
Room 407

C h a p t e r  1 2 ;   S u d d e n


Lay's POV


      I entered the house in a flurry of smiles and giggles. Of course, I probably sounded like a teenage girl fangirling over her favorite boy group, but I suppose my situation was sort of similar to that. But instead of ogling over attractive boys, I was giddy with excitement over Subin and how adorable she was. Something about the way she engulfed herself inside her scarf, and the way her eyes crinkled as she smiled, and the cute blush on her cheeks as I held her hand...all of it made me want to lock myself in my room and squeal. I guess I was her own personal fanboy. Not that I minded. I'd be anything for her.

      I started to wonder how she would react if I told her all of my strange fanboy-ish thoughts, and laughed as I imagined her red cheeks and embarrassed smile. She could be so cute! (Well, to me, she was always cute.)

      I didn't even bother to greet my father hello - he was probably busy with work, anyway - and bounded up the stairs to my room, ready to pour my heart out. I reminded myself to watch a bunch of football and hardcore things the next day, because I could slowly feel my manliness fading away as I grabbed my phone and started to dial my friend's number. You know how girls start squealing when their crush talks to them or something like that and then they call their friends to squeal about it with them? Yeah, well, that's exactly how I felt as I impatiently waited for Luhan gege to pick up his phone.

      "Oh, Yixing, how have you been? Is everything-"

      "Finally, you picked up, Luhan! You'll never guess what just happened to me!"

      "That certainly is a nice way to greet me," I could hear him mumble right before I started pouring my heart out to him.

      Luhan was probably the only one I could call to talk about things like this with. I'm pretty sure that if I called anyone else, espeically if it was the ultimate troll, Chen, they would have teased me to no end for acting like a love sick puppy. I probably was, but like I was going to admit that to anyone. Tao probably would have started talking in strange riddles whilst trying to offer me advice to "cleanse my soul", and then scold me for not meditating while I was gone. Chen would have been laughing his off and recording our conversation to blackmail me later on. As for duizhang...he would be the worst. Kris and all his manliness would definitely scold me for acting like a love struck sissy and then proceed to tell me to "act like a man and face your fears" even though it would probably have nothing to do with my current situation.

      And that was how I got stuck with telling all my secrets to Luhan, who was definitely the most sane in our group and would probably offer me the best advice. He was like an older brother to me, despite his baby face that made him look like a 13-year old, and didn't hesitate to give me his opinion once I finished telling him what had happened to me from the time I arrived in Korea to the time I came home from school that day.

      "You're pretty whipped, man."

      "No I'm not."

      "Yeah, you are. Whipped. You. Are. Whipped."

      "Shut up."


      "Okay! Okay, I'm whipped."

      "Told you so."

      After catching up a bit - turns out that Kris had finally given in to Tao's aegyo and bought him a crazy expensive Gucci purse - we hung up. I was a bit sad knowing that they were having a lot of fun without me, but knowing that Subin was here with me in Korea lifted my mood a bit. And you can only stay sane for so long when with those guys, after all.

      I lay on my bed, just contemplating all that had happened. I was happy that Subin and I were finally on the same page with our feelings and all, but we certainly were behind the performance because we kept on, uh...well, kissing. The performance was only a week and a half away, and we had barely done anything. Now that we were dating, I guessed that we would be able to get over the awkward atmosphere and just start practicing for real. Subin was very talented and had already planned everything out. All that was left was to start playing the song, but we hadn't gotten to that yet. We definitely had to start the next day.

      A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts as my dad peeped inside my room.

      "Yixing? Come, let's talk."



Subin's POV



      I practically rammed down the door of my house as I dashed inside, my cheeks still embarrassingly red (and it wasn't from the cold). Giddy with excitement, I jumped all around the house, my face practically splitting in half because my smile was so big. I greeted my parents with a renewed vigor, and I was filled with energy I didn't even know I possessed.

      "What's up with you?" Minseok asked, little crumbs of his poor bun flying out of his mouth.

      Scrunching my nose in disgust, I scolded him about his eating habits while taking a napkin and wiping his face for what seemed like the millionth time. His cheeks were tinged pink as he swatted my hand away and yelled at me, even more pieces soaring out. I laughed and lifted him up from the waist, spinning him around. It was not an easy task, I tell you. All those buns he ate didn't just disappear into thin air.

      "Yah! Noona, let go of me!" he yelled, but he was laughing.

      I kissed the top of his head before setting him down. He flicked my head then fled to his room, laughing like a psycho the whole way there. Oh, that cute bun! Rubbing my head, I walked up to my room, my head still spinning from what had happened before.

      Yixing is such a precious unicorn! And why did I just refer to him as a unicorn, you ask? Well, I don't even know myself. I think it suits him, though. I made a mental note in my head to call him that the next time I saw him, anticipating his reaction. He would probably laugh it off, unless he looked at me like I was crazy (which I probably was).

      So I guess that's what it feels like to have a boyfriend. I didn't really feel that different, though. But there were those weird butterflies in my stomach whenever I thought about him. I guess that's a change. 

