ELF's Dream : Forever by your Side


Seong Chan’s POV


There’s a part of me that says I shouldn’t trust this guy. I love kpop because of Super Junior, 98.9% of my music is from Super Junior and I don’t listen to other songs unless their OST from my favorite drama. I don’t want to deny the fact that I’m an elf but the risk is really high. The fact that he knew about my audition, rumors are easy to spread. My goal is to work with my Super Junior Oppas, what if SM knew about me being an ELF, will they let me work with them?


 I gave him a keen look “it’s 2pm” I said, I can’t think of any other group than them.


I can hear disappointment in his tone, did I say something to offend him? “Oh, I see, and then who is your bias among them?”


Here comes the problem….think Seong Chan, think, you have to remember at least one name from this group since Anna is also obsessed with them.


“I like Nichkhun Oppa” waah so brilliant!!!!! Just in time!!! “How about you? Are you a trainee too?”


He gave me a nod then he rested his head on his seat as he prepared for a short nap. I opened my ipod and played my favorite playlist as I also started to doze off.


*SEOUL Airport*


We arrived at SEOUL, the dreamland for every kpop fan, I was so excited and was in a daze when my group left me, maybe they didn’t noticed that I was missing. I need to calm down, crying won’t help. They will call me once they knew that they left me behind right? I sat in a bench near a vendo machine and waited for someone to pick me up. What if they did forget about me? What would I do? “STUPID” I whispered as I hit my head. I remove my favorite ring and stared at the words engraved in it:




It was a gift from Anna, it always boost my strength whenever I feel down. I miss her already, I was about to cry when my phone vibrated which surprised me. I got out my phone in a hurry “Yoboseyo?”


“Are you okay?”


“Who’s this please?”


“It’s me, Hae Young, why are you alone?”


“I was separated from the team, wait, how can you tell that I’m alone?”


“Turn around” I followed his direction and saw him from afar with two other guys.


I grab my luggage and approach them. When I reached their position, one of the masked guys spoke.


“Do you want a ride?” Eunhyuk Oppa offered.


“That would be too much, can you just help me find my team?”  BABO!!!!! Why did you reject his offer? I asked myself.


“We insist, besides, Soo Man songsaengnim wants to meet you” Hae young Oppa added.


“I see, but what about my team, I bet they will look for me soon”


“I already contacted them and advise that we will bring you to your dorm after your meeting with our boss, Kaja!” Hae young Oppa said as he started walking away.


Eunhyuk Oppa grabed my right hand and started dragging me “We won’t take NO for an answer”


















































Mianhe but my brain stopped working, Eunhyuk Oppa is holding my hands!!!! How can I think properly?!!! I let Eunhyuk Oppa drag me until we reach the entrance of the airport. That’s when I noticed Donghae Oppa who’s staring at me. I smile at him yet he just gave me a cold stare. I wonder what’s wrong with him.


Donghae’s POV


Why am I like this? I am very pissed with the view in front of me. Eunhyuk and Seong Chan are holding each other’s hand for almost 10 mins now. Arrgh!!! Where’s our ride?


Sungmin’s POV


Omo!!! I’m already late, aigoo!!! It’s because no one wants to accompany me. I bet Hae Young hyung will scold me. I arrive at the airport and saw them at the entrance. When I drove closer to them, I saw a girl beside Eunhyuk and she’s holding his hand. Is she his girlfriend? I remove my seatbelt and went out of the car.


“Hyung Mianhe, I’m late”


“It’s okay, we haven’t waited that long”


Donghae went straight to the car and load his things while Eunhyuk came to me together with his girlfriend.


 “I see you got yourself a girlfriend” I “Hi I’m Sungmin


Hi, My name is Seong Chan, nice meeting you


I grab her luggage and speak to Eunhyuk “I will help you with your things, just go and assist your girlfriend, you know I’m not that good in English” Then I looked at her and she gave me a sweet smile. I envy Eunhyuk for having a cute girlfriend. I saw Eunhyuk whisper to her and she giggled. She’s really cute when she smiles, her eyes shines.


“She’s not his girl” Donghae interrupt “and she can…” he wanted to add something but Eunhyuk covered his mouth.


“Yeah, she’s not my girl, she’ll be working for SM Entertainment that’s why I’m being nice to our dongsaeng”


“She will train in our company? Nice”


We headed to SM Entertainment because Seong Chan will be having a meeting with Soo Man songsaengnim. Hae Young hyung insist on driving so I was seated beside him. I notice that Donghae is so quiet unlike the usual him who tells stories from his trip while on the other hand Eunhyuk is enjoying himself with Seong Chan. I wonder how he can communicate with her.


