A Boy's Love

Room 407




               I can’t believe I just did that. I never knew that I could be so…bold. Agh, I bet if I replayed what happened all over again in my head, my cheeks would burst into flames for blushing so much. I’m so embarrassed! And it didn’t look like Subin was enjoying what I was doing, either.

               If anything, she looked uncomfortable. Curse me and my raging hormones. Curse me being a teenager. If only I was more mature, I wouldn’t have acted out like that. I hope Subin doesn’t hate me for it. I would rather die than be hated by her.

               I was a bit disappointed, though. After all, I thought we were going to have another kiss. But she stepped back… Does she not like me? Or maybe she was just embarrassed. I’d probably feel embarrassed if the person I liked suddenly kissed me, I guess. It would be too much for my heart to handle.

               Agh, why am I thinking impure thoughts again?! I have to admit, I really wanted to kiss her, but thinking about it all the time makes me feel so dirty! I wanted to slam my head against the wall repeatedly, but Subin was with me. I didn’t want her to think that I was weirder than I already was.

               But I guess the expressions I were making while thinking about all of that made me seem weird, anyway. Subin was staring at me like I had grown two heads, and I wanted to slam my head against the wall again for making myself seem so weird and stupid. Now she probably thinks I should be placed in a mental asylum.

               Argh, curse me and my weird actions! Oh, Subin, please don’t hate me for being this way. I’m so sorry.

               “Uh…anyway!” I cleared my throat and clapped my hands, wanting to get her attention. Subin looked up, wondering what I had to say. She had been nervously fiddling with her fingers while I ranted about my stupidity moments before.

               I smiled at her affectionately and pulled over another chair, sitting across from her. “How do you think we should arrange the song? After all, although Mr. Choi gave us the parts for both the piano and the guitar, don’t you think we should change it up a bit?”

               The awkward atmosphere that had settled around us clearly seemed to lift as Subin brightened, happy to be sharing her opinion.

               “Of course. That’s a great idea, Yixing oppa! It’s a wedding, after all. We need to make the song extra special," she chirped.

               Did she just call me what I think she called me? Oppa: a term of affection towards an older male from a younger female in the Korean language. A name that all guys want to be called by a girl they care about. A name I definitely want to be called by the one I love. Oh gosh, I would do a little victory dance and prance around the room singing my heart out if it weren't for the fact that it owuld make me seem absolutely psychotic. A bunch of rainbows and unicorns might as well sprout from my head. I could die and still be happy, for all I care!

               I smiled as wide as I could. My eyes twinkled and I just hoped that I didn’t look too creepy, since I knew I might have been smiling a bit too widely out of my extreme state of bliss. I wasn’t sure if I was overreacting, but I probably was. After all, in all the fan-fictions I have read (it’s not what you think; my sister forces me to read them with her!), the boys loved being called oppa. Sure, they would feel all warm and fuzzy inside once their crush called them oppa. But they wouldn’t want to jump up and down and throw the biggest party ever. Okay, now I’m sure I’m overreacting, since that’s exactly wanted to do. I wanted to throw a party and invite everyone in the world just so I could tell them how happy I was.

               I forced myself to act a little less excited once Subin asked me if I was alright. Oh gosh, now she probably wants to put me in a mental asylum for sure. Ignoring that, I asked her, “Did you just call me oppa?”

               Subin chuckled and nodded, wondering why I was so happy. “Yeah, because you are my oppa.”

               Without thinking about the consequences, I jumped out of my chair and hugged Subin as hard as I could. And it wasn’t your average hug, either. I hugged her as if we were already lovers (psh, I wish). I held her tightly and pulled her out of her chair, lifting her until her feet weren’t touching the ground. Her fingers clutched my shirt as she yelped in surprise. I knew I was going to regret this later, but I didn’t care at the moment. I spun her around several times before setting her down.

               After setting her back down on her chair, I stared at her affectionately. Gosh, she’s so pretty. I love her so much.

               The sunlight seemed to be my best friend that day. It shined down on her face, the light illuminating her features beautifully. Her hair was a bit tousled from my weird hug, and she looked confused.  I smiled softly and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, causing her to blush a tomato red.

               Chuckling softly to myself, I whispered, “I love you so much.”


Author's Note:

*sigh* don't you just love Yixing?

A short and sweet chapter for everyone. Hope you enjoyed! I really loved writing this. I was giggling and everything. Me and my fantasies...

 Bye everyone! ^^

            - Gaby


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--oreos #1
omg i love lay!
Wow, l can't seem to believe that you're thirteen. Your writing skills appear far beyond that age, LOL.
I'm a guy and of course, the majority of us aren't too fond of fluff and cutesy things. This story, however, is pretty darn good(: Keep up the workk. I'm anticipating it.
forever-waiting #4
Chapter 12: D; please update! This is a really cute fic.
Mekani #5
This is so cute >ㅅ<
dragonmafia #6
So cuuuute!!!! >3< omglob those gifs! Hnnnng *O*
dragonmafia #8
short update? aaaaaa hihihi so sweet
dragonmafia #9
waaaaaaa so sweeeeeet ><
This chapter made me smile so much! AAHHHH why so cute >3< Especially the part when she took a step back and he took a step forward and everything that happened after that. /sigh