The Candy Shop

The Adventures of You and Lulu



The sunset mural on the side of the candy shop. Apparently Luhan’s unicorn still didn’t know how to land, so you all crashed into the wall.

“OWWWW gege! I cut my finger!”

“Noooo!” he yelled because out of nowhere a blonde, curly haired vampire popped out and tried to attack you! Luhan yelled out his best Bruce Lee impression and waved his arms wildly like the karate moves he saw in movies. Meanwhile, Lay the unicorn suddenly turned back into his human form of Yixing to help.

“Let’s dance!” whispered Yixing dangerously. He then proceeded to…bust a move. Luhan joined in and they both brought out their best moves and even resorted to gyrating, crumping, and shuffling. The Jasper-like vampire totally didn’t see the swaggeriffic dance moves coming so he retreated in shock. Yixing added in an extra pelvic for good measure.

You couldn’t believe any of this, but you were happy that you were safe! Luhan ran back to your side and hugged you tightly to his chest.

“I’ll never leave you,” he said gently while your hair. You felt like your heart was melting and buried your face into his chest. You stayed in his embrace for what seemed like an eternity until an anxious Yixing snapped you guys out of it.

“Guys! I’m late for my shift!”


When you actually got to the candy shop it was unlike anything you could have expected. In fact, it was wonderful. The shop was all colors of the rainbow and there were shelves everywhere filled with all candies of the world. In here, you could literally taste the rainbow. It felt like being a kid again and you couldn’t resist going on a candy rampage…Reese’s, M&M’s, Hi-chew, Taffy, etc all went into your baskets and 5 minutes later you had already filled up 2.

It was all good until you noticed that weird worker( who looked like Kris?) rapping to the kids “Everybody now behold, something you ain’t seen before, its golden brown, yes this candy is what you waiting for! Chew like a buffalo! Whoops they already know, I hope you eat this caramel cuz it’s too good to ignore!

The kids just stared at him like he was crazy and were about to leave when Yixing came flying out of the back room in a flurry of pink sparkles.

“WAITTTTTT!!!!! Don’t leave! Look this is our new candy!” He pulled out a sparkly purple unicorn shaped candy to show to the gawking kids.

“It’s called SparkleUnicornSugarSmashDelite™! This is completely new! All of them are in the shape of a unicorn and taste like fresh strawberries picked in Grandma’s backyard mixed with the texture of a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie, and last of all mixed with ****MAGIC***! Please buy some before you leave!” You had to admit, it was pretty convincing so you bought some too.

Luhan was estactic that you liked the shop and candy because apparently he liked it too. You guys had already eaten a whole bag and he was trying to feed you some. You shivered when his slender fingers touched your lips and you yearned to kiss him. But, that would be weird since you two had only met today...maybe next time, you thought.

Your eyes wandered and as you looked around you noticed more of Luhan’s friends in the store. Chanyeol was smiling creepily at the kids as they left, reminding them to “Come again next time”. Baekhyun and D.O were helping some kids around the store. Kai was dancing with Sehun and the other guys were probably off somewhere else…

“Luhan! Do all your friends work here?” you inquired.

“Yeah! Isn’t it great?” he chuckled. He absentmindedly wrapped his arm around your shoulders and you leaned against his shoulder like it was the most natural thing in the world.


A/N aiyah short chap but I got some more lovey-dovey material coming soon! I’m sorry for updating slowly :’O

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nycbean #2
Chapter 8: I was laughing so hard I almost choked!!!!!!!! That was hilarious!!!! made my morning!
Chapter 7: ‘OH YU SO NASSSTY’ playlist <- that killed me omg *can't breathe* EYK !
please update soon :D
nycbean #6
I. Can't. Even... Whoa. Niiiiiiiiiice Kyungsoo^^
Best love story ever!
@kpoplove2012 haha ikr unicorns are awesome! @NiraYoonYul Aww thank you! :D All you guises comments make me feel so happy and want to rlab!