Chapter 1

Untitled Yewook Story (On Hold)


Yesung sighed quietly as he stared out of the windowThe view was just as it was every other day: painfully beutiful. He lived on the 10th floor and had a good view of the busy city he lived in. Yesung looked past the cars and building to see the sun rising with grace before him. He remembered how everyday Lina, his exgirlfriend, woke him up excitedly to watch this. How her eyes sparkled as she stared into the sky. How the light reflected on her hair.
He sighed and relized he needed to get her off his mind. She left him and he needed to realize that. Yesung rushed to his piano. It was his only escape from his thoughts of her. He placed his hands on the keys and softly began playing. As he was getting to the end of the slow song he was interupted.
Startled, he fell from the piano bench.
As he was standing up he noticed a small black wheel. 
'Wow! The wheel broke off, that's never happened before. oh well, I guess everything happens for a reason.'
Yesung's piano was now standing unevenly, leaning to one side. His first instinct was to fix it, but he realized he had absolutely no idea what to do. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the thick phone book which lay on the counter with a thin layer of dust on it. He wiped the top of it and began to flip through the pages. He finaly found what he had been searching for. He dialed the number of a local music store. He waited for it to ring.
"Hello! you've reached the Magical Music Store, where music is magic! I'm Lee Hyukjae how may i help you this fine day" A cheerful voice answered. Yesung chuckled silently at the enthusiam of the voice on the other like.
"Umm.. is anyone there? Hello?" Eunhyuk said worriedly.
"Yes, sorry about that. Hello, I'm Kim Jong-Woon, one of the wheels on my piano just fell off and i'm not sure how to get it back on." Yesung replied. 
Eunhyuk thought for a moment "Could you please hold for a second?"
"Alright" yesung replied. Yesung could hear the voice on the other line call for someone.
"Hey Ryeowook, someone called us saying one of the wheels on their piano fell off, i don't really know how to fix it." 
'Hmm.. Ryeowook? That's a nice name'
"Okay i'll go, ask for the adress"
'That voice.. it sounded so.. melodic. Well he works at a music store so maybe he sings or something.'
He brushed off his thoughts as he heard Hyukjae's voice on the line.
"Hello?" Eunhyuk said.
"Yes?" Yesung questioned.
"Can I get your adress so i can send someone to go and fix it for you"
"Yes" he gave Eunhyuk the adress.
"Okay then there will be someone in about 15 minutes"
"Alright. Thank you" 
"You're welcome! Have a nice day!" Yesung chuckled again
"You too bye" 
The two hung up simultaneously. Yesung's thoughts came back to that Ryeowook guy. ' Okay I'll go, ask for the adress. Okay i'll go, ask for the adress. Okay i'll go, ask for the adress.' He replayed those words in his head.
In an instant, someone interupted him.
A bird sat on his windowsill. "AWK! AWK!"
He glared at the bird. "What do you want? Get outta here!"  
The creature turned its head to the side and stared at him not bothering to move from his place. 
"Why you looking at me like that? You wanna go? Huh? Huh? Huh?"
Yesung calmed down, though the bird still didn't move from its spot. 'Great now I'm talking to birds and asking them if they wanna fight me. There is definately something wrong with me, I must have bumped my head when i was asleep.'
Just then, he heard his doorbell ring. 'That must be Ryeowook' he thought as he grinned. 'Why am I grinning? Oh, I know, it's because I will finaly have my piano fixed. Am I forgetting something?' Yesung thought as he sat down on the couch. 'THE DOOR!' He facepalmed himself and stood up quick as lightning. He sprinted towards the door. ' Here goes nothing'

Meanwhile at Magical Music

Eunhyuk had just hung up the phone and handed a white piece of paper with something scribbled on it to Ryeowook. Ryeowook looked down to see an adress.

"Is this it Eunhyuk?"

"Yupp, and his name is Kim Jong-Woon" Eunhyuk smiled.

