The Other Me.

Snow White [Kaisoo ver.]

Further from the two squealing twits in a dark corner, Sehun watched everything. His eyes were crazed, anger spilled out of every pore in his body. But the more unpure feeling poured out of his heart. His hands were balled into tight fists and his knuckles were already white. His eyes filled with poison. This stupid idiot thinks that he can get away with Kai?! No way in hell that that is going to happen, not on his watch. He steped out as he watched the pair dissapear in the distance, it was already night and the visual was not very good but he could still hear them laughing. He grunted in disgust and walked the other way.

Once he was in his castle he went to his room and tore everything apart, his yelling could be heard through all the place but the maids and butlers were scared of even going up there, so they all decided to hide and pray that the tantrum would be over soon. Sehun took one of his daggers and held it tight in his hand.

'You are so pathetic.'

Sehun opend his eyes and looked around his room. No one there.

'Poor little Sehunie, getting dumped for something better just like always'

"Whos there?!" He yelled but there was no answer from the owner of the voice, it ecoed in his mind.

'Hahaha. You are so disgusting right now. Why dont you put that knife to good use and end your misserable life?'

Sehun was spinning in circles, the voice came from his room. Every inch of it. But he couldnt find the owner. Is he going crazy? Maybe he is. Maybe he's just tired, i mean who know? But that didn't stop the insult's coming at him and this pissed him off.

'Looking for someone?'

"Where are you, you bastard?!"

'Why, im right here' That voice finaly said. Sehun gulped and slowly turned around, at the corner of his room he saw something that handn't been there before.

The rather tall object was covered by a brown-ish blanket and Sehun slowly aproached it. He could hear indistant whispers eminating from it and the closer he got the louder the whispers were. He couldnt make anything out of them since they were many and they were hushed when speaking but he didn't want to know what they said either. His hand took the cloth and in a swift second he pulled it.

It was just a mirror.

The mirror had a carving in bottom right corner, it was in latin.

'ying' It read. He sighed and stared at the artifact he touched the smooth and cold surface

"How the hell did this get in here?"

He brushed the thought away and stood up straight and walked to the door. He took a step out side and-

'You .'

He opend his eye's and turned around his eyes emediatly fixing on the mirror where his reflection stood compleatly still.....looking straight at Sehun.

'It is so like you to just run away and looke for care in someone elses arm's' His reflection said, a scowl on his face. Sehun stood in pure shock. He walked back and touched the mirror and his reflection did the same thing, he then slowly touched his own face and his reflectiong did the same thing.

"Ok Sehun, this was just your imagination silly, that's it. Nothing more."


He fell backwards holding his now hand marked cheek, tears forming from the sudden impact, he lifted the knife in his hand looking for the soon to be dead attaker but...

No one was there.

Just him and the mirror.

'Are you going to cry just because i slaped you? What a loser! Ha!'

Sehun's eyes widened at the sound when he realized something. His reflection was still standing and gazing at him with disgust.


'You stupid brat.'


'You heard me, you insignificant worm. You're nothing but a waist of air. Your parents should be ashamed of calling you theyr son. Oh wait! Thatnkfully they are already dead!'

Sehun's eyes watered. He hated thouse word's but something deep inside him told him they were true, and that was more painful when someone else tell's you it is.

"Who are you?" He mumbled

'Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? The answer is easy, everyone except you.' The reflection smirked.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Sehun pointed the knife at the mirror who only laughed at him.

'im here to help you understan why Kai doesnt want you.' He smiled.

"He never said that! He never said that! You're lying!"

'No, he didn't want you because you would just be a waist of his time. You're weak, stupid, irresponsible and also a bad lover.' He said with a certain purr in his voice.

"T-thats not true."

'Aw~ Dont cry Sehunnie, im sure that you have a chance as a one night . Cus between you and me, i know that you would love to be the other person even if to just get laid once, you disgusting little . I know how you would want it.'

"Shut up, JUST SHUT UP!!"

'And do you know why you will be only that?' Sehun looked at him and the other said with a dark tone.

'It's all because of Kyungsoo. Because he is good enough, because he's sweet, because he's beautiful unlike you. I mean look at yourself. Do you really think you could compare?'

"No he's not."

'Well...he wouldnt be if he were somehow...oh i dont know...permanetly out of the picture' He raised the knife to his face and slid his tongue over the sharp blade.

