
Snow White [Kaisoo ver.]

............At the carnaval...........

"Come on Kyungsoo!!" Kai rushed the elder throught the crowd as they tried to reach the group of friends that were on the other side of the crowded place. In that rather large group of friends were Baekhyun clinging to Chanyeo's arm like always, there was the Taoris couple composed by Tao and Kris who were currently holding a huge panda plush that was almost Tao's same height, there was also Luhan who was currently trying to get Sehun to smile, there was Xiumin, Chen, Lay and Suho. Xiuchen were eating cotton candy and Layho were eating each other ^-^ Nothing out of the ordinary. Why does Kyungsoo call some of them couple names? Because he new when they got together....in the future that is. He predicted that Lay and Suho would get toghether and voila!! Hot makeout sesion in public!! As for Tao and Kris; Kris will declare his love to Tao tonight between wine and an elegant dinner infront of the lake....eww.....cheese!!! xD But it will happen :) Tao will pretend to think about it for about...three days and then make a surprise privet party for kris... and then he will admit he loves him back. And soon they would live happily ever after, THE END!! :'D

But still....

...thats so cheese...

"Hey guys!" Kai exclaimed and all eyes went on the pair of friends who just arrived.

*Witwew* Was the first thing Kyungsoo heard that was directed to him. Hi face turned red of embarrasment as looked down when the guys started teasing them again.

"Look what the cat brought in! So you finaly decided to ask him out on a date~ You sly devil you!" Lay playfuly punched Kai's shoulder and Kai gave out a deep blush....but not as deep and red as Kyungsoo's.

"Are you guys on a date or something? Why do the two of you come together and holding hands for gods sake?" Xiumin said while noming the cottoncandy.

"The same reason why you and Chen are gon-" Kyunggie quickly covered Kai's mouth from saying anything. Once he made the mistake of telling Kai about Xiuchen's future and ever since then he has fully regreted it.

"Let's just have fun here shall we?" Kyungsoo threw one of his sweet smiles at everyone and the group of friends was instantly captivated. It was almost criminal that there was someone that irradiated so much beauty, love and compassion like Kyungsoo. They loved their little Kyungsoo but they also feared for him....


...like if he were a delicate flower that was in danger of being plucked.

And so they decided to protect him from everything they could...even from going on dates!! Which he got asked out to on a daily basis so~....asked out from one to 3 times multiplyed by 5 (the days of the week.) Without counting the increase on weekends cus people go to beach in groups of 15 and with Kyungsoo half it's a dangrous situation.......those were a lot of dates O.o

They complied and were walking when Kyungsoo suddenly heard a commotion and some people forming in a circle. And he could feel it.

The happines that flowed through the people.

He started walking closer to what catched some peoples atention and stirred away from his overprotective friends.

He went close to the center and saw a very tall and thin man kneeling infront of a young girl who had a worried but exited look in her face. In the man's hands was something that could be considered a beautiful relic...

...a glass slipper.

It was a rather curiouse artifact indeed. I mean....

WHO WOULD WEAR SOMETHING THAT CAN GET STUCK IN YOUR FOOT TO A PARTY?!? Kyungsoo stared in curiosity when sudenly he felt a stare. He looked up and the thin man was walking foreward torwards him with a smile. He walked to Kyungsoo and the crowd made space for him to pass as the girl that was previosly seated in the chair walked away with a dissapointed face. The stranger held out a hand torwards Kyungsoo.

"If you would allow me?" The tall man said in a polite, gentle and sofisticated tone. Kyungsoo doubted and looked behind, but his friends were nowhere to be found; He smiled and took the hand as the man gently guided him to the chair were he was slowly seated. Kyungsoo wondered what this was all about; All he could tell was that the man was a kind person and that he was doing nothing that could harm him and Kyungsoo was relaxed but nerveous as to what he was seated there for. The man knelt down before him in his hands the strangely beautifull glass shoe.

"If you please" the man smiled and Kyungsoo understood, he bended down slightly and undid his shoe lace; sliding it off leavin his toes exposed to the cold, the man gently grabed Kyungsoo's ankle as he slid the slipper on his foot and a moment of silence moved on after that...

...because the slipper fit.

It didn't slip out and it wasn't even tight...just a perfect fit. The older man's eyes widened as he smiled widely and he turned back.

"Your sire!!" Kyungsoo looked torwards where the man was looking and saw a very handsome and young man, dressed elegantly as he carried an air of royalty that left all the girls there fangirling.....exept Kyungsoo who was flatface oblivious to it. The boy smiled at Kyungsoo and then he slightly blushed as he got on one knee infront of the big-eyed boy. Who's eyes were now glossed with curiosity and sparkled with innocence at what was happening. And the royal looking boy spoke.

"I have traveled far and wide in search for the owner of the slipper, now that I have found you at last, I feel like I must ask you this one question." Kyunggies eyes widened as he listened...Wow~ This guy doesn't know me and he's traveled that much? I wonder why? He needs to ask for something?? A glass of water?? Food?? Another haircut to make his head look less big?!

"Yes?" Kyungsoo urged him as he leaned foreward a little bit waiting for an answer. The prince looked at him as he contemplated his beauty as he spoke once again.

"Will you give me your hand in marr-" His words were cut short as a boot met the side of his head knocking him side ways and into the ground without as much as an 'oops'

"He's not interested." A slightly pissed off Kai apeared out of the blue and grabbed Kyungsoo's wrist afterwards dragging him away. The guys looked at the boy in the floor and smirked triumphantly as the group walked away.



So overprotective :/


Hello my lovelies :3 um....I had to repost chapters three and four since they got coocoo and went poof after the page's crazy season and I deeply apologize for taking so long in updating too!! (_ _;;) but since I made you all wait I'm spaming you with 6 updates now so please stay tuned ok? ;3

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Is this still ongoing?
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOON!!!
akared #3
Chapter 11: gosh. this is so cute nursery!
akared #4
Chapter 4: you're stupid lonely prince ever Jongin...
Chapter 11: Omg soo good I love this story
Second time reading this! Kyungsoo should be named D.O. White for his ivory skin, huge eyes and red lips. This story is so fluffy and cute <33 I squeal every single time I read Kyungsoo fangirling of Kai and Kai blushing/acting all nervous around his hyung. URGH, TOO MUCH KAISOO ;~~;

Update soon mkayy? ;AA;
Ahahah the scenes with the kids are so cute fluffy and hilarious XD
What happend to Luhan!!!

Did he get possessed???

Cuz if so, that'd be y!!!
Awww, Kaisoo ish sho adorkable <3
The mirror's so scary, they should get rid of it ;A;
e_eChrishoe #10
Yes yes sekai drama i like :'3