Chapter 5

Untitled Yewook Story (On Hold)

Yesung's POV

"Sungie wake up!" An sweet voice said as someone was shaking me to get up. 

'There's only one person that calls me that...'

"Huh? Lina?"  I said as my eyes slowly opened.

"Of course its me, silly. No get up, I don't wanna miss the sunrise." She said, pulling me out of bed.

We went into the living room and sat in front of the window. As always she was watching the sunrise and I was watching her. I started to pet her hair as she talked about how beautiful it was and she was thankful to see it everyday.

'And I am thankful to see you.'

She turned her face to me and I was going to kiss her. As we were leaning in, both of us smiling, I heard a beeping noise. I started to panic.

"No, no, no! Please not yet!"

"See you tomorow, Sungie. Have a nice day!" She whispered as she gave me a quick hug, as she dissappeared in the darkness.

The beeping got louder and louder.

I opened my eyes and turned off the alarm. This is how it was every morning since she left me. It was the best and worst part of my day. I was happy to see her again, but it made me miss her even more. I sighed as I got out of bed and made myself some tea. I went to the window and sat down. Unlike the dream, I was forced to watch the sun rising. This was reality and the girl who sat next to me every morining isn't here anymore. She's sitting next to her new love, Choi Siwon. I ate some breakfast and left for work.

Ryeowook's POV

When I woke up Leeteuk had already gone to work. I got dressed and looked in the frige to see some breakfast already with a note.

Hey Ryeowook, boss called for me to go to work early today. I hope you have a good day at work sweetie, don't let Eunhyuk annoy you too much ;)

Love ya <3

'Aww, my bro is the best!'

I sat down and ate my breakfast quickly. I phoned Eunhyuk to pick me up and he came right away. Soon, I heard him driving into the parking lot. As soon as I got into his car and started the car, he bombarded me with questions about last night.


"So... what?"

"Who was your friend that picked you up? You know Leeteuk called me yesterday, he didn't know where you were."

"Yeah, I know he told me that he called you."

"You're avoiding my question."

"You don't know him."

"So its a guy, at least I got something out of you. Can I meet him?"



"Because I said so."

"Oh, I see, you want him all to yourself because you think I'll flirt with him. If you like him that much, I won't, I promise."

"I don't like him!"

"Well I think you do since you've been red as a tomato this whole time."

"If I tell you who he is will you stop saying that I like him?"


"His name is Yesung, but you know him as Kim Jong-Woon."

"The guy who called about the piano?"

"Wow, you're good with remembering names."

"I have to be, considering how much I flirt. If saw a person again and didn't remember their name, it would hurt their feelings. Anyways, you're avoiding my question, again."

" Yes, its the guy with the piano."

"Wow, I see some of my charm has rubbed of on you. But I don't think you should have scheduled your little date that soon, you're moving to quickly."


"Calm down Wookie."

" Seriously, he's just a friend. I'm not even gay, you know."

"You're not?"


"Wow I always thought you were. Not that you look gay or anything, its just that I've never really seen you with a girl. But then again, you are really shy so that's probably why you don't hang around girls, or guys too."

" Yeah, I don't really know about how to approach girls."

"I thought you would learn from me by now."

"I was hoping so too, but anyways, who would go for a guy like me?"

"Yes, that's true."



"This is where you're supposed to say "Wookie, any girl would be lucky to be with a guy like you!"

"I was supposed to say that!? Nehh, to cheesy."


"So tell me more about this guy."

"What do you wanna know?"

"Everything you know and I wanna know every detail about yesterday morning and night."


"Please, please, please"


So I told him everything that happened with Yesung yesterday. Throught the story, he kept saying things like "Aww, how cute", "That would only happen in a movie", "You guys were made for each other", "You finaly found your true love" ,"So when are you planning to sleep with him?". I ignored his stupid comments. 'Really Eunhyuk, really? You are weird.' When I finished talking we had just arrived at work. 

"So you're seeing him again today?"


"I'll talk to Kangin to close an hour earlier."


"Because before you go to Yesung's house, you're coming to mine to get ready for your dinner date."

"It's not a date! And I'm not letting you give me a makeover!"