'But who am i kidding? You? You're not good enough cus you are nothing but a coward.'

"Who do you think you are?!? How dare you act like you know everything?! You know nothing of me!! NOTHING!!!"

The other Sehun stared, his smile growing even darker.

'Oh on the contrary, I know everything. I know every little secret, every thought, every memory, every fantasy. I even know about your dream's Sehunnie, and man~ are they realistic.' Sehun's eyes widened in both shock and horror at the discovery.

'I know that you dream of him, of how bad you want him between your leg's. The way you dream he makes love to you and you like a stupid !' The sadistic voice turned into one filled with fury as he tormented Sehun by revealing his depest darkest thought's.

'Oh~ Kaiii! Harder!! Faster~ me harder! Aaah! Yess~' The other Sehun began, reincarnating something Sehun didn't want to face. Something he was horrofied to even acknowledge

"SHUT UP!! I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU!! SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE UP!!" Sehun dropped to his knees covering his ear's trying to ignore what the other said. He didn't want to hear it. This pained him. This hurt him beyond belive and the other was too amused by this.

'Aaah~ Kaii!!~ I-im gonna- im gonna cu- AAH!! Nnngh!! aaah~ Kaaaii!!~' The aparition finished with fake gasps as he imitated every pant and moan to perfection. Sehun layed on the floor crying his eyes out. He felt humiliated, destroyed, heartbroken. Too many feeling's crashing into him and the only way they were willing to leave was by sinking him further down the rabit hole. Sehun clone was staring at him, a smirk in on his lips. He crouched down taking in the beautiful view.

'The all mighty Oh Sehun is crying like a little boy again. How cute.'

"W-why are you doing t-this?" Sehun cried and looked up through the blurryness.

'I'm gonna make sure you suffer for being such a . You're cruel, and insensitive and you deserve to see that he WILL NEVER LOVE YOU!! Why?! Because he would rather Kyungsoo sensless than to even notice you!

"Stop it."

'I doubt that he can even remember the first time he kissed you.'

"SHUT UP!!" Sehuns fist met the icy cold surface as the mirror shattered in to peices. His angry panting came out ragged and he stared into the pieces.

"It's o-over..."

'Dont think that you can get rid of me that easily.' Sehun looked down at the shattered glass and he could see his face in every one of them.

'You can never get rid of us Sehun.' They said in corus as they yelled insults at him.

"Just leave me alone!!" Sehun ran out of the room unwilling to hear anymore of it, anger raged through him as he dissapeared to his hidding place. The peices soon smiled wickedly as they started to get back together.

'Thats right Sehun, fill your mind with doubts and your heart with hate. Hate with all your might and destroy for what you want. Because i will be waiting for you to be destroyed in the process.' His evil laugh could be heard from outside as the shards started to form the mirror before it was destroyed, and in a flash of black and vanished. leaving nothing behind but...

..a black feather.


Luhan sat down on one of his favorite chairs trying to clear his mind that was clouded by Sehun. He stayed silent when he heard a whisper.


The latter turned around and saw a covered furtniture in one of the corners of the room. Luhans eyes widened as he stared at the artifact in curiosity. He doesnt own such a thing and when he removed the dirtied cloth he saw...





...a mirror.


A/N: TT^TT Why do i make them suffer so muuuuuch~!! Im sorry for writing such mean things to you Sehunnie!!~ _Mommy is sorry!!!!

BTW Please coment about this chapter and tell me if it was evil enough~ SARANGHAE!!

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Is this still ongoing?
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOON!!!
akared #3
Chapter 11: gosh. this is so cute nursery!
akared #4
Chapter 4: you're stupid lonely prince ever Jongin...
Chapter 11: Omg soo good I love this story
Second time reading this! Kyungsoo should be named D.O. White for his ivory skin, huge eyes and red lips. This story is so fluffy and cute <33 I squeal every single time I read Kyungsoo fangirling of Kai and Kai blushing/acting all nervous around his hyung. URGH, TOO MUCH KAISOO ;~~;

Update soon mkayy? ;AA;
Ahahah the scenes with the kids are so cute fluffy and hilarious XD
What happend to Luhan!!!

Did he get possessed???

Cuz if so, that'd be y!!!
Awww, Kaisoo ish sho adorkable <3
The mirror's so scary, they should get rid of it ;A;
e_eChrishoe #10
Yes yes sekai drama i like :'3