~Meeting Him~

~My Life Turned Upside Down~

As expected, Gi Eun did come by my house to pick me up for the music show. We had to leave early so we could line up and get good seats. Gi Eun dropped by my house at 3 PM but when I opened the door she immediately told me to go back to change. I didn’t know why she made a big deal out of what to wear. It’s not like we were the performers…and what I was wearing was perfectly fine and comfortable. It was overalls with a t-shirt that reveled one side of my shoulder. I also matched it with a high top converse and my hair was in a high bun. I even put on glasses to make it more stylish. But Gi Eun didn’t approve what I was wearing so she did a make over for me. While she was trying to dress me up, I cant help but to wonder why Gi Eun has a better sense of style then me. She was wearing a nice sundress with an at least three inch heel. She left her hair straight and her hair looked perfect. It was so smooth and shinny, and my hair is just full of split ends. She also had makeup on but it wasn’t thick at all. I watch as Gi Eun searched my closet for some clothes she thought was appropriate for the music show.

“Why don’t you have anything that’s nice?” she complained.

I saw her frown at almost everything she picked up.

“Finally!” I heard her say.

“I am going to dress you up as a cool chick. Totally different from what you normally wear” she added

I was nervous. I never dressed anything flashy that would bring attention to me. When Gi Eun picked up the last thing I wanted her to touch, I knew I was doomed! Gi Eun made me change into this flashy long tank top and made me wear leggings to go with it. Then she added a jacket to it and a nice pair of 5-inch heels. I nearly thought my feet was going to die when I tried it on, but Gi Eun insisted that it would be the best for me to wear it since I was petite. She curled my hair and put some makeup on. I have to say when I looked in the mirror I couldn’t recognize the person I was seeing. Gi Eun transformed me into someone else, and I must say I enjoyed it very much.

“Wow! I am good. Now all the boys will drool over you tonight. We have to get going now”

When we got to the broadcast station building there were a lot of people lining up already. I saw fans with signs with their favorite artist on them. Gi Eun and I got in line and waited to go in to the studio. As we were waiting, there was a van that pulled up to the building.

“AHHHH!!! OPPA!” some girls screamed.

“T.O.P!!!” the girls started to shout names that I have never heard of.

I tipped toed to try to get a glimpse of these celebrities that was passing by us. I managed to get a glimpse of this one guy. He was wearing a big jacket. Kind of like the ones you see football players wear. He had baggy pants and he wore a hat. I couldn’t really see his face because he kept his head low and besides he was walking so fast I’m not even sure anyone saw his face.

“OMG its Big Bang” Gi Eun screamed.

“YAH stop screaming in my ear” she was definitely having a fan girl moment

“You are probably the only one in this whole country not knowing Big Bang”

She was right. I didn’t know who these people are. I am not even sure what kind of music they sing to, ballad, pop, trot, or hip-hop. I had no idea. I can only say that I am very isolated from this world.

After waiting for another 2 hours, we finally got to go into the studio. We had a good view of the stage so we were satisfied with the seats. The music show started 30 minutes after the audience was seated. The first few groups that performed were less anticipated than the popular groups that performed later. For some reason, it got really boring so I left to go to the bathroom. I wondered around the hallway trying to find the bathroom but it all looked the same to me. My foot was hurting so bad that I lost balance and fell to the ground. Thank god someone caught me in time so I didn’t hit my head and go into a coma.

“Are you ok?” the man asked

He had a sweet voice and very strong arms. His grip was very tight but not hurtful at all. I looked up and saw this man with mohawk hair. I never saw anyone with Mohawk hair before…it was very fascinating.

“Are you ok?” he asked again and then added a smile.

His eyes were small but when he smiled it was very cute. He kind of looked like a puppy. I tried to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth but it was hard to pay attention. OMG this has never happened to me…I can’t focus at all.

“Are you ok? Do you need help getting up?” the man asked again

I managed to get in a nod.

He helped me up and when I got up my eyes went from his face to his body. Wow he was so well built…I shook my head a few times so I can maintain focus.

“Are you ok?” he asked for the fourth time.

