
Three Love

Author POV

Luhan stayed at the guest bedroom. The next morning, Luhan started to do her job. She washed all clothes, swept the floor, cooked, etc, and the last, woke Sehun up. Slowly, Luhan opened the door. She came to Sehun's bed, then pulled the blanket. "Sehun, wake up!" She yelled at him. Slowly, Sehun woke up. "Oh, that's you......." Sehun said while rubbed his eyes. "You should take a bath now. I already cooked for you." Luhan said. Suddenly, Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand. "W-W-What?" Luhan felt nervous suddenly. "Let's go." Sehun said, then held Luhan's shoulders. Time showed at 7 a.m. Sehun and Luhan went to Venus Bakery. While Luhan already arrived at Venus Bakery, Baekhyun met Chanyeol on her way to Venus Bakery. "Annyeong, Baekhyun-ah ^^" Chanyeol greeted her. But, she kept quiet and applied her furious face. "What menu will we cook today?" Chanyeol asked. "I don't know! Don't ask me!" And..... Baekhyun left him. "Baekhyun-ah, wait for me!" Chanyeol chased Baekhyun who left him, and they arrived at Venus Bakery. "Chanyeol, what happened? Why were you so exhausted?" Luhan asked because she was worried. "No, i'm okay, noona~" Chanyeol said. Actually, Luhan felt suspicious, about Baekhyun and Chanyeol. "Ah, i bet Baekhyun still don't want to accept Chanyeol..." Luhan mumbled.

At night, Luhan asked Baekhyun and Chanyeol to go to Fruit and Vegetable Warehouse at Itaewon. "Can you go there?" Luhan asked. "Ne, onni~" So, both of them went there. "Excuse me, we are from Venus Bakery. We want to ask 3 kg of Strawberries and 3 kg of Bananas." Baekhyun told a worker. "Okay. Wait here." He said. That warehouse is so crowded. They waited for 2 hours, but no one came to them to give the strawberries and bananas. "Okay, if they didn't want to give me, i'll take it by myself!" Baekhyun was so unpatient. "Baekhyun, don't go there!" Chanyeol already warned her but..... she didn't want to listen to him. Baekhyun entered the freezer. "So cold....... and quiet." Baekhyun grumbled. She takes 3 kg of bananas and 3 kg of strawberries. But, when she want to go out from the freezer...... "Omona! The door is locked! I can't go out!! I'm here!!! Anybody, i'm here!! Chanyeol!!!! Chanyeol!!!!! When Chanyeol waited for Baekhyun, he saw many workers went home. So, he asked one of them. "Excuse me, did you see a girl with short hair and white shirt?" He shook his head. "Omona! Can you help me? I think my friend is trapped in the freezer!" "Okay! Let's check!" As fast as possible, Chanyeol and the worker ran to the freezer and opened the door using remote control. They saw Baekhyun was unconscious. "Baekhyun-ah! Baekhyun-ah!!!" Chanyeol tried to wake her up, but he can't, so he carried Baekhyun in 'Bridal Style'. "Noona, noona!" Chanyeol called Luhan when he and Baekhyun arrived at Venus Bakery. "What is it, oppa? Omona, Baekhyun onni!!" Tao was shocked. "Chan, what happened with her?" Luhan was curious. "She was unpatient because nobody gave her the strawberries and bananas, so she entered the freezer by herself, and she trapped there." Chanyeol explained. "Omona..... let's take Baekhyun onni to her house." Tao said. So, they took Baekhyun to her house. Suddenly....... "Omona, i forgot! I have to go home now! Sorry guys!! Bye!" Luhan went home suddenly. "I bet because of Sehun oppa~" Tao said suddenly. "Kekekeke you know, Tao?" Chanyeol giggled. "Of course, oppa~ ^^" Suddenly (again), Tao got a call. "Yoboseyo, eomma? I have to go home now? Why? Omona, i forgot! Okay, i go now! Bye!" Tao got a call from her mother. "Oppa, i'm sorry, i have to go home now~ Today is my brother's birthday party! I'm must go home now~" So, Tao went home too. "So, it just me and you, Baekhyun-ah...." Chanyeol mumbled. He took the key from her bag. He opened the door and went in. "Such a girly room." Chanyeol mumbled. He laid down her on the bed, then covered her with a blanket. "Aish, i can't leave her like this. I must wait for her." So, Chanyeol decided to wait for Baekhyun.





Chapter 4! Well, kinda long chapter but i hope you like this Baekyeol chapter!! :)




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Seoul-Less #1
Chapter 9: Good luck with school! Cute chapter.
Arlene #2
Chapter 6: Chapter 4 omg poor Bacon
chapter 5 yay baekyeol made up
Chapter 6 Tao and Kris are going to be together
Your poster is daebak >.< I'm speechless
satyateru #4
I hope you will complete next chap fast, keep writing author!!
HunHaaaan~! :)
Arlene #6
Damn I hope it not hell for two months
Such a cute story :3
Arlene #8
Omg luhan you almost got hit by a car