"Okay, cool. Though I'm suprised that you didn't flirt with him" Ryeowook said.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ryeowook" he replied innocently.

"Cut the innocent act, you flirt with everyone"

"no, I don't"

"yes, you do, and everyone knows it"

He smirked suddenly. He pulled Ryeowook into a hug and whispered into his ear "why do you care so much? You jelous babe?"

"Eww Eunhyuk get off of me" He pushed Eunhyuk off.

"Just kidding!"

" I don't care that you flirt with everyone, but yesterday you took it too far man."

"Oh.. about that.." Eunhyuk looked blushed, emberrased.

"That all you can say? Dude, she was like 60!"

"Come on, she looked good for her age!"

"Are you on something?"

"Look, I'm a grown man and I can do whatever I want"

" You barely turned 18"

"Barely or not barely, the point is I'm still 18"

"Whatever man. Crap! I forgot I gotta go to that guy's house!"

"Yah! What are you still doing here? Go!" Eunhyuk said and handed Ryeowook the keys to his car.

"See you later Hyuk" Ryeowook waved.

"Yeah yeah ,whatever, now go" Eunhyuk


The two boys bickered constantly, but were best friends. Eunhyuk and Ryeowook were a team, one made up for what the other was lacking. Ryeowook could fix anything and everything and knew lots of information. He was the worker, but he was incredibly shy aroud people he didn't know. When he tried to talk to new people, he blushed and stuttered. Eunhyuk was the opposite. Although he always forgot things and broke things more while fixing them, he was helpful. He was a people person. He dealt with unhappy customers because he knew the exact thing to say. He was kind and friendly with customers, and by that I mean he flirted with every girl and guy that walked through the door. Even the straight guys always said he had charm and everyone seemed to like him. At the end of each workday he had a stack of phone numbers, but he never called them back. 

Ryeowook jumped into Eunhyuk's car and drove out of the parking lot. Ryeowook was happy to be driving because he didn't have a car and had to ride the bus. Eunhyuk on the other hand had a car only because he needed a way to get around, and didn't like driving much. Ryeowook was thankful for that since he got to drive Eunhyuk's car all the time. As he stopped at a red light, the GPS where he had put in the adress said he was almost there. After a few minutes he reached his destination. He walked out of the car and stood in front a building that looked expensive, at least, to him. He walked in and when up the elevator to the 10th floor. When he walked out, he heard yelling. 'Hmm.. I wonder what that is.' He walked closer to door number 21 and was about to ring the bell when he heard yelling coming from the other side of the door again "Why you looking at me like that? You wanna go? Huh? Huh? Huh?" 'This is getting kinda scary' Ryeowook thought. He raised his hand slowly to ring the doorbell. "Ring Ring!" No one answered. He rang again "Ring Ring!" He became nervous as he heard someone approaching the other side of the door. His palms started sweating as he hear the door being unlocked. Finaly the door opens..


Some info: This chapter is like the long version of the description. I couldn't think of a better name for the music store. 

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I'll post on Saturday. I can't post earlier than that. :(


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KokoaLoV #2
Oh yeah~ Yesung is going to the party!! Hyuk is the best ha ha all that he said to make Yesung say yes!! I can't wait for the party! Update soon!^^
YES! yesung is going to party with ryeowook. that's cute
Kangteuk ♥
Yewook ♥
Now we need Eunhae & Kyumin :D
AWWWWWWWWW to adorable!!!! :)
yes kangteuk is gona happen now all we need is Yewook :) :)
update soon!!!!!^^
mouj05 #6
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, its too short! i love your story, please update soon. thank you.
KokoaLoV #7
Yeah go go Kangin confess to Leeteuk!! :D
ha ha so everyone is going to meet Yesung!! I can't wait to see that!!
Update soon!^^
update soon! alskdfj ohohohoho yeye
ppiinng #9
Lol scolding the birds.u are weirdo.Kim jong woon.
turtleyeye #10
Please update soon