Chapter 6

My best friend's brother

"Choi Siwon is the biggest jerk on earth!!!!!!!!" I kicked the bedside table nearest to me, I was at my home already. I obviously didn't hate him but right now it was my sadness and hurt speaking, not me.  "how could you? you gonna pay for this you son of a...."

the ringing of my phone went off. I looked at the caller and laughed, the reason for all this in my life was calling. ok call down kyu, this is your opportunity for revenge...

"Hello Suho" I answered, wiping my tears and controlling my raspy voice

"oh.. Hi, Kyuhyun, you see... since I didn't spen so much time with you today... and tomorrow is sunday, I was thinking if you wanted to go to a club with me?"

"which club?" I was picking my clothes in the closet

"Saphire Blue? I heard it's quite popular and..."

"I know which one it is. what time?"

"will you really go?"

"I told you I'll go!!!" oops, softly kyu softly "I mean, yes, since you are asking me out so kindly.. I missed you Suho"

"I-I-I... I missed you too" Bingo!! I got you!

"so tomorrow at 8?"

"yes, is... a date kyuhyun?"

"it's a date Suho"


"He said yes Siwon!!!" Suho smiled so brightly that moment, how could I be so selfish to take that away from him?

"I'm happy for you" I smiled back

"I'll go pick my clothes...would you help me?"

sigh "of course... you go first" he jumped the stairs by 2 to get faster to his room. I called Hyukjae

"Hey horsey!! what's up?" 

"call Donghae, we are going to a club tomorrow"

"wait a minute, wait a minute.... the church boy is calling me, his best friend and handsomest guy ever, to go to a club instead of church? pinch me, I'm dreaming" 

"yah!! Hyukjae!!! I'm serious!! we have to check on my brother..."

"I figured that much.... anything else?"


"see you at the club monkey!"


if I wanted this to work I had to act interested from the beginning.. as soon as I got into Suho's car my hand went to his tight... up and down it moved.... can't deny that the kid had a nice car

"so tell me Suho, what did you do this morning?"

poor  didn't know what to do, that hand was killing him. I took it off, he had to survive this night.

"not much... how about you?" 

I was too anxious waiting for tonight" I flashed my infamious evil smirk

we were in the club; Saphire Blue was very popular beacuse of its chick style, the place was crowed tonight. the blue lights made the inside glow like we were under water and and the white chairs in the sitting places had a very modern style. I wanted to dance but Suho looked too nervouse for that...

"why don't you wait here while I get us some drinks" I said in his ear, the music was too loud for normal talking and went looking for the bar

while I looked around the place, waiting for my drinks, I notice that there were a lot of handsome people here...but someone in special got my attention, he looked so familiar... wait, isn't that Donghae and Hyukjae? if those two are here then...

"here are your drinks!!" the bartender yelled at me, I grabbed them and walked behind some people, trying to get a better looked at the guy's face, it was dark in the place he was sitted. he was talking to Donghae now, then turned to say something to Hyuk... damn you Siwon! I knew it!! ok, so you want to spy on us? Game on!!!

"why did you take so long?" Suho asked when I came back to him

"there were a lot of people in line... why don't we dance?"

I pulled him by the armto the dance floor and started moving against him, I looked around but Siwon was not there so I moved us around with that there was too many people in that area and went to the side of the club were I saw Siwon. Fortunately, he was still there.    I acted as if I didn't know anything and started dancing again with Suho, moving my sensually against himat the rythm of the music, but...something was not right.. Suho was uncomfortable, and now I was the one being dragged outside of the club. 


"Kyuhyun, I can't do this anymore," don't you start your crap like your brother, "ok, I confess I brought you here in a date but, now that we are here, I have to say that... I don't think I "like" in that way"

"I don't understand you"

"I thought I was falling for you... but apparently I'm not. when we danced... like that... a couple of minutes ago, I... I didn't feel anything"

I was relieved, one less problem,and if Suho didn't like me that meant that Siwon and I... we could be together!! but he still has to pay...

"why are you smiling like that Kyuhyun? I'm sorry if I hurted your feelings..."

"no Suho, the truth is... I don't like you like that either."

"good! so... good friends?" 

"yeah but... I have to confess something"

"what happened?"

"the guy I like is there"

"really?! thats great!! can I meet him?" I don't think you would like that Suho...

"oh no, sorry you can't tell you who he is but you can help me with something..."

"oh no! you have that evil smirk on! I don't likr this."

"please... be my fake boyfriend! it's just to make him jealous!"

"you won't get him like that Kyuhyunnie"

"it doesn't matter. you see, he doesn't pay any attention to me,so if I make him jealous..."

"...he would notice you?"

"exactly!!" maybe he is not that bad of a friend

"ok I'll help you... what do you want to do?"

"leave it all to me, you just follow..."


we went back to the dance floor, to the same spot as earlier. Siwon was still there,sitted next to his friends, talking very carefree. this time Suho was the one starting the sensual dance, he was inside his character of my boyfriend, so it was very easy to grab his face and kiss him passionately just when Siwon looked our way...


Evilkyu is back.... and I'm scared. he is using poor Suho again but now it's as a weapon against Siwon.... Aigoo when will he stop?

the oneshot is in process girls... I want to make it long enough for you!! but tell me what you think about the story so far? is Evilkyu too evil?

I was thinking of having some... slight in the next chapter but... you see, I terribly at ... so we'll see what happens

Thanks to the new subscribers (5 for 40~ :3) and the people who comment! (you know who you are... and you are awesome!!) sorry for any mistakes u.u

well, thats it for now~! see ya!! ^^

P.s: Omo!!! almost 1,500 views!!!! Aigoo you make me happy!! :D




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My best friend's brother is finished! thank you for everything!


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Chapter 11: fluffy ... I like it..
richan24 #2
Chapter 3: it made me laugh!
bebwonkyu #3
Chapter 1: Oh i love this.. Suho and Siwon as brother kekeke
Chapter 11: i love itt :)
Chapter 11: Thanx for giving them a nicely wrapped up happie ending ^_^
Its over I cant believe it
It was tooo goood^^ thanks
I was walking back and forth like Kyu while waiting for ur update and when u updated I wasn't here -_-'' but I want to say that this was a great story , I liked it from the first chapter and now I'm waiting for "pizza prince" ^_^
silverliquor #8
It was ended waiting for Pizza Prince..

You did a great job author-nim..
Keep writing..