Chapter 5

My best friend's brother

The sunlight woke me up, and it wasn't that cold anymore. I looked around and I was in the backseat of a car. how did I get here? I was alone and the car was parked in front of the river near my college. I could see Siwon sitted on the big rock at the river's edge, his back towards me and his shoulders were tense. I got out of the car and walked in his direction. I stopped next to him, he was looking at the river.

"what are we doing here Siwon?"

"oh Kyuhyun... you surprised me," he did not looked surprised at all, "sorry, I told Suho that I would drive you home but.. I don't know where you live" he took a little rock and threw it at the river.

"oh, so, you leftme alone in the car so I could die from suffocation and you could bury me like nothing happened" I said joking, trying to break this weird atmosphere that was created out of nowhere

"it's not like you were far away and I left the windows down," he looked up at me and then again at the river, "you have a very vivid imagination, are you an english major?"

Thisis not how he was a couple of hours ago... "I'm a math major"

after that we didn't talk, there I was, with the boy I liked looking at the beautiful afternoon clear sky, and I couldn't say a word 

"why don't I take you home now?" Siwon said suddenly, standing up and shaking the dirt of his pants

I grabbed his arm, stopping him. he turned around

"what's wrong?"

with my head low I answered "can we stay a little longer?"


"please, the sunset looks awesome here, I don't want to miss it..." I can't let you go Siwon, I'm feeling you so cold, what happened?

"sorry Kyuhyun, I have to go back..."

"what did I do?"


"what did I do that you are acting like this? if this is because of all the things that happened at lunch, I already said sorry but I will do it again if it's necessary... I don't think this is because of that since you were very nice with me at lunch and..."

"Kyu... this can't be..." 

what? what is he talking about?

"what are you..."

"Suho likes you, okay?"

Suho... likes.. me? I mean sure he was friendly and everything but I never thought about it, he never made any moves...

"did he tell you that?" I asked

"he doesn't need to"

"how can you make conclusions out of nothing?!!"

"it's.. I.. I know my brother very well Kyuhyun, when I tell you that he likes you it's true... and I know what you're doing...I know you are just using him..."

Did he find out? how? when?

"now you don't say anything, do you, kyuhyun?" Siwon said, looking angry. but why? I'm so confused...

"Siwon I don't know what you are talking about. I never used Suho for anything...." sorry God for lying, but Siwon can't find out... or confirmed his suspicions...

"are you sure? you and I both know that you never wanted to be his friend, I heard you in the library. you changed your mind because you saw me and knew that I was going to tell on you, but isn't it funny how you changed when you saw our house?" oh no he didn't...

"are you saying that I want your brother's money?"

"I didn't say anything, you said it... and I know you don't want to be with Suho because of the way you were flirting with me so openly after a couple of sweet words..."

I slapped him, it was a reaction. I slapped him with all my force so I knew it must had hurted, but my heart was the most injured right now. besides I could care less about his face right now

"I thought you were different Siwon.... how stupid of me... but don't you ever talk to me anymore and save the trip to my house, I will go on foot"

I ran to his car trying to get my things quickly but the tears didn't let me... on my way home the tears dried and instead a huge fire got my body and boiled my blood.. fine, if you want me to date Suho, Siwon, I will... but he will suffer, he will suffer A LOT...



"I'M SORRY KYU!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I went down on my knees holding the cheek he just slapped. 

I had to do it, I had to tell you all those things so you could leave. I didn't want to, but it can't happen... you and me... it can't...


"Siwon? can I talk to you really quick?" Suho said as I put sleeping Kyuin the backseat of my car

"of course."

"I-um-well... I know this might sound... weird since we're both males but I... I... I think I kind of like Kyuhyun... as.. more than friends..."

I had to grab the door next to me when those words escaped Suho's mouth. please... tell me it's not true...

"I mean," Suho continued, "it might not be even loved since heis my first best friend and all, it might be only simpathy but... I want to go on a date with him... only once, just to see if its... you-know-what or not and..."

"you want my help?"

"yeah, I mean, I never dated before, you know...."

"of course I know"

"and well I just need help... like.... to ask him out and stuff...."

"we'll talk when I come back from driving kyu... I mean your crush home"

"IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!!" he said buthe blushed so it obviously was like that...

when I got inside the car I grabbed the steering wheel with a bit more force than necessary...


I had to do it for both of us, I can't love you back kyu......


So............ yeah, you can kill me now. u.u  I mean, I didn't think it would turn out like this I just started writing and all of the sudden this big fight was there and I was like WTH HAPPENED HERE? it was like they took control of my body.. seriously it must have been the weather or something (its dark and raining since 2pm) or the song I was listening to... (what is love? by EXO-K but.. it's not a sad song...)

anyways girls... I have more that 1,000 views!!!! woo hooo!!! so you know what that means right?!! ONESHOT!!! HURRAY!!! \O/ 

sneek peak: it's about.... PIZZA!!!! jejeje I know, but I was eating pizza the other day and then I remenber Siwon's tweet about pizza and coffee prince (the drama)....  it's a strange combination... but who cares?!! 

Thanks again to the new subscribers (33 now... they just keep coming and coming XD) and the people who comment!! (girls I'll give you pizza next time ;D)

sorry for the huge drabble (and the mistakes in the story u.u) 

SEE YA!!!! :D

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My best friend's brother is finished! thank you for everything!


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Chapter 11: fluffy ... I like it..
richan24 #2
Chapter 3: it made me laugh!
bebwonkyu #3
Chapter 1: Oh i love this.. Suho and Siwon as brother kekeke
Chapter 11: i love itt :)
Chapter 11: Thanx for giving them a nicely wrapped up happie ending ^_^
Its over I cant believe it
It was tooo goood^^ thanks
I was walking back and forth like Kyu while waiting for ur update and when u updated I wasn't here -_-'' but I want to say that this was a great story , I liked it from the first chapter and now I'm waiting for "pizza prince" ^_^
silverliquor #8
It was ended waiting for Pizza Prince..

You did a great job author-nim..
Keep writing..