Chapter 1

My best friend's brother

I was sweating while I walked to my next class through the basketball field, the sun was right on my head making me dizzy and my skinny jeans were a second skin, but I didn't care, I had to see him. I looked at my clocked again and noticed that I had 5 mins to get to my class. Damn! I have to run, but I saw him...

Shirtless, running around with the ball on his hands, his friends after him trying to take it away. it was a very intense scene to look at as sweat drops ran down his abs and he ran his hand through his bangs to get them out of his handsome face, and when his pink tongue got between his full lips to them I had to stop myself and take a deep breath. I know I'm going to be late again. 

"he has to be an illusion created by this heat... no one can be this perfect..." I though while I started to walk again. but he was real and everyone knew him... Choi Siwon... his fanclub were cheering for him  under the shadow of a tree, I would like to be there... but I'm a guy. sigh. 

I  was so busy in my staring at Siwon that I didn't notice someone was walking in front of me and we collided.

"I-I'm sorry!" I said as I looked up to see his face... he was cute indeed, but not as much as my Siwon. he had a very wide smile as he looked at me.

"no problem... but you will have to help me with the next exam in calculus, Kyuhyun"

eh? How does he know my name? 

"Do I know you?" I asked curiously  "I don't think I have seen you before"

"oh wow so it's true that you don't pay attention to anything expect your videogames and classes" and Choi Siwon I added in my head. "I'm in your calculus class, my name is Suho. we even did a project together, well you did because when I volunteered for help you sent me away and told me to shup up..." Suho... Suho... it does ring a bell...

"ah! Suho! I do remenber you! but can we talk later? I have to get to my class" I blinked my eyes innocently

"ok, I'll meet you out outside the building when you are done" he smiled one last time and walked away, I could care less what he did. I gave Siwon a last look and got to my class...


Later the same day as I was looking at some books for my english class at the library I ran into Suho... again...

"Kyuhyun!!!!"he yelled as he saw me. Damn I have to leave, but it was too late, he was already by my side. " I looked for you after your class but never saw you. where wereyou?" 

Trying to get away form you... "I had to get these books. but now I'm available, so I can help you."

"thanks men, you are the best! let me get my books, I'll be right back"

"Take your time" I said and sat on the table in front of the information desk. there I was, bored like never before waiting for this Suho kid to get here when I saw Siwon talking to the lady in the desk. that in those jeans....

"I'm so sorry Kyuhyun!"

"eh? what? what happened?!"

"I forgot my book at home." said Suho with a little pout "would you mind coming to my house for a while? I really need to pass the exam!!!" sigh, I looked to my side but Siwon wasn't there anymore.

"ok I'll help you"

"yay!! thank you so much!!!"

And he drove me to his house, I was in shocked at how big it was! this wasn't a house, this a was palace. and don't talk about the inside... everything was decorated so elegantly. Suho told me to sit on the dining room table while he got his book and a glass of orange juice for me. I couldn't stop looking around...

"ok, so where do you want to start?" I said while he opened the book.... we were half an hour in a problem when the front door opened...

"Suho? Are you at home?" a voice said, no not just any voice, THE VOICE. it was a couple of seconds before I saw his gorgeus face peeking behind the wall. "oh sorry I didn't know you were busy." he smiled at Suho and then his eyes were on me "who is your friend?"

"oh pardon me..." said Suho "Siwon this is Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun this is Siwon... My brother."

His brother? His bro.... HIS BROTHER?!!!

"Hello," said Siwon, smiling at me now. God really loves me, Choi Siwon finally looked at me!!! "Don't study until late Suho and remenber to drive Kyuhyun to his house when you are done, ok?" 

"ok" answered Suho, still working on the problem. I was paralized,  how did I end up at Siwon's house and how didn't I know? Siwon gave me another little smile and walked away. I got near Suho and murmured....

"Don't worry about the exam, Suho. I'll help you as much as you want."

"you really are the best, Kyuhyun"

no Suho, you are the best, giving me an opportunity to see my love after school....



Damn this was hard!! XD I love to read Wonkyu but I didn't know it was this hard to write.

ok guys this is just a little introduction anyways, I had to make our kyu meet Suho so he can get closer to Siwon XD (you really are evil kyu... get it? evilkyu XD)

tell me what you think? and should I continue? O.O

Bye!!! and thank you to the subscribers and the people who comment! :D

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My best friend's brother is finished! thank you for everything!


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Chapter 11: fluffy ... I like it..
richan24 #2
Chapter 3: it made me laugh!
bebwonkyu #3
Chapter 1: Oh i love this.. Suho and Siwon as brother kekeke
Chapter 11: i love itt :)
Chapter 11: Thanx for giving them a nicely wrapped up happie ending ^_^
Its over I cant believe it
It was tooo goood^^ thanks
I was walking back and forth like Kyu while waiting for ur update and when u updated I wasn't here -_-'' but I want to say that this was a great story , I liked it from the first chapter and now I'm waiting for "pizza prince" ^_^
silverliquor #8
It was ended waiting for Pizza Prince..

You did a great job author-nim..
Keep writing..