Thread 11 – Knight in a shining armour

Accidentally Fated




Previously on AF

One of the things that you should note about Jessica : her ability to shut everything in the whole world and to live in her own musical dimension.


“What are you doing here? You are setting a bad example to the school,” one student yelled.


“Now, I need to go somewhere. Eat together both of you, or your hours won’t count.”


The moment they arrived at the canteen, Sooyoung and Taeyeon had already made their way to the front of the crowd. As they got a clearer view, both stopped. Taeyeon was speechless by what was happening in front of her. She had never seen a Royalty disaster as bad as this.


“Sunny, look at the mess that you had made.”






Tiffany walked happily towards Seohyun who was standing in front of her class. As promised, Seohyun had waited for Tiffany to update her on her task.

“Unnie, how is your first day of school?” Seohyun asked.

“Fun,” Tiffany smiled. “How about yours?”

“Really good unnie. I learned a lot of new things today.” Seohyun said, excited.

“Good for you. How about the task that I told you to do? What information did you manage to dig out?”

“Not much unnie. I only know that Jessica is an introvert who does not have any friends. No one knows her family background, her hobby. She didn’t join any school club or any other school activity. She is practically invisible in this school.”

“Hmm.. I see,” Tiffany mumbled.

“But unnie, why do you need me to stalk her. You could just ask Leeteuk oppa about her background and story right.”

“Leeteuk did not want to help me this time round. I don’t even know why.”




“Leetuk! Where is Jessica Jung’s fate book,” Tiffany said as she made her way straight to the ‘fate shelves’.

“Eh, Fany,” Leetuk stopped Tiffany before she could advance to the ‘J’ row.

“Why? I have the authority to see it right?” Tiffany questioned.

“Not this time. I know you are going to earth. And I know you planned on messing with this Jessica Jung’s life. So no, this time I won’t let you see.”

“Since when you become so thrifty, Leetuk?” Tiffany said as she folded her arms.

“Since you decided to play around with human’s life.”

“Okay. If you don’t let me, I still have other methods.”

Tiffany turned to leave. But before doing so, she decided to give one last comment to Leeteuk.

“I am not trying to play around with Jessica Jung’s life. I just find that it is so unfair for a person not having anyone that loves her. And it is already for so many generations. I thought that we, angels, are not cruel creatures, of course with exception of LD department.”

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“I just want her to at least feel that ecstatic feeling of being in love and being loved back. That pounding of your heart when that someone holds your hand. How it means the whole world to hear that someone call your name.”

Tiffany faced lightened up.

“Even if it did not last forever.”

Tiffany headed for the door.


Tiffany stopped on her track.

“Be careful okay.”


Back to the present


“So you know where did she go to?”

“I follow her just now to that direction. I think she went to the school roof.” Seohyun pointed to the dark corridor ahead of them. “I ask my friend just now.”

“Okay then, you could go and ‘pretend’ to eat. I will be heading to the canteen soon.”

Tiffany then headed towards the direction as said by Seohyun. She walked passed a corridor with little lighting and a lot of old tables and chairs stacked on the sides of the corridor. Tiffany guessed it was a temporary warehouse for the students. As she walked further in, she finally spotted the staircase for the roof. It was not really a staircase though, it was more of an iron ladder, painted in black, that allows one to climb up into the roof.

Tiffany cautiously climbed up. Not that she would get injured from the fall, but she did not want to make unnecessary noise that could expose her presence.

Finally, she reached the end of the ladder. She noticed the door, unlocked. She slowly pushed the door, just aiming for a small opening to see the roof. She did not want to disturb Jessica. She was now stalking.

Tiffany squinted her eyes as rays of light beamed through that small opening. After a few moments of adjustment, Tiffany brought herself closer to the opening, letting her eyes saw what was outside.

Slightly further away from her, she could see a figure sitting on a black foldable chair. She was most probably sleeping as she laid there motionless. Her legs were propped up on a long bench, most probably taken from the dark corridor that Tiffany just passed. Tiffany did not even want to know how Jessica had the power to bring that heavy wooden bench up. Just maybe, Jessica Jung had some superpower.


With all the ‘supernatural’ fact that has came to life, I think having superpower is highly plausible.


Jessica Jung slept with her face facing the sky. To block the bright sunlight, she had placed her small notebook covering her eyes.

This time, Tiffany had carefully made her observation on Jessica Jung - after her failed attempt that other time. Tiffany was slightly startled as Jessica sat up straight so suddenly, while picking the notebook that was previously fashioning her face. Jessica hastily took out the pen inside her pocket and started jotting down some words into her notebook. Jessica’s face was full of excitement and joy such that Tiffany almost could not recognise her.

Tiffany had seen Jessica’s serene face. She had also seen Jessica’s cold expressionless face. But this was the only time she had ever seen Jessica alive.

Suddenly, Tiffany could feel something vibrating from her skirt’s pocket. She cursed at her phone for ruining her stalking moment. She let the door closed and with one hand holding the ladder, she pulled out her phone. There was an alert, telling Tiffany that Yoona and Yuri did not spend their lunch together.

“These two always annoy me,” she complained.


