Chapter 11



Isn't that Luhan?” Kai asked.


You guys go ahead first. I'll catch up with you later, okay?”


Ok, but why-”


Let's go find Kyungsoo and Baekkie” Chanyeol seemed to have read my mind and dragged Kai away from his spot. I breathed a sigh of relief. Yeah, totally not suspicious. AT ALL.


You pant left pant this behind” Luhan pulled out the oh-so-familiar wind necklace from his pocket. What? I felt my back pocket, noticing that it was empty. Oh...


Thanks” I snatched away the necklace and stormed off, not looking at him for more than a mere second. Phew... That was close. Oh Sehun, never ever EVER be that careless,what if you lost it a second time and in turn, a weird pedo-ish ahjusshi takes it? Well, at least that would be better than Luhan... I guess?


Wait... What's your name? How did you get that necklace?” I felt a firm grip on my wrist. I struggled to for him to release me, but to no avail. Annoyed, I turned around.


Why do you care? I have to go now” Worming my arm out of his grasp, I ran full speed to the bubble tea store.


Sehun, just in time. It's your turn to order” Kai pushed me in front of the line, who honestly didn't give a damn since they were made up of screaming fangirls.


H-Hello, w-welcome to E-Exotic Bubble T-Tea Store, how may I h-help you?” A girl behind the counter asked. She had brown, curly hair and wore pink specs.


1 Chocolate bubble tea”


O-Okay, coming right u-up” She held my drink clumsily, fumbling over it occasionally. Oh ... No...




In a second, I was covered in chocolate bubble tea. Just my luck...


What's going on in here? The line is being held up-” An old-looking teenager came beside me.


N-Nothing, J-Joonmyun Hyung” The girl said and apologised to me silently.


Damn, you ruined my clothes”


Sorry, here, let me help you” He passed some tissue paper to me, wiping the liquid off the floor.


Suho, why are you taking so long?” A familiar voice rang through the air. Not him again...


Sorry about that. Here, have a new cup” The smiling Suho passed a new drink to me.


Give it” I grabbed the new cup of bubble tea and walked towards Kai's table, clearly pissed.


Woah, what happened to your shirt?”


I don't wanna talk about it anymore” I slipped on a jacket as they continued with their conversation.


So, did you see Luhan today?”


Nahh, I've never seen him the whole week” Baekhyun replied, earning a smack on the head by Chanyeol.


Actually, I saw him yesterday, at the school opposite ours. I waved to him but he didn't seem to notice me...” Kyungsoo pouted, making Kai go 'Awww...' and pecking him on the cheek.


Yuck, PDA much?” I rolled my eyes at the sight.


Why? Wish you could do this with Luhan?” *COUGH* *COUGH* I accidentally choked on a starch pearl. Aish. It's really not my day today. I slammed the cup on the table, getting up.


Hey... Why so serious? Chill...”


I'm leaving” I starred daggers at Jongin, making Kyungsoo's eyes go O__O again. On my way out of the door, I bumped into someone.


Sorry...” I mumbled under my breath but before I knew it, I was being dragged out into an alley by the figure.

Sorry for the late update, I had exams all week Orz. Okay, maybe not all week but still... Yeah. Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was more of a filler since someone didn't give me enough time to update *cough Sofia cough*

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will u continue this, Author-sshi??
Hilalabdi007 #2
Chapter 12: OMO!!! What happened?
Please update soon okey?
Thank you
Chapter 12: What happened!!!!!! I gotz to know!!!!!!!!! Update soon ^^
ExoticJongkey #4
Chapter 12: i dont understand your story:(
Chapter 12: OMG WHAT THE F**K HAPPEN???
Update soon
ExoticJongkey #6
Chapter 11: If it werent for me, you wouldnt have updated *wink wink*
Chapter 11: What happen? How come Luhan don't remember Sehun?
Update soon
Update soon
LuHan.. come back