"Please, please, please?"


"Didn't you say his place looked kinda expensive?"


"Well don't you wanna fit in?"

"Yes, that's true. I do"

"So will you come over?"


Eunhyuk went into Kangin's office to talk to him. I could still hear their conversation.

"Hey my wonderful boss Kangin, have you lost weight resently? You look really good!"

I laughed silently. 'Yeah, like that's gonna work on him.'

"Cut the act, Eunhyuk. You know that stuff doesn't work on me."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that you have a crush on Leeteuk."

'WHAT!? Kangin likes Teukie Hyung??'

"What do you want?"

"Why are you trying to change the subject? So I see you're out of the "I'm in denial" stage and now in the "I don't wanna talk about it" stage. At least that's some progress."

"You're the one who came here, so why are you here?"

"I need a favor."


"It's not for me it's for Ryeowook."

"If it was for him, he would have asked me himself."

"You know he's shy."

"Not with me, he knows me."

"If you don't do this, Ryeowook might tell Leeteuk, and then he'll think bad of you"

"What's the favor?"

"See, I knew you had a crush on him."

"Tell me, before I change my mind."

"Okay, okay. We need to get close an hour early today."


"Wookie's got himself a date and I need to make sure he looks good."

'Ugh! how many times do I have to tell him its not a date!'

"Wookie? Going on a date? Like that'll ever happen, the kid can't even talk to most people without stuttering."

'Hey! That's mean! But also true...'

"I know, I was shocked too!"

'Gee, thanks Eunhyuk.'

"So its true? Who's the lucky girl?"

"Its not a girl, its a guy."

"Really? You know I always kinda thought he was gay, but couldn't tell because he's so shy."

'Why does everyone think I'm gay!?'

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. So will you let us close early?"

"Fine, but only because Ryeowook's going on a date."

"No, only because you don't want Leeteuk to think bad of you."

"Get out."


Eunhyuk walked out of the office to let Kangin continue working. We worked hard untill break. As always we went out for lunch. Then we came back and to work again. Soon, came time to close the store. We got into the car and I started to drive.

"I'm so excited Wookie. Aren't you?"
"Yeah, excited to play the piano again. Not excited to have you make me over."
"Well you're no fun. And I know you're going there just see Yesung. Its okay, you can be honest with me."
"Will you just drop it?"
"Alright, alright."
We got to his house and the torture started. He turned his whole closet upside down trying to find the perfect outfit for me. He made me try on almost everything. That was not as bad as what came next. There was a few too many sprays of cologne, eyeliner that almost poked my eye out, and a whole lot of hairspray.
"So Wookie, what do you think? Its great, isn't it?"
"Now, I definately look gay."
"Whatever. Let's go already, I don't want him to show up with me not there."
"Oooh, how caring of you."
"Just go."
He nodded and we got into his car. As we were driving he started talking again.
"Can I meet him?"
'Will he ever shut up?'
"Please, just right now I can say hi and introduce myself."
"Yes, now shut up."
We waited for Yesung to arrive. Eunhyuk noticed a car coming our way.
"Hey is that him?"
"Yeah it is."
The car stopped in front of us and the window rolled down.

Some Info: I already put this chapter up but it got deleted.

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I'll post on Saturday. I can't post earlier than that. :(


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KokoaLoV #2
Oh yeah~ Yesung is going to the party!! Hyuk is the best ha ha all that he said to make Yesung say yes!! I can't wait for the party! Update soon!^^
YES! yesung is going to party with ryeowook. that's cute
Kangteuk ♥
Yewook ♥
Now we need Eunhae & Kyumin :D
AWWWWWWWWW to adorable!!!! :)
yes kangteuk is gona happen now all we need is Yewook :) :)
update soon!!!!!^^
mouj05 #6
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, its too short! i love your story, please update soon. thank you.
KokoaLoV #7
Yeah go go Kangin confess to Leeteuk!! :D
ha ha so everyone is going to meet Yesung!! I can't wait to see that!!
Update soon!^^
update soon! alskdfj ohohohoho yeye
ppiinng #9
Lol scolding the birds.u are weirdo.Kim jong woon.
turtleyeye #10
Please update soon