Chapter 4

Untitled Yewook Story (On Hold)

A couple of minutes passed and Ryeowook noticed a black Mercedes coming into the parking lot.

'Could that be him?'

The car stopped in front of him and the window slid down to reveal a smiling Yesung.

"Hey Ryeowook get in."


Ryeowook climbed into the car. They drove silently. Yesung decided to break the akward silence.

"So umm how was work?"

"Good I g-guess."


'Well that was a total fail at a conversation.'

They drove the rest of the way without a word. As they walked throught the door, whatever akwardness there was seemed to disappear. Ryeowook once again stood and stared at the piano.


"Are you sure it's okay that I'm here?"

"Yeah Yeah just go."

Ryeowook sat down and began playing. Yesung tried his best not to stare, but failed. 

'So pretty.. wait WHAT!?'

'The song, the song that he's playing is really pretty, thats all.'

'I should go make him some tea or something.'

Yesung quickly walked into the kitchen and made them some tea. He also took out some cookies he had made for lunch. He took two chairs and put them in front of his window. He walked back and got the cups and plate of cookies. He put them on the window sill, this way the tea will get cooler faster and the view was nice. 

Ryeowook was lost in his own world, and didn't hear Yesung calling him.


No answer.


Again, no answer.

Yesung walked to Ryeowook and put a hand on his shoulder to shake him. Ryeowook squealed at the sudden contact and almost fell of the bench. Luckily, Yesung caught him right on time. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was calling you, but you didn't answer."

'Nice going Ryeowook, the guy was nice enough to let you come here and you just ignore him.' He scolded himself in his head.

"I'm so sorry! I was just too into it and didn't notice. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, no need to apologize. Come on, I made some tea." 

Yesung led him to the window and they sat down. Ryewook looked at down at the cookies.

"Don't be shy, take one."

Ryewook blushed and took a cookie. He bit it and moaned at the deliciousness. Yesung felt his stomach flip when he heard that.

'Why is he making me feel weird? Hmm.. I probably just want a cookie too.'

He also took a cookie from the plate and ate it. As he was eating, Ryeowook started talking.

"Wow! These cookies are really good. Where did you get them?"

"I'm glad you like them. I made them myself."

"Really? Wow, you're so amazing!" Ryeowook looked away with a blushing face as he realized what he said.

"I meant they're so amazing, the cookies"

"Thanks. I enjoy baking and cooking, a friend of mine owns a bakery so he gave me some of his recepies."

"Thats cool."

They sat silently and looked out the window. The night was pretty. Ryeowook got thirsty and grabbed his cup of tea. He was too lost in the sight of the city that he didn't hear Yesung say something to him as he lifted the cup to his lips.

"Be careful it's still---"

His words were cut off when Ryeowook squealed once again, this time because the tea burned his mouth. He jumped slightly on the chair and spilled some of the tea on his shirt. 

Yesung couldn't help but laugh at Ryeowook's clumsiness.

'Great now he's laughing at me, I'm so stupid.' Ryeowook scolded himself again.

Yesung stopped laughing after a while.

"Sorry, it was just so funny, I'll go get some napkins."

Yesung rushed to the kitchen for some napkins. He handed him to Ryeowook, who took them and started wiping the spot on his shirt. 

'He needs another shirt'

With that thought, Yesung disappeared into his bedroom to retrieve a shirt from his closet. He spotted his favorite shirt.

'Ryeowook would look good in that. No not like that, I mean that shirt is kinda tight on me, so since he's smaller than me it would fit him better that my other shirts.'

He grabbed the shirt and went back into the living room.

"Here, you should change into this shirt"

"No, its fine"

"No, its not fine. Your shirt is stained so change."


Ryeowook took his shirt and put the other one as quick as humanly possible. He was really shy.

'His shirt smells like roses.' He thought when he sniffed Yesung's shirt.

Yesung had left to the the kitchen to pour him some more tea and let him change. This time, he put several ice cubes, so the tea would cool even faster. When he came back he grabbed Ryeowook's shirt.

"What are you doing?"

"I'll go put it in the washer."

"No, I'll wash it at home." 

"Its fine, I got it."

Yesung tossed the shirt into the washer and turned it on. He sat back down on his chair next Reyowook. 

"Thank you so much, for everything, Jong-Woon."

"Its no problem and didn't I tell you not to call me that?"

"Umm, no you didn't."

"Oh, well, I'm telling you now."

"Okay then what should I call you?"


"Okay, Yesung." 

"Can I ask you something?"


"I wanted to ask you this since this morning. You have a really pretty voice, do you sing?"

Ryeowook blushed at the compliment.

"Sometimes, but not infront of other people"

Yesung wanted to hear him sing, but decided not to ask. 'I'll ask him later, when he feels more comfortable around me.'

"Can I ask you something too, Yesung?"


"I also wanted to ask you since this morning. I know its none of my business, but when i walked out of the elevator, I heard yelling coming from your door, did something happen?"

"Oh that was nothing. A bird flew in through the window."

"Oh, okay."

