Heart or Mind

Clean This Dirty Heart *Hiatus

Enlai and I sat in a comfortable silence as we mindlessly stared at the television. The sun hung high in the sky, smiling cheerfully at the world below. It was midday and we somehow found ourselves with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Moments like this were rare; we barely ever saw each other. I looked over to Enlai's slumping figure. He was dozing in and out of sleep, his head bobbing down and up like a bird going for a drink of water. Deciding to go out for some groceries, I headed to the bathroom to freshen myself up.

I strolled into the living room to help lay Enlai down to nap better. He would end up having a sore on his neck if I didn't. As I lay him down on a pillow his eyes fluttered open and looked at me in a daze.

"I'm going to pick up some groceries. I'll be back soon okay?" He nodded in acceptance and closed his eyes.

"Hana wait, I need to ask you something." His voice stopped me as I was headed towards the door.

"Yes?" What could he have wanted?

"Who's Kris? You've been saying his name in your sleep recently." He asked innocently. I could hear it though. The jealousy in his voice rang high. I fiddled with the hem of my dress and attacked the bottom of my lip with my teeth.

"I talk in my sleep?" Enlai got up and strutted towards me.

"Don't try to change the subject on me Hana. Who's Kris? Are you cheating on me?" He was now in front of me, blocking my only exit.

"Kris...I've taken another job, he's just my...my boss. He's just mean. I guess get my revenge on him in my dreams." I couldn't look into his eyes and turned away. I wasn't lying. It's not like I was cheating on Enlai. But why was I so scared to tell him? Why did I feel like I was lying?

"Are you ing serious? You think I'd believe that? Maybe he is your boss, but you're probably ing him too." He scoffed at me disgustingly. "Do you not respect me Hana?" I looked at him in disbelief. Me not respecting him? He barely ever helped me pay the bills, and he was in another relationship behind my back. My fuse had been blown. I had taken enough crap from Kris and from Enlai. All of the anger built up in this moment exploded towards Enlai.

"Enlai, you don't deserve my respect anymore. You're such a horrible person. Don't even speak about respect to me because never once have you shown any to me. You bring women here all the time to . You're a disgusting and filthy beast. You're cheating on me and even have the nerve to accuse me of doing it. Are you feeling guilty about it now? Do you want it to be even? Well you know what? I'll make it even for you, Enlai. We're done. We're through. You can take your and leave because I don't need you." I pointed to the door furiously. My face was burning in anger.

I watched as his face turned from shocked to anger. His fists clenched at his sides as he walked to open the door. Enlai was finally leaving my life. He turned around as he stepped out into the hallway, his face now sad. "And I thought you loved me. How could you do this to me Hana? I'm sorry for blowing up at you. I just...I was so stressed. I didn't have the time to tell you but my mother...she passed away recently." Enlai turned around and left with those words that hurt my heart more than he ever could have. Was I really that inconsiderate? How could I have blown up at him like that? His mother had just passed away. He was already hurting. The only times that I actually said anything to defend myself, things would blow up in my face. First my parents, and now Enlai, was I set for failure?

I dashed after Enlai, tears streaming down my face. How could I have hurt him so bad? I caught him as he was stepping out of the building. We stood outside in silence.

"I-I'm sorry Enlai." I grabbed his arm and looked up at him apologetically. "I didn't know. I'm sorry; pretend I didn't say all of that stuff. You can stay. I'm so sorry Enlai. I didn't mean those things." A small smile appeared on his saddened face.

"Do you still love me?"

"Of course I do Enlai. How couldn't I?" I returned his smile, happy that he had accepted my apology. He grabbed my hand and began to head inside the building but I stopped him. There was still something bothering me. "Enlai..." He turned around to look at me curiously. "I...can you break up with her?" I bit my lip, hoping he would say yes. His hand jerked out of mine. His calm aura had suddenly changed. He was angry again, like when he first asked about Kris.

"What the did you just say?"

"Why do you have to be with her? You have me Enlai. What's so wrong with me?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong with you; you won't let me live my ing life. I thought you loved me, loving me means making me happy."