“Yeah I’m fine”

“Whoa those look deadly,” he said pointing at my heels

“Haha…” I gave him an embarrassed laugh.

“Next time just wear shoes with no heels. It is more comfortable that way” He added

For a tough looking guy, he sure was gentle and he kept his smile the whole time.

“Bye now” he said before I could even say thank you he turned around and left.

I finally found the bathroom and went back in time to see the better performances.

“Hey are you okay?” Gi Eun asked when she saw me dragging my injured feet when I came into the studio.

“Yeah I’m fine just twisted it, that’s all”

“Now for our last performance, BIG BANG!” the MC announced

Out came 5 men dressed in very hip-hop clothes. They starting to sing and my mouth dropped when I noticed the same guy that helped me earlier. Never thought that he was a singer.

“Hey, umm Gi Eun who is that guy with the hat” I asked curiously

“He is one and only Taeyang.” she said still maintaining her focus on the stage

The person on stage had a different charm from earlier. He was full of charisma. All the girls were screaming when he started to dance and sing his solo part. For the first time in my life I was mesmerized by this guy whose name is Taeyang.

After we finished we left the studio and started walking to the parking lot. Gi Eun could not stop talking about Big Bang.

“Weren’t they cool?” she asked me

“Yeah” I said

“Especially Taeyang and those abs. Whoever gets to married that guy is one lucky women” she said.

Haha that person wont be me considering how “lucky” I am

“Hey!” Gi Eun said while waving her hand in front of my face

“Stop day-dreaming. I’m going to get the car. You stay right here okay”


Gi Eun left and I was the only one standing in the sidewalk waiting for her to pick me up. I didn’t like the feeling because the people who walked by didn’t stop staring at me. I didn’t like the attention at all.

“Hey. Want to go get some drinks?” a man asked me.

“No thanks” I said it as polite as I can.

“Come on, just one drink” the man insisted.

“No thank you” I said quickly and started walking as fast as I can

“Hold on” the man held onto my arm with a tight grip

“Please let go of me” I said

“Just one drink.”

“Please let go of me” I said again.

“Why be so shy?” he asked again

“Sir, please let go of her” a voice came from behind

It was dark so I couldn’t see, but he was wearing a hat. He managed to make the man let go and he separated us by putting himself in between. I hid behind his back.

“Please leave her alone” he said to the man.

“Why don’t you leave her alone?” the man said

Right then, in a blink of an eye. The man with a hat punched the man and grabbed my hand and started running away from him. In a distance you could still hear the man say

“Hey you bastard! Come back here!”

My foot was hurting so we couldn’t really run that far. I had to stop after running for 10 minutes.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

I recognized that voice, but I wasn’t sure.

“Come on my car is right in front. You shouldn’t walk anymore. Take off your shoes and get on my back” he said

I did as I was told because I was in serious pain. My foot also turned purple and swollen. He carried me to his car and placed me in the passenger’s seat. He the lights and by now I could see his face.

“Taeyang…?” I said in a soft tone.

“Wow first time no screaming. Good job.”

“Um I’m sorry I shouldn’t be getting in this car” I said opening the door

He immediately locked it. “Its okay, I don’t mind. Just thought you needed some help. It is dangerous for a girl to wonder around.”

“Im sorry I think I better go.” I didn’t want to get into his car because I was afraid I would bring him bad luck.

“No its fine. Let me take you home and besides look at your foot, it’s swollen” he said.

I really couldn’t argue with that.

“Okay fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you”

He just smiled and the engine…

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nessa5 #1
Plz update I really like this story
Addicz #2
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
Addicz #3
He live her from the first time, bu she is a little bit rude to him
iloveuforever #4
Ohhhh cute so taeyang fell for her already? Update sooon
iloveuforever #5
Oh oh the shirt was cute ^^ so are they gonna fall for each other ? Pls update soon
lovis89 #6
kekeke they are not pretending right? if they are youngbae wouldn't be hugging her
lovis89 #7
awwww <3
so she doesn't talk much and taeyang is quiet. perfect match <3
iloveuforever #8
pls update sooon