Chapter 3

My best friend's brother

Here I was, on a saturday morning, on my way to Suho's house because he wanted more help for that calculus exam. I don't know what else I can do with that boy, my only consolation was that somehow I was going to see Siwon again. I touched the doorbell and a very excited Suho opened the door...

"yay!! Kyuhyun!!! you are here!!"

"yes Suho, I'm here at 10 am because you woke me up."

"I'm so happy that you decided to help me!! Don't worry we are going to have an amazing lunch with delicious food..."


"yes!! and when we are donewe will play starcraft!!"

"starcraft?!!" well it didn't sound that bad, until Suho got a call...

"WHAT?!!!!" he asked desperate to the phone "I'm going there as soon as I can!" and hung up, looking for his stuff. "I'm sorry Kyuhyun, my friend broke his arm in a bad way and he's in the hospital. I have to see him. Siwon will take you home." 

"but Suho!!! you always leave me alone here!!"

"sorry!!!!!" he said, practically out of the door. sigh, alone again, but he said Siwon was here...

I looked into every room in the first floor but he wasn't there. when I got to the second floor there was a couple of windows with a view to the backyard... it was enormous with a huge swimming pool.... and Siwon was swimming in the pool. I have never walked so fast down a set of stairs in my life before. just the thought of seeing a wet, half Siwon in a bight sunny morning like this got my heart racing.

I ran to the pair of sliding doors in the kitchen and opened them with full force and screamed at the top of my longs...


he looked at me and smiled "hi, kyuhyun! studying with Suho?"

"well, studying alone, he had to leave" I said, with a little pout

"you are alone? that is not right" he pouted back, I giggled

he swam in my direction, put his hands on the border of the pool , supporting himself and stood up. the water running down those abs and those tight little shorts were making me think y thoughts.... stop it!!! 

"something wrong, kyuhyun?" he said, now the pout changed into a smirk

oh, so he was making fun of me?! I won't give him the satisfaction. "nothing," I said, "but you should work out more. I have seen better" pointing at his abs

"oh really?" he said while walking closer to me 

"really" I won't surrender

"are you sure?" he was closer

"of course I am. why would I tell you if I wasn't sure?"

now he grabbed by my waist and crushed agains his chest suddely that I became a little dizzy, he only had a tower on, and our foreheads were touching. I could feel his breath on my face. I gulped.

"are you really, really sure?" his voice was so husky, how did we end up like this? not that I minded

"I am" I murmured, we were close enough so he could hear me I automatically closed my eyes but he separated away from me.

he pat my head "let's go kyuhyun, you can wait for me in the game room while I change my clothes"

"ok" ok? ok?!! why when I'm around Siwon I can only say monosyllabic words?!! I was so embarrased that I went upstairs first but I was too caught up in my mind that I tripped in the next step and felt down. 

Thank God I wasn't that up andthe fall didn't hurt that much, but I didn't fel on the ground. the ground didn't have muscles....

"oh my God, Siwon!!! Siwon!!!" I got off him and hit his face lightly so he would wake up "Siwon talk to me, I'm so sorry. please wake up!!" my tears started to fall. why didn't he wake up?? I have to call 911!!!

I heard a groan and saw that he started to move, he opened his eyes a little bit. "we are getting so much closer, aren't we?" and he laughed. he laughed!!! I smacked his arm

" ouch!!"

"how could you scared me like that, you idiot!!!" I said while wiping my tears."

"I'm sorry, but I did hit my head hard. why don't you wait here instead? I think it will be better for my health that way." I blushed and walked away.

Why did I have to be so stupid?!!! at this rate Siwon will run away from me instead of closer


Siwon changed and now we were in the kitchen. I couldn't boil water but since the stairs incident I tried to help him with the simple stuff as a compensation. Siwon did notice my clumsiness very quickly.

when he told me to get soy sauce from the fridge I let it fall from my hands and made a mess, so I bent down clean it but Siwon moved to my direction and didn''t see me. let's say that some.... parts of our bodies bumped into each other and again I blushed like a tomato. use you imagination to understand. but that's not the end. when he asked me for a pot I didn't looked well and it felt on his foot, I broke 2 plates washing them and the second time I tripped I strecthed my arms so my face didn't hit the floor but instead I grabbed... his . poor Siwon didn't know what tosay and sighed. his cheeks were a little red.

"I think it will also be better for my health that you wait for the food in the table."

as I walked to the dining room all I could think of was how stupid I am and how much Siwon should be hating me right now....


Taran!!!! I'm back!!!!! woo hoooo I'm so sorry for the late update but on sunday I was in an amusement park and my body is hurting me all over the place,

but you got A LOT of wonkyu in this chapter so no complaint, right? ^^

our evilkyu in this chapter became clumsykyu and our poor siwon suffered the consecuences but it's all for the best.

So what do you think? Do you like it or not?!! be honest so I know what to change!!! 

Thanks to new subscribers (Omo!! almost 30!!!! >///////<) and the people who comment!! (you are so awesome))

hope you enjoyed!! see ya!!!

P.s: can you believe this story has 600 views already?!!! Aigoo and it only has 3 chapters?!!!! Thank you so much for the support!! I really appreciate it *bows 90 degrees* 


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My best friend's brother is finished! thank you for everything!


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Chapter 11: fluffy ... I like it..
richan24 #2
Chapter 3: it made me laugh!
bebwonkyu #3
Chapter 1: Oh i love this.. Suho and Siwon as brother kekeke
Chapter 11: i love itt :)
Chapter 11: Thanx for giving them a nicely wrapped up happie ending ^_^
Its over I cant believe it
It was tooo goood^^ thanks
I was walking back and forth like Kyu while waiting for ur update and when u updated I wasn't here -_-'' but I want to say that this was a great story , I liked it from the first chapter and now I'm waiting for "pizza prince" ^_^
silverliquor #8
It was ended waiting for Pizza Prince..

You did a great job author-nim..
Keep writing..