"What about me Enlai? I'm not happy knowing you have another girl."

"Who the says I have another girlfriend? Maybe you are ing that Kris guy. Maybe I was right in the first place!"

"Enlai, stop it. Why are you being like this?" I looked at him pleadingly.

" you. Call me when you know what you've done wrong." He walked past me, trying to make a leave. I grabbed his wrist.

"Enlai, Wait! I'm sorry, come back." He jerked his hand forward with such force that it brought me to my knees, scraping them in the process. I cried from the physical and emotional pain coursing through me.

" you." My left cheek stung and began to burn, my tears and my head down.

"I'm sorry." His footsteps trailed away, becoming lighter, softer, and further.

A different voice entered my ringing ears.

"Hana! Are you okay? Get up, let me help you." Luhan looked at me worriedly with those comforting eyes. I was beginning to believe he was some sort of guardian angel for me. He was always there to make me feel better.

"I-I'm fine, Luhan." I smiled at him weakly. I was embarrassed he had seen me like this. I moved from his arms of support and towards my apartment building. "Thank you, but I've got to go." My knees hurt every time I bent my legs. I could feel warm blood trickle down my shins.

"She's not okay. Let's help her in and clean her up." An unexpected and familiar voice chimed in. I slowly turned my head to reassure my sanity. Kris stood in a dirtied white v-neck shirt. My eyes grew bigger than ever before. Did he just say something almost nice? For once he wasn't glaring at me. His eyes softened when they traveled down to my scraped knees. "Are you okay?" He asked in a tenderly, soft voice. My jaw unhinged and dropped.

"Uhh I-I'm f-fine...thank you." I couldn't look at him directly. Why was he so nice to me? Luhan reached for my hand right as his phone rang. He answered and ushered me back into my apartment.

We arrived and he mouthed 'bathroom'. I pointed to the hallway and he pushed me in there and sat me on the toilet. His face was in concentration, listening to the person over the phone intently.

"Can someone fill in for me? I'm sort of busy." He asked into the phone. "Fine, I'll be there soon." Luhan closed the phone looking worried and disappointed.

"Are you cleaning her knees?" Kris strolled into the bathroom. I had forgotten that he was even here. Luhan's eyes sparked.

"Ah Kris, you can help her. My manager just called. He needs me to fill in tonight." Kris nodded and he looked at me with apologizing eyes. "Sorry Hana. I promise Kris won't be mean to you, okay? I'm sorry that I have to leave. Get better okay?" I nodded and he walked out of the bathroom leaving Kris and I there awkwardly. His footsteps came rushing back to the bathroom door. "Hana...remember that we're always here for you okay?" He smiled and was off.

Kris walked closer to me. "Where is your first aid kit?"

"It's in the cabinet but I can get it. You don't have to help me, its okay." I didn't want to be a burden to someone who didn't like me. I got up and reached for the cabinet doors under the sink. Kris' hand stopped mine. I pulled back stunned. He looked at me again with those caring eyes. Was this the same Kris who had basically told me to go die?

"No, go sit. I'll do it." He opened the cabinet and brought out the kit. He bent down so he could begin cleaning my knees with alcohol pads. The pain was bearable. I looked down to watch him work in concentration. His blonde hair fell down over his eyes as he worked. His lips were together in a tight line. I watched his hands and noticed an open cut. The knuckles on his right hand had lost skin and were still bleeding.

"K-Kris..." I looked at him in concern. He slowly shifted his head up to meet my gaze. His left eye was turning purple. What had him and Luhan been doing before they saw me? "Your eye and your hand...let me take care of them." I stood up, worried about him. I reached up to his shoulders and turned him around to sit on the toilet seat. I took the cleaning pad out of his hands and tossed it into the trash bin. I ripped open a new one to begin cleaning his wounded hand. "Are you okay? After we clean this we can help your eye okay?" I looked gazed up at him. He looked surprised, his eyes wide and far from the angry slits I was used to seeing. "What happened? Why are you like this?" I moved my attention back to his hand but he moved it away. I looked at him again. Was he mad again? What had I done wrong this time?