How did Seohyun do that?! Creating an alert to warn Tiffany. We can expect something great coming from her.


“But I think I have enough intel for today,” Tiffany said as she headed to the canteen.


Moments before Tiffany closed the door.


Jessica who had just awakened from her nap felt energized. Honestly, she was not  even asleep. She was in between her waking up and sleeping state, and in that state she felt the most secure and comfortable. She could hear the sound of her surroundings, feel the occasional cold breeze, and the warmth that the sunlight contributed. And the best part was, it was also the state where she could think the clearest.

As she got the latest inspiration and a new song line for the song that she was composing from this dream-like state, she woke up, quickly writing everything down, fearing that she might forgot them. She read a few lines of the song she wrote. She was rather surprised of her own decision of writing that song. She could not pinpoint how she got the inspiration. It was just sort of her feeling and emotion at the moment.

Jessica could feel a pair of eyes watching her. It was human instinct, a really fundamental realisation that every human would have. And there was only one place that such spying could happen from.

She turned towards the direction of the door. She saw no one. The door was perfectly closed.

“Maybe I need more sleep,” she said to herself, completely shushing the thought as she laid back to continue her nap.


Of course she did not know that Tiffany had just been there.


Outside S.M. Herald Office


“Sunny-ah, Taeyeon told me to tell you to meet her during this lunch period,” Hyomin spoke.

“For what? Did she tell you what she wanted to say?” Sunny said, still focusing her attention on her printed article on hand.

Sunny always preferred editing their newspaper article outside of her office. She felt restrained and contained in that small room. She could think clearer, and breathe better standing outside although the view in front of the office was not satisfactory – it was stacks of old tables and chairs placed messily.

“No. But I think you better go,” Hyomin advised.

“No I don’t and I won’t” Sunny replied cold.

“Sunny, I think you should,” Hyomin shifted her position, trying to get Sunny’s attention.

“Why?” Sunny said, still indifferent.

“You still liked her, don’t you?”

Sunny suddenly stopped. She turned her gaze towards Hyomin and sighed.

“It is that obvious, huh?”

Hyomin nodded.

“Then how about you?” Sunny inquired.

“I’ll be fine. I have always been.” Hyomin replied, giving a plain smile.

“You are always too kind Hyomin,” Sunny said, tousling Hyomin’s hair.

“But really, thanks for understanding,” Sunny looked Hyomin in the eyes, “It really does hurt, hating someone you love.”

Sound of footsteps, which was initially faint, started getting clearer and clearer. As the both of them turned towards the source of the sound, they saw a short-haired girl, nodding her head slightly towards Hyomin’s direction before giving Sunny a smile.

She stopped on her track as she asked them the direction.

“May I ask where the canteen is?” Tiffany asked.

“Just walked straight then turn right, you will see a sign. Just follow it then,” Sunny pointed.

“Thank you. By the way, I am Tiffany, you must be Sunny,” Tiffany offered her hand.

Sunny and Tiffany shook hands.

“And this is...” Tiffany continued.

“I am Hyomin,” Hyomin said shyly.

“I had heard about you guys from my friends. I am a new student here.”

“Welcome to the school then,” Sunny said.

“Thank you. Now if you excuse me, I have some urgent matter in the canteen. Bye, see you later,” Tiffany said as she took her leave, flashing a rather excited grin towards their direction.


In the canteen


Yoona and Yuri have planned to eat lunch together, but of course that was before they sensed the hostility in the canteen. As soon as they set their feet on the canteen, the students had been quiet. They tried to look around for familiar faces, Sooyoung and Taeyeon, but they guessed they had been busy plotting methods to solve this seemingly to be direr situation.

So they decided to just eat separately in their own spot.


Of course that was before Tiffany comes to the scene.


“What are you doing?” Tiffany yelled to Yuri, maintaining her voice so that she would not make a scene.

Without waiting for another explanation from Yuri, Tiffany had already dragged Yuri halfway towards Yoona’s eating spot.

Yoona who was focussing on her food was totally oblivious of the situation until she saw Tiffany plopping herself beside her with Yuri on her side.

“What....” was the only word Yoona could say.

“Since the two of you really hated each other to just sit down and have a civilised meal with each other, now with me sitting in the middle, it would be fine right,” Tiffany said.

“Tiffany, you don’t understand.”

And before Yoona complete her sentence, the food throwing started.

“What is this?” Tiffany said as she lower herself, hands on her head.

“This is what we had been trying to tell you,” Yuri said as she avoided the flying chicken wing, “don’t underestimate the power of teenagers.”

“What should we do now?” Yoona questioned, bringing herself lower while taking the food tray as shield.

“Sneak away,” Tiffany said as she crawled under the table.

But before anyone could follow her, she had disappeared into the thin air.

“Okay, that’s not helping at all,” Yuri said, commenting on Tiffany’s leave.

Both of them were now just on the same level as their table, trying to avoid food that was thrown to them.

“Give me the tray. We need to save the royalty’s face.”

Yuri started standing up with tray on her hand.

“And you just stay behind me. Couldn’t let that pretty face of yours get dirty,” Yuri said sarcastically.

