A girl with a deep voice...maybe she has a cold :3

Snow White [Kaisoo ver.]

A/N:As promised today here is the first chapter!! And if for a moment you think this is a GirlxBoy story, dont be scared!!! Cus it's not ;3 If there are any mistakes i'll fix them as soon as i can.

Love yah!~


....Some time ago....

"Jongin we shouldn't be here. The king's orders were-"

" the king's orders! Are you under his charge now or are you under mine?" Jongin glared at his childhood friend Sehun with scary eyes, he couldn't belive it! Why is he being such a chicken?! He was the one who wanted to tag along with Kai in the first place even knowing that Kai would send to hell his king's orders and make ones of his own. Sehun knew this but wasn't all that sure of what to do...then he just decided to stay on Kai's good side.

"Of course I'm under yours....Kai..." He looked down as his elder still stared at him with judgeful eyes that then turned soft and compasive.

"Well then good, cus you were the one who signed up for this, not me. I never had a choice and your choice was to follow me silly" he playfully tousled Sehun's hair like he always did.

"Don't worry Sehunie, if anything happens I'll protect you ok?" He lively smiled and Sehun sighed, it was true, he was afraid. For there was an un-told danger ahead.


The simple sound send all 8 knights into pure silence when suddenly the beast apeared and attacked everyone, some were wounded in the proces but finaly the beast was defeated and now they had another story to tell the people back at home. They almost emediatly recognized the seal on the beast's clothes and the knights realized they killed the beast from the south kingdom. The creature used to be human but after he went with the pluck and drop routine on a flower maiden, turns out the maiden was nothing but a witch!! <3 And thus the definition of stupid was branded on the prince's face. He got turned into a hairy man, he liked to go around from time to time, loved to slauter and all those gastly things animals like to do. And now they killed it!! :DD Ps. Yes...even the things parents gave a reward to whoever killed it....talk about child-parent relationships ._.

They all celebrated and decided to stay the night there, they all sat down, ate and drank the eatable things that they found that were untouched by the slauter and in the mean time they robbed money from all the bodys. Sure they were knights but come on! Some of them have mouths to feed at home :/

"Guys, I'm gonna go for a walk. You guys are shameless." Kai said as he felt disgusted at the crime they were doing to the poor dead people.

'Atleast Sehun feels disgusted by blood and doesn't dare to touch the body to get the money' he thought to himself in the silence.

"Ok Man! Don't wonder too far!"

"Sure hyung..." He mumbled. The walk was quiet, lonely just like he liked it. Oh yeah. He was the hidden hero, the lonely king, the silent prisoner kind of guy...he never wanted in on any of this. He was forced to become a knight because of his father, and his father's father, and on and on in his family. He had to step up to his father's footsteps in order to be accepted in the world and eventualy...he outgrowed them. He was the best of the best in his area of expertice even with his young age and the king made him vow loyalty to him and become a knight that would serve him well. Maybe that's the reason he sent the king to hell in his mind but it was ok after a while....altho the cursing still went on. This was his life now....and it was ok.

The moment of silence was interrupted by the rustelling sound of leaves and Kai emediatly went alert as he slowly slid his hand to the sowrd handle. The rustteling was heard again and then he saw a figure run away wearing a black robe and he realized it was a survivor...

.....and if not it was just another beast that would try to eat them.

But even so he decided to get close peacefully just incase it was a real person =w=. Don't wanna scare them to death do we?

He chased calmly after the dissapearing silhouette that only seemed to run away from him. The stranger took a wrong turn and was now at the end of a little cliff and the ruins of what was left of the old home.

"Hey...wait" the person jumped at the intruders voice and foung himself in a tight spot.

'How the hell do I get out of here?!?!?' When he heard the footstpes closer he started panicking, he looked to his left and saw a small space with a box infront, it was big enough for him to sneek into and small enough to be covered by the crate. He took a swift step and slid into the small opening and silently slid the crate infront of the exit.

Kai steped into the place where he saw the person run off to and it looked like a dead end. He looked down the small cliff but saw no one. Obviously the person didn't run there cus he or she would still be vissible running through the woods. He looked around and heard a small sniff from behind him, he looked and saw small movement behind a crate.