      My cheeks turned pink as I thought about him again. He's too cute for his own good. Sometimes I wonder if someone as perfect as him can actually manage to exist in this world of imperfections. I feel so lucky to have someone like him. Giggling, I rolled around in my bed like a little girl who just got candy, relishing in the fact that he was my boyfriend.

      Yixing, the most perfect boy in the world, was my boyfriend.


      Oh my God! He's my boyfriend!

      The reality of the situation finally slapped me in the face. I fell off the bed with a thump. My eyes were wide open with shock, and a frenzy of thoughts were swimming around in my head. I have a boyfriend. His name is Yixing. Yixing is my boyfriend. Oh my God.

      "Hell yeah!" I squealed, getting up from the floor and doing an extremely mortifying happy dance.

      Of course Minseok had to choose that exact moment to walk in.

      I stopped in the middle of my dance, my mouth slowly falling open as I stared at the little bun peeking through my door. The room was silent as we stared each other down, contemplating what to do.

      Before I could even make another move, he just shook his head and closed the door.

      I could barely hear him mutter, "What kind of noona are you?"

      "Minseok, you're such a cute little bun, you know that?" I yelled through the door.

      He opened the door again, a cheeky grin on his face. "I know, noona. I know."

      "Yah! Would you guys be quiet?!" my mother yelled from downstairs.

      Oops. Oh, well! I was too happy at the moment and just let out a noncommittal "sorry", proceeding to fangirl over my fangirl-worthy boyfriend, Yixing.



Yixing's POV



      I had gotten up from my bed and followed my father to his study. He usually spent most of his time in there if he wasn't out working, only to do more work in the house. Never had I gone inside his study before; I had never been in the one at our home in China, and I had never beein in the one here, until now. 

      He pushed the large mahogany door open, revealing a large desk placed in front of a black leather chair. Behind that were high bookcases, precariously leaning over as they held the weight of countless books with who-knows-what written inside the fraying, old pages. His laptop was providing light inside the dark room, as well as the sleek desk lamp at the corner of his desk. Papers, written on time and time again, were spread across the desk. The smell of old paper wafted into my nose as I cautiously walked in. I was definitely comfortable around my father, albeit a bit frustrated at him for never spending time with the family, but just being inside his work area made me restless for no particular reason. And adding to my uneasiness was a feeling of dread slowly filling my insides. 

      Something bad was about to happen. I could feel it.

      "Well, Yixing, it seems that you have adjusted to Korea quite nicely." He smiled warmly at me and I couldn't help but smile back. But the feeling was still there.

      "Yes, I've made quite a few friends." And I also have a girlfriend.

      He nodded at me, his eyes crinkling. "That's good. But you miss China, yes?"

      I nodded. I missed my friends and I certainly missed my family. "Yes. I actually talked to Luhan just before. They seem to be having a nice time."

      "That's good to know. Well, how would you like to go back?"

      I went rigid in my seat, but my father didn't seem to notice. Leave? It sounded tempting to see everyone again, but the image of Subin kept on popping up in my head.

      "My work here is almost finished, so we can leave in about two weeks."

      Two weeks? Two weeks...

      That's such a short time. Two weeks, which is fourteen days, which is three hundred thirty six hours, which is also twenty thousand one hundred sixty minutes. If I said it that way, then it would seem like a long time, wouldn't it? But twenty thousand one hundred sixty minutes is three hundred thirty six hours, which is actually fourteen days, which is also two weeks. And two weeks is such a short time.

      I'm sorry, Subin.



A/N: So. You guys... I know, I know. I'm such a douche when it comes to updating. ;-; How long has it been? *checks* Oh God, I haven't updated since September 25. And it's now October 28. Wow. That's a little bit over a month.


And this chapter is dedicated to Yixing, like it always is. BUT YOU GUYS DID YOU HEAR.

Our smexy unicorn is hurt. ;-;

click here to drown in despair and cry your eyes out...

Oh, and I changed the look for this. Do you guys like it? I do. But if you want to keep it how it was before, I can, I guess. But I like this better.

See you soon~ (hopefully)

btw I didn't proofread yet so sorry for any errors...

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--oreos #1
omg i love lay!
Wow, l can't seem to believe that you're thirteen. Your writing skills appear far beyond that age, LOL.
I'm a guy and of course, the majority of us aren't too fond of fluff and cutesy things. This story, however, is pretty darn good(: Keep up the workk. I'm anticipating it.
forever-waiting #4
Chapter 12: D; please update! This is a really cute fic.
Mekani #5
This is so cute >ㅅ<
dragonmafia #6
So cuuuute!!!! >3< omglob those gifs! Hnnnng *O*
dragonmafia #8
short update? aaaaaa hihihi so sweet
dragonmafia #9
waaaaaaa so sweeeeeet ><
This chapter made me smile so much! AAHHHH why so cute >3< Especially the part when she took a step back and he took a step forward and everything that happened after that. /sigh