
Snow White [Kaisoo ver.]

.........In Kyungsoo's studio the day after.........

Kyungsoo sat on the floor as eight little todlers sat in a semi circle around Kyungsoo. The nineth was on Kyungsoo's lap since he was the youngest among all of the kids that went from three to eight year olds. They kept absolut quiet listening to a story Kyungsoo had made up for them.

"And so, the prince kissed the beautiful princces after winnig a battle against the wicked witch, and then she woke up. They were married and lived happily...ever...after. The end!" He smiled as he tickled the little one on his lap that broke into a tinny mess of giggles as the rest cheered and some went around the studio to play.

"Kyunnih hyuuuuung~ Why dosh deh queen hate Smow Bite?" Kyungsoo giggled at the caracters new name. Kids really do have and imagination for names dont they? xD He wiped the remains of what were smores a moment ago from the little boy called Jiho.

"It's snow White silly. The queen didn't like her because the magic mirror said that Snow White was the prettiest in all the land. She was jelouse." He smiled as another little girl came to his side.

"But if the queen hated snow white, then wae she eat the poison apple?"

"She didn't know that the queen hated her, she thought that the old lady was just a nice person and so she didn't feel it would be nice to reject the old lady's gift."

"Will you braid my hair?" She looked up at him with big brown orbs for eyes and he died of the cuteness.

"Sure thing, hop on. Here Jiho, hold your brother for me." Kyungsoo handed the three year old to his older brother Jiho who took him and sat him infront of him and he started braiding Cheirin's hair. You might wonder why the hell is Kyungsoo stuck in a place packed with little kid's.....well, since he was rather useless in any other work, he couldnt get into the army and he could get molested by someone on the street....he decided to open a daycare. He was sweet and responsible and baby's just seemed to love him so it worked to perfection.

"Kyungsoo are you Snow White?" Jinjong asked, he was a little but very smart seven year old.

"No. Why do you ask?" Kyunnie asked with a bit of a giggle in his voice.

"Because Snow White ish pretty." Jinjong said.

"And because your mouth is red, Just like Snow White's" Cheirin said jumping of of the elders lap once he was finished and continued playing with her doll.

"And you have paper white skin." Jiho said and Kyungsoo laughed at the cute remark's.

"Aigoo~ You kids are too much~" He patted their heads and took the little three year old called Jeongmin and rested him on his lap again.

"Kyunnie~ Why does Snow White wake up when deh prince kiss her?"

"Because he loved her and only true love's kiss could wake her up."

"But why? The apple kill her so why does it matter if he love her?" At that moment the all looked at his with those little sad looking eyes as the kept pushing the answer out of him.

"Because when someone loves another person....they will do anything to be with that person and if they do it from the heart then there is nothing love cant heal." He slowly smiled and the little kids stayed in thought.

"Kyungsoo oppa!! You need to eat a poison apple so that Kai oppa can kiss you and make it all better" All the kids that were still around him agreed with that thought and Kyungsoo was staring to panic.

"N-n-no kids that can't be because Kai and I are both boy's." He tried reasoning.

"But you look like girl so it's ok."

Reason with baby: Fail.

"Yeah~ And then that way you can live happily ever after!! Yaay!!" They started squealing at the plan. How is he goign to explain to their parents that their kids want to see a couple happen? Oh wait! He doesn't have to cus their parents would agree with them! And now Kyungsoo want to go to a ditch and die!! :D Yuppy!!

The kid's went around playing all around the place as he just watched them dying from all the cuteness. He stared in when suddenly the door burst open and all the little kids start squealing in laughter. Kai came into the place with a huge smile on his face and yelled.

"Oh my god what is this place?!?!" The little ones came running to him and they pulled him down so they could to the sandwich.

"Aaaah!! I am being attacked by tinny people!! Nooo!! weakening!! Too much *Cough cough* cuteness!! It's!! Nooooo!!! I will have my revenge!!!" He laughed as he suddenly started tickling anything within his reach and all the children from the dog pile ran away returning to their previouse actions.

Kai went to little girl that sat playing.

"Wacha been up to?" He smiled and leaned in to listen to what the little girl mumbled about.

Kyungsoo looked in awe as he looked at everything, Kai sometimes came around to help him with the kids so that Kyungsoo could take a break once in a while. The kid's loved him and Kyungsoo was glad that Kai could come up with something so silly but fun. It was......


"Snow White?" Kai smiled and looked at Kyungsoo in disbelive. Kyungsoo felt a little flustered under his stare as the images of the night before replayed in his head. ok, ok, ok....gotta say something smart um.....well he didn't know what to say but he isn't staying quiet.

"What? If other people make up stories about a princess kissing an ugly frog then why cant i make one called snow white and a poisoned apple?" He laughed a bit; Kai giggled and started to make his way torwards him. Kyungsoo started to figget on his feet as Kai came closer and closer until they were one infront of the other. Kai leaned on the desk and Kyungsoo knelt one of his knees on his chair as they stood in akward silence.

"Sooo~....youl look great" Kyungsoo blushed.

"Oh, um...y-you too. You look good- I mean not good goood bu- No wait! I not saying you look bad!! I-I-I'm just saying you look n-nice and um-" Kyungsoo hushed when he felt Kai ruffle his hair and let his fingers lightly graze Kyungsoo's cheek as he stared at him.

