A Confusing Melody?

Room 407


   I didn’t know what to do. It was so awkward after that. I mean, I kissed her… but she didn’t say anything. I smiled at her, but she still didn’t say anything. I sure as heck didn’t know what to say, so I expected her to encourage me or something. I don’t know. I expected her to at least say something.  

So. We kissed. But what happens after that? Does she like me? Do we start going out or something? I know nothing about those kinds of things. I feel all confused after kissing her. She kissed me back, so that counts for something, right?

But what happens after this?

All those crazy thoughts were whirling around in my head, and I didn’t know what to do. So I just sat there, staring at her as a small smile played upon my lips. Just looking at her makes me happy. She’s so beautiful.

But the beautiful moment was ruined when she got up all of a sudden.

Her movement was so abrupt that the chair below her fell over. We both jumped a bit as it toppled to the floor with a loud bang. With trembling fingers, she grabbed the top of the wooden chair and pulled it upright. I was worried. I was worried about her well-being, because she looked so shocked. Was kissing her a bad thing?

No, no. What I did was right. She kissed me back, didn’t she?

I was also worried about our relationship between each other. I mean, we had kissed, but… But what? What comes after that? Because I really don’t know; I don’t know at all.

Subin looked at me before taking a step back. She looked very nervous, almost as if I was going to pounce on her.

Oh, no. No. No, no, no, no!

Does she think I’m a ert? Since I kissed her, does she think I want to assault her or something? I’d never do something like that. Never!

And she kissed me back, so it’s not like she didn’t like it, right? Right?! Oh God, I’m so confused right now. I just don’t know what to do.

There were so many things I wanted to say to her. I wanted to clear things up about me being a ert (because I certainly am not one). I wanted to tell her that I loved her, but how weird would that be? We have only known each other for so long. There was a mountain of questions and statements and confessions that I wanted to tell her, but nothing seemed to come out of my mouth.

“Um, I guess I’m disturbing your practice, aren’t I? I’ll just go,” she whispered.

Maybe I should tell her I love her. Will that prevent her from leaving me?

But I couldn’t say anything. Just like that, she had whisked herself out the door and into the hallway outside. All that was left of her was the smell of her perfume – a rosy scent – and the image of her face burned into my mind. She looked...sad. Disappointed, even. But I didn’t know why.

I regretted everything except for the kissing. I should have said something. Anything. I should have at least said something!

But I didn’t.

“Don’t leave me…” I whispered. I’m not sure why I let my voice become so low. There was no one else in the room except for me. I could have screamed, and no one would have heard. Subin would have been long gone by then. But all I did was whisper, speaking low. It almost felt as if talking any louder would have broken the imaginary glass all around me. The air seemed so delicate.

Why didn’t I say anything sooner?


Awkward. That’s one word to describe the atmosphere I had been in before. There were so many other words to describe how the situation felt, too, but none of them were any bit positive. I had been expecting Yixing to say something, but he didn’t. So maybe I should have spoken. I should have at least broken that awkward silence.

Yet a small part of me was still begging him to say something along the lines of “I love you.”

I was probably expecting too much from him, but I didn’t care at the moment. All I wanted to do was to feel myself in his arms. I just wanted to be close to him.

Maybe if I had said something, I could have still been in there with him.

I knew I shouldn’t have left because I would be regretting it later, which I was. But I just couldn’t stand it. The atmosphere was too intense for me.

We didn’t say anything to each other, but maybe if we did, I would have still been in there. I desperately wanted to hear him sing again. But because of my foolishness, I couldn’t.

I didn’t want to go throughout the day without getting my daily dose of music. I had listened to Yixing’s playing, but it wasn’t enough for me. I needed a lot more than five minutes of playing to last the rest of the day. Considering the confused and flustered state I was in, I would be staying in my private practice room for a while.

It didn’t please me that the room I would be practicing in was only a few doors down from Yixing’s, but I decided to it up and play, anyway. It’s not like he would be able to hear me, knowing that he would be too engrossed in his music.

So I lifted the cover of the piano, the glossy black and white keys shining up at me. I smiled despite myself; the piano always knew how to calm me down. Maybe playing would help me sort out my feelings. I found it a bit ridiculous that I was so flustered about a kiss, since it was just that: a kiss. But, even then, I had no experience in love whatsoever, so it didn’t surprise me that I would be shocked.

As my fingers laid themselves down on the keys and I started playing, thoughts of Yixing came into my mind, despite my efforts to clear my head of him. I just couldn’t make him go away, no matter how hard I tried. He would always manage to find a way to creep back into the back of my head.