He smiled to himself and slowly aproached the small hideout, the slim figure fidgeted away and went more into the wall, tears falling down his cheeks as he saw the footsteps aproach him. The cape-hood over his eyes didn't let him see the rest of the other being and this scared him even more, 'I want my home back!' He screamed in his head when the stranger moved the little cover he had. Things were getting tense.

Kai looked past the crate and saw a small body scurry to the back of the small whole in the wall, now he was concerned. The figure was slim, and for what he could see it was a woman...'Poor girl, she had to see all the slauter here.' He pitied her and soothingly spoke.

"Hey...are you ok?" He made a move foreward and the girl moved even more almost trying to go through the wall! He heard a small tearful whine from the small person and his heart shattered.

"It's ok, I come on behalf of king Leonardo from the east kingdom from here. Me and some friends came here to find out what happend. It's ok now the beast is dead" well.......this defeneatly didn't calm the poor soul down. It only made it worse. And the Kai noticed were the eyes of the young person were directed to....

His blood filled sword.

'That was the wrong thing to say when you have that kind of weapon infront of a person in disstres, isn't it?' He sighed and slid the sword out of the seath and the girl cringed letting out another ear breaking shriek. He held the sword up infront of him and threw it away to somewhere else.

"You see? I'm not here to hurt you I just want to help you. Ok?" He held his hand to the girl and the girl slowly took it.

'Her hand is so soft...' Kai thought as he saw only since the hoody of her roab covered the rest of her face. Those were some mighty fine looking lips if you ask him and then his eyes traveled to her cheek and saw how dry tears and new ones stained it. His hands ran and wiped them away and stoped to touch her lips and the girl stifened. The temptation was too big, those pink-redish lips were sin in person and he just had to. He leaned down as his mind craved for a taste of that mouth and the poor person was frozen in both shock and horror when suddenly.....

......the floor beneath Kai caved in ._.

Oh yeah, caved in....aparently they were standing closer to the edge than they thought and the weight caused the floor beneth Kai to crumble dropping him and letting him roll down the small hill. He hit his head and maybe there will be a few bumps and scratches in the morning but other than that he was ok! ^-^

His eyes slowly opened revealing blurry double images in his sight of a girl running down torwards him, then he looked up and the ray's through the trees blinded him when he saw a head cover those hateful eye blinders.

"Oh my, are you ok?" The girl asked in a sweet........slightly deep voice?...maybe it's just the after crying effect. Yeah Yeah. Maybe it's that. Kai slowly sat up rubbing the side of his head.

"Ugh...yeah, just a few bumps and scra-" His eyes widened when he saw the 'girl' next to him. Oh, it was no big thing, she just had short short hair, big eyes an addams apple and...oh yeeeaaah~... she was a guy!! Kai almost jumped when he saw the boys hand on his hair as if checking for bumps and that meant fingers running through hair.

"What?" The boy asked nonchalantly and Kai almost fainted.

"You're a guy!!!" His mouth hangged open as he has now noticed he made the worst mistake of his life....



.....he was coming on to a man TT^TT


A/N: Yay!! First chappie!!~ xDD This is like how they met and all, the next chapter there will be a little more remembering (thus, the italic letter that i now find dizzying) and then we jump to actual story time!! :33 I dont know how long this story will last but im keeping my hopes up that it will have a few chapters *w*

Please coment! I love coments and it lets me know if im doing good :3

Subscribe if you want~ Love yah peeps (^-^)v Peace! <3<3<3

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Is this still ongoing?
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOON!!!
akared #3
Chapter 11: gosh. this is so cute nursery!
akared #4
Chapter 4: you're stupid lonely prince ever Jongin...
Chapter 11: Omg soo good I love this story
Second time reading this! Kyungsoo should be named D.O. White for his ivory skin, huge eyes and red lips. This story is so fluffy and cute <33 I squeal every single time I read Kyungsoo fangirling of Kai and Kai blushing/acting all nervous around his hyung. URGH, TOO MUCH KAISOO ;~~;

Update soon mkayy? ;AA;
Ahahah the scenes with the kids are so cute fluffy and hilarious XD
What happend to Luhan!!!

Did he get possessed???

Cuz if so, that'd be y!!!
Awww, Kaisoo ish sho adorkable <3
The mirror's so scary, they should get rid of it ;A;
e_eChrishoe #10
Yes yes sekai drama i like :'3