"It's ok." The elder gulped and flushed at the skinship he looked down but Kai's hand pulled gently his chin up as he let it slide to his neck. Kai was almost in a trance with Kyungsoo's eye's. So big and brown and cute that just made him stare in awe. He could feel how fast Kyungsoo's heart was beating because the vaine on the latter's neck was pumping blood like crazy, and now that he thinks about it Kyungsoo's skin felt hot against his touch. He smiled and let go of the mentaly dying hyung who was in a state of dispair. Ommo~ This is so embarrasing and akward!!

Oh god Kyungsoo was so nerve wrecked!! xD Kyungsoo's breathing hitched; His eye's never leaving the other's lips. Would it be ok if he could like....idk kiss him again? He bit his bottom lip and brushed the idea away. That would never happen....

...cus even Kai said it was a mistake.

"Kyunnie hyung!!!! Noooooo!!!!" They both saw Jinjong come running torward's Kyungsoo and hug his leg looking up with sad eye's. The doe-eyed boy watched confused.

"What is it?"

"No Kyunnie hyung!! Dont eat the poison apple!"

"Jinjong what are you tal-" A bitten apple was thrown and landed infront of Kyungsoo's feet. Then Cheirin came running and picked it up, fake gasping at it.

"Oh no!! We're too late!!" She fake cried. All of a sudden Jiho joined and between the three they pulled Kyungsoo down.

"Kid's what are yo-"

"Oh no!! Please dont die!!" Jinjong fake cried while pushing Kyungsoo flat on his back and nodded to Cheirin.

"Kyunnie opp-- I-I mean Snow White!! Dont follow the light!! No!!" Cheirin took a dress-up scarf and tied it to Kyungsoo's head covering his eye's compleatly.

"Kid's what are you doing?" Kyungsoo tried to get up but they just pushed him back down.

"Snow White hyun-- I mean noona!! Noooo!!" And after the first task was done Cheirin and Jiho dedicated themselves to fake crying from the sidelines.

"No~ Snow White~ Buhuhu!" When Kyungsoo tried to raise his head Jinjong pushed it down while he held the pose of a dramatic hand on his forehead.

"She was tho young!~ Now what will we do know?!?!"

"I'm not quite sure i follow." Kyngsoo said as he stayed there eventualy giving up.

"Kai oppa! Kai oppa!!" Cheirin went running torwards the now laughing Kai and gripped onto his jean's. "You have to kiss Snow White! It's the only way to save her!! Ppalli!! Ppalli!! Ppalli!!"

Kyungsoo coughed when he heard Cheirin say that all of a sudden. No way that this is happening!

"W-WHAT?! Children, what are you doing? This is not a game anymore, what are you up to?" He fidgeted on the floor as he struggled to undo the knot on his head but it didn't give in an inch. He kept at it when suddenly he felt his head being lifted up and placed under an arm as Kai's perfume overwhelmed him. He felt dizzy and exited and nervouse.

"Kai? Kai what are you doing? Kai?" He gripped on the the younger's shirt and felt Kai's warm breath shower his face, by this time now he was red as a tomatoe and if it weren't for the scarf he would probably have his eyes would probably occupy most of his face of how wide they would be. Kai's breath lingered from his face to his ear as he gave him a y whisper.

"We better give them what they want, right?"

Kyungsoo gulped as his nerves took control of him, he wanted to run and hide in a corner but he was frozen in place. A knot got caught up in his throat as he felt Kai's warm breath shower his mouth. Kyungsoo felt it when Kai's lips grazed his and he gasped lightly at the accidental touch. His lips were slightly parted as he begged his throat to open to let in the oxigen but he was scared that if he made any movement they would end up in a lip-hug.

"K-Kai?" His voice came out hushed and shaky as Kai pulled him closer to his body. Seeing him like this....compleatly at his mercy was fun. Kai looked at him and mentaly giggled; then looking at the room where all the little one's stared in pure exitment. He even saw one that had two puppet's. One in each hand and he demonstrated what they wanted happening by making the two puppets kiss as he made smooching sound's while his friend giggled. Kai got an idea. He leaned in and suddenly attacked Kyungsoo's neck with kisses and monster sounds. The elder broke out laughing and squirming like crazy and all the children laughed.

"Did i mention that i am the big bad wolf from red riddinghood?! Fear me!! RAWR!!" He suddenly chased everything that was under knee length as the room got filled with squeals and laughter. Kyungsoo noticed that Kai undid the knot on the scarf and he took it off prompting himself on his elbows as he smiled at the imposible but sweet donsaeng.


"Aigoo..." He kept staring as Kai played with his little pupil and something in his heart kept it ticking faster than a clock.





"What to do, what to do...."

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Is this still ongoing?
Chapter 11: UPDATE SOON!!!
akared #3
Chapter 11: gosh. this is so cute nursery!
akared #4
Chapter 4: you're stupid lonely prince ever Jongin...
Chapter 11: Omg soo good I love this story
Second time reading this! Kyungsoo should be named D.O. White for his ivory skin, huge eyes and red lips. This story is so fluffy and cute <33 I squeal every single time I read Kyungsoo fangirling of Kai and Kai blushing/acting all nervous around his hyung. URGH, TOO MUCH KAISOO ;~~;

Update soon mkayy? ;AA;
Ahahah the scenes with the kids are so cute fluffy and hilarious XD
What happend to Luhan!!!

Did he get possessed???

Cuz if so, that'd be y!!!
Awww, Kaisoo ish sho adorkable <3
The mirror's so scary, they should get rid of it ;A;
e_eChrishoe #10
Yes yes sekai drama i like :'3