Chapter 6

Untitled Yewook Story (On Hold)


*Yesung's POV*
I rolled down the window. I saw Ryeowook leaning against a car. I couldn't stop my self from checking him out and I think I made it obvious. 
'His legs look really y in those jeans.'
I quickly looked away as I realized what I was thinking.
'Man, I really need to hook up with a girl. I'm already starting to go crazy.'
"Like what you see? I picked his outfit out myself." A guy that was standing next to Ryeowook said.
'Is that his brother, Leeteuk?'
The guy walked up to my car and started talking again.
"Hello, you must be Yesung. I'm Ryeowook's friend, Lee Hyukjae, but call me Eunhyuk. We talked on the phone yesterday when you called us.
'That's why his voice sounds familiar.'
"Its nice to meet you, Eunhyuk."
"Its nice to finaly meet you too, Yesung. Wookie talks about you non-stop."
'Wookie?? That sounds like the name of a puppy. Wait..he talks about me to his friends?'
"Eunhyuk!" Ryeowook yelled at him as he slapped his shoulder. I laughed silently at him.
"What? Its true!"
"I m-might h-have m-m-m-mentioned y-you o-once or t-t-twice."
Eunhyuk opened the door passanger door and pushed Ryeowook in so he fell against me.
"I think you guys make such a great couple. Have fun on your date! And most importantly use protection!" he said, winking at me, as he closed the door and walked back to his car to drive away. 
As we started driving to my house, Ryeowook began apologizing.
"I'm so sorry about Eunhyuk he had too much sugar today. He always starts talking nonsense when he has too much sugar."
"Can I call you Wookie too? I mean, if you're okay with it."
"Yeah, if you want."
"I do, its so cute!"
'Cute!? What am I saying. Well he is cute, like little brother cute.'
"You-you, think its c-cute?"
"Yeah, it sounds like the name of a cute little puppy."
"I'm not a puppy."
"You're cute like one. And by the way, you look nice today." I said as I pinched his cheek.
He looked away out the window blushing like always.
'Aww, he's so shy.'
We got out of the car and into the building. We stepped into the elevator and the there was a girl about our age, texting and listening to music through her headphones. Next to her was a little girl. While in the elevator, I was standing pretty close to Wookie and noticed his cologne.
'He smells like strawberries. Yumm... '
I was feeling bored and decided to because he's so shy. I leaned in close to his ear to whisper seductively to him.
"You smell like strawberries... I like it."
I made sure to blow in his ear a little before I pulled away.
He shivered and I started laughing so hard.
"Don't ever do that again. Its not funny!" He said, pouting at me.
His pout just made me laugh even harder because of it's cuteness. I stopped laughing when I felt someone pulling at my shirt. I noticed the little girl staring at me.
"Hey Oppa?"
"I think your boyfriend is really pretty!"
I decided to go along with it.
"Yes, yes he is. He's the prettiest boyfriend in the world. We're so in love!" I said as I put my arm around Wookie.
"Go along with it." I whispered to him, so she didn't hear.
"Aren't we, honey."
"Uh, uh, of course, s-s-sweetie."
"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The little girl cheered to us.
'Umm... I was not expecting her to say THAT...'
"Sorry, but my honey is really shy in front of other people, so he won't kiss me in public."
"Oh okay, I understand."
"When we get married, we'll invite you to the wedding. You can help him pick out the dress too. Okay?"
"Yeah! I can't wait!"
"Me neither!" I said as I pulled Wookie even closer.
'Aww, this is why I love little kids!'
Just then, the elevator doors opened. Wookie quickly walked out and so did I.
"Finaly we're out of there!" 
"Oh calm down Wookie, she was so cute!"
"Whatever, let's just go in."
"Alright, alright."
I unlocked the door and we walked in. Wookie went straight to the piano and begain playing. I went into the kitchen to prepare dinner for us. I had decided earlier on some classic spaghetti and meatballs. I had made the meatballs earlier and they were in the frige. Now, all thats left is the spaghetti. I got out everything and started cooking. When I was done I set the dining table and made a light side salad. When everything was completely ready, I went to go get Wookie. I came and shook him, knowing that calling him was useless. This time, he wasn't as startled.
"Is something wrong Yesung?"
"No, but I made dinner so lets go eat."
"Oh no, I'm eating at home with Leeteuk."
'He's being so difficult right now.'
"I made plenty, you can just take some home for Leeteuk."
"I don't know.."
"Well I do know, so let's go eat." I said as I pulled him into the dining area. We sat down and began to eat.
"Wow, this is delicious. How can something as simple as spaghetti and meatballs be so tasty?"
"That's because I made it."
"Well someone's full of himself."
"I'm just stating the truth, that's all."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"Hey! You're the one that said it was delicious."
"I know, and it is."
"I'm glad you like it."
"I don't like it, I love it."
I looked up from my plate when he said that. We stared into each other's eyes for about 10 seconds before we looked down and started eating again. 
'Woah, what that? It was nothing, nothing at all.'
When we were done eating, we cleared the table and put the dishes in the sink. I put some spaghetti and meatballs and the side salad on a plastic plate and covered it with clear wrap to put in the frige. That was for Wookie to take home for his brother. From my peripheral vision, I noticed him walk back into the kitchen.
'What's he up to now?'
"Something wrong, Wookie?"
"No, nothing. I'm just gonna wash these dishes since you cooked."
'Pshh, like I'm gonna let him do the dishes.'
He was going to turn on the water as I slapped his hands away.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