Suddenly Ryeowook's phone vibrated. He took his phone and saw who it was. He pressed "Talk".

'Who was those kind of phones nowadays, they're like ancient.'

"Hi Teukie Hyung."

'Who's "Teukie Hyung"?' Yesung frowned.

"Where are you? I called Eunhyuk, but he said you someone was picking you up. Is everything okay?"

'Oh man, I was supposed to be home before he got back from work so I could cook him something for dinner. Now I feel bad, my brother comes home, must be tired from work, and i'm here just chilling.'

"I'm at a friend's house. I'm sorry I lost track of time, I'll be home in a few minutes. There should be something in the refrigerator for you to warm up."

"I'm just glad you're okay, I was starting to get worried. Okay, I won't waste your minutes. Bye Wookie, love you."

"Love you too, bye."

"I'm sorry, my brother just got back from work, so I have to go."

For some unknown reason, Yesung felt relieved that "Teukie Hyung" was just his brother.

"Alright then, let's go."

They went down the elevator and left the building. They got into the car and Yesung started the car.

"Okay so put in the adress into the GPS."

'I won't give him my real adress, my apartment looks so cheap compared to his. He might not want to befriend the poor. I'll just give him the adress of Heechul's Petals, the flower shop a block away from where I live.'

Ryeowook typed in the adress and Yesung drove out of the parking lot.

"Hey I was gonna ask, why do you have such and old phone? Most people don't have those anymore."

"Uh.. I was too lazy to buy another one. This one works, so who cares?"

"Yeah that's true"

'Aww man, he noticed my phone. I was hoping he wouldn't notice'

A few minutes later, the GPS informed Yesung that they were at the right place.

"You live in a flower shop?"

"No, I just needed to be dropped of here."

"Don't you have to be home?"

"Yeah, so I gotta go." Ryeowook said, getting out of the car.



"You're coming tomorow right? Same time?"

"If its okay with you.."

"Yeah, you should come tomorow."

"Alright, I will."

Ryeowook got out of the car and Yesung drove away. He started walking to his apartment. Before he could knock on the door, it opened and he was greeted by a hug.


"Teukie Hyung, I can't breathe."

"Sorry, I just missed you. Did you eat already?"

"Not really.."

"It's a good thing I waited for you then. Let's go eat."

As they sat down to eat Leeteuk noticed something different about his brother.

"Hey were did you get that shirt?"

"Uh.. umm.. a friend let me borrow it."

"The one you were with today?"


"So tell me about your "friend"."

"He really is just a friend, he let me use his piano so that why I took so long." 

"Oh I see. Will you at least tell me his name?"

'Should I say Jong-Woon or Yesung? He said to call him Yesung so..'

"His name is Yesung. I'm going to his house tomorow too after work."

"Okay cool." 

They ate and talked for the rest of dinner. Ryeowook washed the dishes becuase Leeteuk was too tired from work. When Ryeowook was done he also went to bed.


*As Yesung was driving back home*

He was standing at a red light and started to think about tomorow.

'I'll get to see him tomorow again. I should ask him to stay and have dinner instead of just tea. Ryeowook is a nice guy and I have a feeling we'll be great friends.' Yesung smiled at that thought.

His smile was gone instantly as he witnessed white goo fall right on the window in front of the steering wheel. He saw the bird from this morning flying over his car. He opened the side window and grabbed the first thing he saw in his car, which was a small pack of gum. He stuck his arm and head out of the window and threw the pack of gum into the air thinking he could hit the bird. He was wrong about that. The gum fell back down and hit him right in the eye. He noticed the bird flying away.

"I'll get you next time, you stupid bird!"

The woman in the car behind him looked like he was some kind of loonatic. Yesung looked back at them.

"It was the Evil Bird, didn't you see him?"

" And this is why doing drugs is bad. " The woman whispered to her 9 year old son who was still staring at Yesung.

"Mommy, I promise, I will never, ever do drugs! Ever!" The boy said back to her.

At this time the light turned green and Yesung drove home, his whole day ruined because of the Evil Bird.

Some Info: Evil Bird came back.

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I'll post on Saturday. I can't post earlier than that. :(


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KokoaLoV #2
Oh yeah~ Yesung is going to the party!! Hyuk is the best ha ha all that he said to make Yesung say yes!! I can't wait for the party! Update soon!^^
YES! yesung is going to party with ryeowook. that's cute
Kangteuk ♥
Yewook ♥
Now we need Eunhae & Kyumin :D
AWWWWWWWWW to adorable!!!! :)
yes kangteuk is gona happen now all we need is Yewook :) :)
update soon!!!!!^^
mouj05 #6
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, its too short! i love your story, please update soon. thank you.
KokoaLoV #7
Yeah go go Kangin confess to Leeteuk!! :D
ha ha so everyone is going to meet Yesung!! I can't wait to see that!!
Update soon!^^
update soon! alskdfj ohohohoho yeye
ppiinng #9
Lol scolding the birds.u are weirdo.Kim jong woon.
turtleyeye #10
Please update soon