So, instead of playing to get rid of him, I embraced him. I played as best as I could, my fingers running over the keys in a mix of emotions. I could practically feel all of my thoughts oozing out of the piece that I was playing. I couldn’t get rid of Yixing, so I decided to freestyle, letting all of my feelings into the piano.

The song started off nervous and antsy, which is how I had felt before going to meet him. But I was also a bit excited, which I pointed out in my piece with light staccato notes. And then the tension started to build up, as I pictured myself coming closer and closer to the door of his practice room. The notes started to become light and peaceful as I recalled how I felt when I first heard him play.

But the song became tense again as I played the part where I stumbled over my words. But I also mixed in my admiration towards him, and the embarrassment I felt while looking at his face; even then, my face burned as I thought of him.

I tried to put all of my emotions into the song, but it was difficult since I had been feeling so many at one time. As I struggled to put all my emotions in at once, the song started to overwhelm me, and I could feel myself slipping into the music once again.

My happiness when he asked me to meet him after school.

My anxiety as I walked over to the room, wondering if I looked okay.

My wonder and amazement as his song started to fill my ears.

My love for him once I realized that I well, loved him.

And then all of those emotions replayed in the song all over again as I recalled the kiss. The tempo of the melody started to go faster, expressing my shock towards the kiss. But then, as I started to play, the song became slower and more relaxed as I started to realize that, in the middle of my playing, I had fallen in love with him all over again.

When the song had finally finished, I realized that a whole half hour had already passed. I usually practice for an hour, but not on just one song alone. I was a bit surprised that it had taken me so long to express my feelings.

I took a deep breath and got up, planning to leave. I could have stayed for another half hour, but for some reason, the song had left me tired out. I decided to call it a day, so I picked up my bag. I then gingerly closed the piano, smiling to myself. I was still sitting on the piano bench, though.

I sighed and rested my elbows on the top of the piano, contemplating everything that had gone on. I had met Yixing, and somehow, in the span of just two days, I had managed to fall in love with him. Unless I had already fallen in love with him the moment I met him...?

"Is that what people call love at first sight?" I asked myself.

I was never one to believe in all those mushy love legends, like the very famous one that had somehow managed to snake its way onto the school's campus:

I had been chatting with my friend, Ji Eun, over a cup of bubble tea. She was animatedly throwing her hands up in the air and telling me of the supposed legend that she had heard of.

"And where exactly did you hear this ridiculous legend, may I ask?" I smirked.

"Um... I heard it from some girl during lunch," she sheepishly replied.

I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, squinting at her. "So then how do you know that it's true?"

"Well, I...um...uh..." she helplessly began.

Anyway, according to this supposed "legend", any couple that kissed in one of the classrooms in the abandoned wing at school would be together forever.

I smiled despite myself, thinking that, if the legend was true, then maybe it could apply to us.

"I wonder... Since Yixing and I kissed, will we be together forever? I hope so..." I thought out loud.

I shook my head, scolding myself for thinking of such a fantasy. Of course the legend wasn't true. But, even then, I had been secretly hoping it was, just so I could be with Yixing.

I pulled away from the piano with a wistful expression on my face as I walked out the door. I closed the old wooden door shut, twisitng the rusty old key I had gotten from Mr. Choi to lock it.

I smiled as I walked away, twirling the key between my fingers.

I didn't see the shadow behind me swiftly creep back into another door, though, silently pulling the door closed.


Author's Note:

I think the story is about halfway done. I promised myself to make this short so I could focus on my other stories. I feel like I've been neglecting them...

I've just been so caught up with this story. But... I want to turn this story into a really long one and just disregard my other stories... Honestly, the more I write this story, the more I dislike my other ones. I just want to erase them and continue on with this one, or make new stories that are better.

What do you think I should do??

*And yes, Ji Eun, Subin's friend, is IU. I love her! Don't you think she's unbelievably cute?*

Please answer in the comments...





Annyeong! Thank you for your support up 'til now~

- booksrawesome99

**I don't own the pic**


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--oreos #1
omg i love lay!
Wow, l can't seem to believe that you're thirteen. Your writing skills appear far beyond that age, LOL.
I'm a guy and of course, the majority of us aren't too fond of fluff and cutesy things. This story, however, is pretty darn good(: Keep up the workk. I'm anticipating it.
forever-waiting #4
Chapter 12: D; please update! This is a really cute fic.
Mekani #5
This is so cute >ㅅ<
dragonmafia #6
So cuuuute!!!! >3< omglob those gifs! Hnnnng *O*
dragonmafia #8
short update? aaaaaa hihihi so sweet
dragonmafia #9
waaaaaaa so sweeeeeet ><
This chapter made me smile so much! AAHHHH why so cute >3< Especially the part when she took a step back and he took a step forward and everything that happened after that. /sigh