He's Extremely Handsome, Good Looking, and Attractive

Room 407



                When I opened the door to room 407, three marvelous things were put into my line of sight:

1. An extremely handsome, good looking, attractive, boy. (There are so many other adjectives I could use to describe him, but then it would take too much time and space, so I’m just going to stick to those three.)

2. An old looking guitar that, despite its age, looked stunningly beautiful and serene. There were intricate designs running up and down the guitar, carved into the wood.

3. The extremely handsome, good looking, attractive boy was playing his old looking guitar to make the most wondrous sounds in the universe. It was so beautiful that it is kind of hard to explain exactly what it sounded like.

                I felt like I was intruding on the making of something wonderful, but I couldn’t just disregard Mr. Choi’s request. I don’t like breaking promises, remember? And besides, despite the fact that me talking to him would break the melody, I really wanted to get to know the boy called Yixing. A person who could make such nice music was a person I desperately wanted to know.

                “Um… h-hello. My name is Subin,” I stuttered. Oh gosh, why was I introducing myself? He didn’t have to know who I was. I could have just gave him the pick and gone.

                But then again, I didn’t want to just come in and then leave just like that. I wanted to get to know him.

                The boy known as Yixing looked up from his guitar, abruptly stopping his masterpiece. I sighed, sad that it had to end temporarily.

                I didn’t know I had made things so awkward until I saw him looking expectantly at me, probably thinking I was going to say something. Which I was going to do! I really was, but I was zoning out. Stupid me.

                “Oh! Um, I’m sorry to interrupt your practice, I really am. I-It’s just… uh…” I got lost in his eyes. Those nice, soft, brown eyes… Ahem. I mean, yeah. I got lost in his eyes. Hehe.

                He stared at me with a confused expression. Oh gosh, I was so awkward.

                “Well, um, Mr. Choi!” I suddenly said.

                He jumped up in surprise, almost dropping his guitar.

                I could feel myself blushing at my stupidity. “Um, Mr. Choi wanted me to give you this guitar pick. Oh, wait. You’re Yixing, right?” I asked.

                I didn’t want to be giving something to the wrong person. I had expected him to laugh at me, but instead, he just smiled. Oh, his smile. It could light up a whole room.

                “Yes, I’m Yixing. Thank you for bringing this to me.” He took the pick from my hands, our skin brushing against each other. I almost gasped at the contact. It felt like electricity was going through my veins.

                I smiled back at him, happy that he didn’t think I was a fool for acting so weirdly. Most people thought of me as a fool since I was so clumsy.

                It might have been my imagination, but I swear I saw a faint blush on his cheeks.

*    *    *    *    *

                The next day at school, I was looking forward to going to my practice room. Well, usually, I would have been excited to play the piano. However, on that particular day, and the days after that, I was looking forward to hearing Yixing sunbae’s playing. The sounds he could make on his guitar never failed to amuse me, although I had only heard it once at the time. Throughout the whole day, I had daydreamed during class, replaying his song over and over in my mind. I hadn't learned a single thing that day.

                Mr. Choi and I had resumed our usual talking in the classroom, which was something I was relieved about. I had seriously thought he was mad at me.

                We were having small conversation amongst each other as we munched on our lunches. I was eating bibimbap, while Mr. Choi was indulging himself in kimbap. We both chewed thoughtfully on our lunches. We never really talk to each other as we eat, but even then, it feels like we talked about a lot. I guess we just have a good relationship like that. But then, Mr. Choi broke our thoughtful silence.

                “I feel like you have something to say to me,” he said, looking me squarely in the eyes.

                “Uh…” was all I could say in reply.

                Mr. Choi laughed, taking a bite of his kimbap. He shook his head as he chewed. “It just seemed like you wanted to say something.” He grinned at me.

                Sometimes, Mr. Choi knows me better than I know myself, and that was one of those times. I did have something to say.

                “Yes, I do have something to say. Thanks for reminding me,” I said, laughing.

                “Then say it,” Mr. Choi challenged, pointing his chopsticks at me.

                Sighing, I picked up my chopsticks and pointed them at him. We had a mini chopstick fight, using them as swords, until I finally started talking.

                “I’m sorry for always being late. I can’t promise that I won’t be late ever again, but I can promise that I’ll try,” I said sincerely.

                “Like I said yesterday, being late is being you. And you can’t change who you are.”

                I looked up at him in mock disbelief. “Are you saying I’m not capable of coming to school early?”

                He snickered, “I’m just saying it’s natural for you to be late, because you are. Always. Late. And you might always be.”

                I turned away in a huff, but I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my face.

                “Fine, fine. I bet you my lunch tomorrow that I will come in time to class tomorrow morning,” I said.

                Mr. Choi grinned at me, gladly accepting the terms. If I won, then he would give me his sheet music for a song I was dying to play. I had been asking him for it in ages, but he said he wouldn’t give it to me until I had found something to love. I loved piano didn’t I? I didn’t understand what he meant then. If he won, then I would have to give him my lunch and stop going to my practice room for three days.