Yuri stood straight up, trying to protect both of them from the still flying food while Yoona stood behind Yuri, this time letting Yuri do what she did best – scolding people.

“Okay, everyone calm down,” Yuri yelled.

The room turned quiet. It seemed that Yuri’s attempt was working.

“Tell me what we did wrong to deserve this treatment,” Yuri fumed, clearly angry.

The room was startled by the sudden burst of anger from Yuri. Even Yoona never saw Yuri this angry before.

But one brave fellow replied.

“Both of you are dating.”

Yuri chuckled at the nonsensical reason.

“So what’s wrong with that?” Yuri returned.

The chattering started in between the crowd that had formed in front of them. With that answer, Yuri might have just implied that she was really dating Yoona.

The rather infuriated Yoona whispered from behind her.

“We are not dating, how could you say that?”

“Just let me handle this. This is called retaliating.” Yuri replied.

But before Yuri could continue her another round of anger burst, Yoona had already stepped in front. Apparently she still wanted to maintain her image.

“Hey, it is not true, Yuri and I are not dating. How could we be dating right?” Yoona gave a rather stiff laugh.

“Then what is the evidence?”

Yoona fell silent.


It is one of Yoona’s bad habit – do, then think.


“I told you already, just stand behind me,” Yuri scolded.

Then without delay or warning, the food started flying again.

Although Yuri was quick on her feet, she still missed the timing in shielding herself and Yoona. Some red coloured liquid with ice and a slice of lemon hit her head and the splash went to Yoona.

Yuri’s head was soaked from the liquid. And despite her anger previously, she forced herself to forget that anger and think of a way to escape.

With one hand still on the tray, she popped her head a little from the tray shield, looking for any opening, or gap to escape to. Then she saw Taeyeon, standing among the crowd with the jangshin Sooyoung towering her just behind. And of course the blond short hair Sunny just beside Taeyeon.

Yuri gave Taeyeon a look, which Taeyeon at first did not comprehend but later she nodded. Yuri grabbed Yoona’s hand by force and gave her a few commands.

“Listen, when I pulled your hand, just run okay. Taeyeon will handle everything for us.”

Yoona nodded.

Yuri shifted her focus back on Taeyeon who was now standing just beside the fire alarm. With a nod by Yuri, Taeyeon pull the plunger hard, causing the school fire alarm to ring. Students, upon hearing the alarm started scrambling around, totally overcame by the new panic. As the path started to clear up, Yuri tugged on Yoona’s hand.

“Run,” Yuri said, as she threw away the tray to the table.

Running past Taeyeon, Taeyeon yelled to them to go directly to the Royalty Room.

Still holding Yoona’s hand, Yuri pulled Yoona and sprinted to the mentioned room.

Yoona firstly hesitant, but she later held Yuri’s hand back. Indeed, Yuri is the person that Yoona hated the most but now, for Yoona, Yuri is the closest one to her knight in a shining armor.


A/N: It is almost 12 here, and hence, I am wishing everyone Merry Christmas!!! I know I promise to post this earlier but i have been busy with life and stuff. Starting this chapter you could see things escalating. I hope you guys get as excited as I am as to how this story is going to go. I am going to try and push for another chapter before New Year as a new year gift as well as Soshi comeback gift!! Talking about comeback, have you guys watched Dancing Queen Music Video!!! I was getting overly excited over Soshi comeback and the concept looks awesome!!! Okay, sorry for the rant. LOL. lastly thanks everyone for reading, previous readers and new ones!! Remember... Soshi comeback!! Soshi Daebak!!! (If you don't know what this line is referring to watch this            [ENG SUB] 1080p HD 121222 SNSD TaeTiSeo - Soshi Comeback Daebak @ MC         ). Thanks thanks!!!

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Finish replies for today! Thanks for all the people who commented! And for those who haven't, it's still not too late lol


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Chapter 17: i know it's been years since the last update so i wont hope anymore, but i really enjoyed reading this!
blueblirp #2
oh huge
zellyoon #3
Hey author I just read your fic and it awesome I really don't know if you will still update it but u will bec u should at least finish what u started he he
Autor actualiza.......... update author-shi....!!!
Chapter 17: You need to continue this fic authorshi.. This is too good to just be left hanging you know......

There's a lot of things still needed closure and happy endings..
Chapter 17: Aww i miss your stroy...why the sudden hiatus? :'c
Passing by... I really miss this story.. ❤
Chapter 17: Well i'm doing ma BEST at ENCOURAGING GREAT WRITERZ with ma SUPER DUPER COMMENTS! ;D
OMG Tiff got a RICH AZZ JESSI to FALL IN LOVE with! I can FEEL it, JeTi are having already some tiny FEELINGS >~<
I knew only that SUPER GURL Hyo can SURPASS Yoona's dancing skillz ;D
Can't wait for all ma ACE BIATCHEZ to LOVE each other ^O^

Make sure your writer's block will find someone else to annoy XD
JoMaJo #9
great plot ^^
jasminelep #10
Chapter 17: Okay caught up with the story. Woo Hyoyeon! Do I sense some oncoming HyoYoung? But what about the royalty thing? Haha