"You're not washing the dishes, I am."
"You cooked so i need to do something too."
'So difficult.'
"No one will wash the dishes, okay? Let's just put it in the dishwasher?"
We put the dishes in and turned it on. Ryeowook went back to the piano. I went to my room and got his shirt and my keys. i also threw on a jacket. Then I went back to the living room and told Ryeowook what time it was.
"Look at the time."
Ryeowook looked up and his eyes instantly went wide.
"Its already 11:30! I gotta go!"
"Yeah, I know. Lets go."
We walked out went to the elevator. This time we were alone, and no one said a word. As the doors opened we went out and to the exit. The moment we stepped out I could feel the wind blowing harshly.
'Good thing I brought a jacket...'
I looked over at Ryeowook, who was shivering.
'...But this idiot didn't. for him.'
I took my time opening the car on purpose. Once it opened, he eagerly jumped in, and that made me laugh.
"Don't laugh at me." He said as I started the car.
"Its not my fault you're funny."
He turned to the window and stared out. When we arrived he thanked me for everything and took the plate and bag. He walked out and shivered. I sighed as I watched him.
'Now I feel bad. I should give him my jacket.'
*Ryeowook's POV*
I walked out of Yesung's car and instantly wanted to get back in it.
'It fricken cold!!'
Suddenly I heard a car door open. I turned around to see Yesung standing behind me with his jacket in his hand. He shoved it towards me.
"Take it, its cold outside."
"Take it."
"Take it"
'Its so tempting...'
"Bye then."
He was about to get in his car, but I stopped him.
"What's wrong."
"Nothing, I just wanted to than you. For the jacket, I'll bring it back tomorow."
"Its no problem. Keep it. It goes well with the shirt I gave you."
"Are you sure you don't want it back?"
"Yes, now go. That jacket is light so you might catch a cold if you don't hurry home."
"See you tomorow."
He got in his car and drove away. I walked quietly and thought about what happened in the elevator.
'That was just so weird. It felt like I was being electrocuted. Gah! I think I just need to sleep it off.'
Once I got to the door and rang the doorbell, Leeteuk answered the door right away. 
"Hey bro! Is that for me?" He said, pointing to the plate of food. 
He took the plate and we went into the kitchen to warm it up in the microwave. As it was heating up, Leetuek turned to me with a soft look on his face.
"Ryeowook you know you don't have to hide things from me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Don't act like you don't know. Hyukkie told me about how Yesung is now your boyfriend. At first I didn't believe him but now seeing how you dressed up and even wore some makeup... it just.. it just would've been nice to hear it directly from you. I'm your hyung and you can trust me. I love you and will never judge you. I don't care if you like guys, actualy I think I might be gay too."
'WHAT?!?! He thinks Yesung is my boyfriend?!?! I'm gonna kill Hyuk! Stupid monkey!!!'
'Wait... He's gay? Well at least maybe then he'll notice Kangin's love for him.'
"Hyung I'm not gay, and Yesung is not my boyfriend. If all this was true I would tell you right away, and that stupid monkey belongs in a zoo for telling you lies. He's just imagining stuff. And if you're gay that's cool. You know Kangin likes you right?"
"Really he likes me back?" Leeteuk said excitedly then blushed and tried to cover his face.
'Wow! Out of all that I just said that's the only words he heard! Someone's in love.'
"Yay!" He yelled as he started jumping up and down and squaling.
The microwave went off and he went back to his calm self like he didn't just jump around like a teenage girl who found out her crush liked her back. He took the food out and started eating.
"Anyways... so if Eunhyuk was lying, why are you so dressed up? This is a nice jacket, I haven't seen Hyuk wearing it before. Is it new?"
"Umm... Its not his... Its Yesung's." I said while blushing.
"Why did he give you his jacket and why are you blushing?"
"He dropped me off by Heechul's and it was cold and I didn't have a jacket so he gave me his... and I'm not blushing!"
"Yes you are!"
"Admit you like him."
'Teukkie you are just like that monkey!'
"I don't like him!"
"You're so stubborn! I know you better than anyone and I can see clearly you like this guy. One of these days you'll admit it! I'm going to sleep now, good night!" He said as he went into our room.
'Gah! Why don't they believe me?'
Some Info: I know I haven't updated in like forever and I'm very sorry, but I got nothing on this story. Its literaly going nowhere! This chapter is so boring! BTW, I'll be working on another story too, so I'll be busy with that, though it will probably be a fail like this one. Anyways... comment, subscribe, eat a banana, its up to you!! :)
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I'll post on Saturday. I can't post earlier than that. :(


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KokoaLoV #2
Oh yeah~ Yesung is going to the party!! Hyuk is the best ha ha all that he said to make Yesung say yes!! I can't wait for the party! Update soon!^^
YES! yesung is going to party with ryeowook. that's cute
Kangteuk ♥
Yewook ♥
Now we need Eunhae & Kyumin :D
AWWWWWWWWW to adorable!!!! :)
yes kangteuk is gona happen now all we need is Yewook :) :)
update soon!!!!!^^
mouj05 #6
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, its too short! i love your story, please update soon. thank you.
KokoaLoV #7
Yeah go go Kangin confess to Leeteuk!! :D
ha ha so everyone is going to meet Yesung!! I can't wait to see that!!
Update soon!^^
update soon! alskdfj ohohohoho yeye
ppiinng #9
Lol scolding the birds.u are weirdo.Kim jong woon.
turtleyeye #10
Please update soon