                The stakes were high, and it all depended on if I woke up early or not.

                As we were playfully arguing with each other, it was more like we were best friends instead of teacher and student. And I was okay with that. I was happy just comfortably being myself, but I started to stiffen when a certain extremely handsome, good looking, attractive boy came into the classroom.

                “Oh, Yixing-ah, what brings you here?” Mr. Choi asked jovially.

                “I just wanted the tabs for the song you showed me yesterday so I could play it on my guitar,” he explained, his soft voice tinkling through the room like bells. I wouldn’t be surprised if he could sing well, too.

                I didn’t talk as the two conversed with each other. But my mouth almost fell open in shock when I saw that the song Yixing sunbae was going to play was the song I was dying to play on the piano. It was the exact song that I had been dying to get the next day. How could Mr. Choi give it so easily to Yixing sunbae, but not me?? Mr. Choi regarded me with a sympathetic look. He always knows what I’m thinking.

                “Then I’ll see you later, Mr. Choi. Oh, and Subin-ah, I’d like it if we saw each other after school again,” he added shyly.

                Subin-ah? Since when did he call me Subin-ah? Not that I minded. It made me feel all fuzzy inside that sunbae considered us close, even though we had only met the day before. I smiled back at him, feeling a small blush creep onto my cheeks.

                “Of course. I’ll see you after school,” I said eagerly. Oh gosh, it sounded like we would be meeting up for a date.

                Both of us seemed to realize it, because both of us turned as red as tomatoes. Did I mention he looked so cute when he was blushing?

                He left in a hurry, excusing himself politely.

                Mr. Choi just stared at me with a smug expression on his face. His smug expression turned wistful as he continued eating his food while I stared at him, confused.

                “Makes me wish I was young again…” he sighed.

                “Mr. Choi? What’s up with all this? And you’re still pretty young, you know. You’re not even 30,” I said pointedly.

                Mr. Choi just shook his head at me. He poked my nose playfully. “This is why I keep on telling you to fall in love.”

                “But Mr. Choi! You know I love piano, yet you don’t give me the song! And you gave the song to Yixing sunbae! Why?!” I suddenly burst.

                Instead of being shocked at my rage, he simply shrugged. “If you want the sheet music so badly, then win the bet. Or you could ask Yixing-ah.”

                I could feel myself blushing again, causing Mr. Choi to laugh. “That makes no sense. You gave him the tabs. I can’t play it on the piano if you gave him the tabs!” I said, exasperated.

                “Oh, Subin-ah, you’re so cute and clueless sometimes! Just use it as an excuse to see him!”

                “But he asked me to see him, so I don’t need to make up an excuse,” I pouted.

                Mr. Choi laughed at me. “So you really want to see him, don’t you?”

                “Yes!” I answered way too eagerly for my liking.

                With that, Mr. Choi just let a really smug look creep onto his face. His lips curved into a satisfied smile.

                “Go to him and have a good time after school. Tell it to me during lunch tomorrow, and I might just give you the sheet music. And if you come to class on time, then I’ll put in something extra,” Mr. Choi said.

                If doing so would let me have the sheet music to the song, then I would definitely do it. Well, that’s what I wanted to think. Honestly, I just really wanted to see Yixing. I didn’t know why, but I just did. I felt like there was a string pulling us together. I wasn’t sure if he felt it, but I certainly did.

                And I was completely fine about the pull beckoning me to come closer to him.


Author's Note:

I don't know why, but I'm really enjoying writing this. It just feels so... I dont' know. I feel so light while writing this. And I'm listening to really nice classical music as I'm writing this, so I feel all... I feel so relaxed. I don't know. I'm feeling "one with the world" or some zen stuff like that. Almost like I'm meditating while I'm writing.

Anyway, ignoring all my weird emotional stuff, I just hope you're enjoying this story.


I like it when people comment and tell me their thoughts on the characters or ask me what happens next. It just propels me forward as I write... It's so nice. Comments make me feel all nice and fuzzy inside.

So please comment~

Love you all,

         - booksrawesome99

 I love you and Taemin loves you, so don't hate. LOVE~


Spazzing out for no reason because I feel like it.


**I don't own the pictures**

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--oreos #1
omg i love lay!
Wow, l can't seem to believe that you're thirteen. Your writing skills appear far beyond that age, LOL.
I'm a guy and of course, the majority of us aren't too fond of fluff and cutesy things. This story, however, is pretty darn good(: Keep up the workk. I'm anticipating it.
forever-waiting #4
Chapter 12: D; please update! This is a really cute fic.
Mekani #5
This is so cute >ㅅ<
dragonmafia #6
So cuuuute!!!! >3< omglob those gifs! Hnnnng *O*
dragonmafia #8
short update? aaaaaa hihihi so sweet
dragonmafia #9
waaaaaaa so sweeeeeet ><
This chapter made me smile so much! AAHHHH why so cute >3< Especially the part when she took a step back and he took a step forward and everything that happened after that. /sigh