we were having today. But I guess it wont be much help because no matter how hard I study bad luck always gets me. Being late for my test is the best example of my bad luck. Sigh…

We arrived at our university. I immediately got out of the car, even before it stopped and ran to the academic building. Gi Eun didn’t have class until noon so she drove home to rest. This is my second year studying in this university and thankfully I haven’t been kicked out yet. I went into the classroom ignoring all the glares and mumblings coming from the students.

“Mr. Kim Im sorry for being late, can I still take the test?”

By now our teacher is use to me being late, he handed me the paper and waved his hands as a signal for me to take my seat.

The two and a half hour test seemed like forever and by the time I finished it was almost lunchtime. I turned in my paper and went to text Gi Eun to see if she was back at school. I texted her:

“Hey, I just finished.
Are you at school yet?” Want to grab lunch”

After 5 minutes she replied.

“Yeah I’m at school.
Sorry, can’t have lunch with you today.
See you after school ^^”

Guess I will be having lunch by myself. I went to the cafeteria and bought myself a sandwich. As I walked by to find myself a seat in the cafeteria I heard mumbles like

“Hey look its loner” the girl said.

“I don’t get it. Why doesn’t she talk to the students?” her friend said.

“Me too. She is just weird”

“But she is not so bad looking. I bet some makeup and nice clothes would make her look hot!” their male friend said

It’s nice to hear a compliment once in a while. But I ignored them and went straight to the empty table that was in the far back. I went on with my lunch, while watching the big screen tv in the cafeteria.

As I was watching the music show that was on I wondered how some people can be so lucky and just be loved by every single person in this whole world. I bet they were just born lucky!

“Taeyang is really something isn’t he?” I heard from someone behind me.

“What?” I turned around and saw Gi Eun behind me

“Taeyang is really something isn’t he?” she repeated

“Who is that?” I asked

“I can’t believe you don’t know who he is!” she said while drooling over this Taeyang person on tv

“Nope. Have no clue”

“Aish! You need a life” she said

“I don’t have one remember”

“Whatever. I will help you get your life back. Want to go to the music show this Friday. I just got tickets online”

“So that is what you were doing. You ditched me for tickets.”

“YAH! Don’t talk to your unnie like that. It was for you also” she yelled

“You know I don’t like going to these kinds of stuff and I’m not interested in those singers anyway.”

“Well you should be and you need to get out of the house. So you are coming with me no matter what”

Gi Eun always likes making decisions for people. I guess I had no choice but to go…

“Besides you might meet someone there. There are a lot of young people who go” she added giving me a huge smile.

Nothing good ever happens to me anyway…

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
Lets see what will happen next ^^

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nessa5 #1
Plz update I really like this story
Addicz #2
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
Addicz #3
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
iloveuforever #4
Ohhhh cute so taeyang fell for her already? Update sooon
iloveuforever #5
Oh oh the shirt was cute ^^ so are they gonna fall for each other ? Pls update soon
lovis89 #6
kekeke they are not pretending right? if they are youngbae wouldn't be hugging her
lovis89 #7
awwww <3
so she doesn't talk much and taeyang is quiet. perfect match <3
iloveuforever #8
pls update sooon