We reached SME building and Hae young hyung left us in the parking lot as he accompanies Seong Chan inside the building. This is very unusual, I must say that awkwardness filled the car as soon as they left us.


I look back at Eunhae “So…how was the audition?”


Donghae remain silent while Eunhyuk look at me then to Hae and back to me “Kids these days are very talented”


Hae is acting weird “Really? Is Seong Chan one of them?”


Silence filled the air, I can smell something…hmmm


“No” Donghae answered


“I don’t believe you”


“Then don’t” Hae answered


“What is wrong with you? Why are you so moody?”


Hae looked at me “Mianhe, I’m just tired”


“What he wants to say is that Seong Chan is not participating in the competition, her friend who was accepted made a request if her friend can come with her” Eunhyuk explained.


“Then how did she end up with you guys?”


“When we heard of the request, Hae young hyung informed us that Soo Man songsaengnim is looking for a staff who knows how to speak at least 4 languages” Donghae said.


“That’s right” Eunhyuk added.


 Finally Donghae is returning to his usual self but I don’t buy their story, I think they are trying to hide something from me. I was about to ask another question when my phone rang. I answered the call from Hae Young hyung.




“Sungmin, Soo Man songsaengnim wants to talk to you, go to his office and please tag Seong Chan on your way back, I need to sort some things on your schedule, let’s just meet on the parking lot”


“Seong Chan? Neh, Araso hyung”


“Is that Hae young hyung? What did he say?” Donghae asked.


“He asks me to pick-up Seong Chan and Soo Man songsaengnim wants to see me.”


Donghae grab his bag “Can we join you?”


He and Eunhyuk get off the car without waiting for my answer. Eunhyuk knock on the window, signaling me to hurry.


We reached Soo Man songsaengnim’s office and her secretary assist us in the conference room where Seong Chan is patiently waiting. She looks worried, no, bothered is a better term to describe her expression. She keeps on staring at her right hand trying to remember something.


Eunhyuk sat beside her “Are you okay?”


“What did Soo Man songsaengnim said?” Donghae sat in front of Seong Chan while I chose the seat beside him.


“How can she understand you guys?” I said “Unless she can speak our language”


She looked at me and bit her lower lip which is very cute “Mianhe, Eunhyuk oppa told me that it should be a secret”


I smiled at her “It’s okay, it’s not your fault” and glared at Eunhyuk. He just gave me a peace sign. “Is everything okay? You look bothered”


“Everything is fine, Mr. Soo Man discuss my work and the terms and conditions are great,”


“But you look like someone who just lost her job” Eunhyuk teased.


I reach for her right hand “You can tell us”


Donghae snatched my hand “He’s right”


“I lost something precious, I think I dropped it at the airport” she sighed.


“Is it a ring?” Eunhyuk and Donghae gave me a confused look “Because when we arrived, I saw you staring at you right hand”


“Yes and it was given by a very special friend” she confirmed.


Donghae tried to comfort her “We can call the airport and asked if they find your ring, can you describe how it looks like? It will be a lot easier if you engraved your name on it”


Seong Chan thought for a moment “I’ll just check my things, maybe I dropped it in my bag, sorry for being a worrywart”


Our conversation was interrupted with the sound of a door opening. Soo Man songsaengnim entered the room and joined us.


Seong Chan’s POV


Save by the bell!!! Am I lucky or what? Before they asked me a lot of questions, Mr. Soo Man arrived in time. If they helped me look for my ring, they would find out that I’m an elf and Mr. Soo Man might take back his offer.


Mr. Soo Man takes his seat, hands me a folder and faced Sungmin “Good thing you brought Donghae and Eunhyuk with you. Since everyone is here, I’ll make the announcement”


I opened the folder and read the contract inside which made my eyes grew wider.



mianhe for the late update, a lot of things happened. I was busy because SiHae visited our country!!!! By the way, i'm a proud elf from Philippines and last wednesday was DAEBAK!!!! Siwon and Donghae visited our country for a fanmeeting. I managed to attend the event and saw them in person. Days passed and hangover is still in me...Phelf, were you able to come to the event?!!! waah they look so handsome in person!!!!! How i wish we can have our SS5 Manila ^^





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Chapter 10: lol omg omg omg super junior~ kyaa hehehe<3 i love this! update please! need to know who! XD
Anneminnie #2
waaahh donghae ! sana talaga totoo nlng ang nangyayari sa story mo ate art at hindi fiction. ahahha
Anneminnie #3
nice story unnie!
the main character is sooo cute~
keep up the work, can't wait to see where this story goin :3