"Kris, I'm sorry."

"Don't say you're sorry." He set his head in his hands and sighed loudly. "You're frustrating." What was he talking about?

"What did I do wrong?"

"You let him hit you; you let him step all over you." He looked at me with sad eyes. My heart almost stopped. Did they really see everything? "How can you love a man like that? How can you beg for him to love you again? How come I didn't believe you when you told me?" I had forgotten that Kris knew Enlai.

"Kris did you-"

"I saw what he did and I realized you weren't lying. I went after him when Luhan came for you. We sort of got into a fight."

"Sort of? You're hurt!" If Kris was hurt, was Enlai okay? "Is...did you hurt him bad?"

"Do you really still care about him that much? What is wrong with you?" He spoke with a tinge of anger in his voice.

"It's hard not to..." I felt stupid and ashamed because I knew Kris was right. His hands lifted to cup the sides of my face, his thumbs wiping away the tears I hadn't even realizing were falling.

"Hana I'm...I'm sorry." He held my gaze with his own. I drowned. I drowned in my tears and his eyes.

"What the are you two doing? I still can't believe you're the same ing Kris. I should have known Hana was talking about Lin's brother." Enlai's voice sounded from the bathroom entrance. Kris' hands slid off my face as he rose to face Enlai. I stood to see Enlai. He was beat up worse than Kris. He had also attainted a black eye along with a set of bloody lips and a torn shirt. I gasped at the sight. Kris pushed me behind him.

"You've hurt two girls already. I'll make sure you'll never see my sister again, Enlai. And you're never seeing Hana either. I should have believed her when she told me you were cheating on my sister." Kris spat the words at Enlai. I cringed just hearing the venom from his mouth, almost traumatized from being the victim to it in the past.

"Hana would choose me over the ing world, wouldn't you Hana?" Enlai looked at me. "Hana, I'm hurt." He gestured to his face. "Will you help me?" My heart sunk. It called for Enlai but my mind said no. Which one would win?

"She's not stupid enough to come back to you." My legs moved themselves forward towards Enlai. Kris grabbed my wrist. "Hana, don't go."

"Why are you being such a possessive ? She wants to help and be with me. You don't belong here anyway. Why don't you leave me and my girlfriend?"

"She's not your girlfriend." I pulled my wrist out of Kris' hand.

"I'm capable of making my own decisions, Kris." I looked at him still not sure of what I wanted to do. My heart still yearned for Enlai, but my mind knew better.

Enlai smirked. "Yeah Kris, let her choose who she wants."

"Hana, don't be stupid...please, I'm begging you." I turned to look at Kris, his eyes pleading in desperation. I had never seen him look so weak. I looked at Enlai with his familiar and comforting smile. Which path would I take? Was I ready for a new one?




Was that a good enough cliffhanger? ;) hehe who do you think she'll choose? Anywho, thank you to all of you. I'm so happy people have found this story interesting. And thank you to the people who have commented! You guys all are wonderful. You guys make me so happy! :) Much love<3


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This story is going on hiatus for now. In the mean time, you can check out my 2nd fic if you'd like:) I honestly think it's much better than this one. hehe


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
Omg. I meant I don't hate Hana. Wow my kindle autocorrect....
I don't hats Jana, I pity her :/ She's so broken and beaten down that she doesn't think other people would love her, like how Lulu does. She cant bring herself to trust him because by now, she thinks she's worthless. Lol maybe I'm looking too much into the character, but she needs healing. I read that you think this story is directionless? Aw, that . I really like this one! But I understand!
omfg. Hana you're ing stupid. I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T-- I JUST CAN'T-- /raging tities/ I CAN'T CALM MAH !!! OMFG! WHY HANA?!! WHY MUST YOU BE SO BLIND WITH LOVE?!!! AND NONETHELESS WITH A STUPID JERK LIKE HIM?! SRSLY. /calms myself/ 1..2....10 /sighs in frustration/ Hana. I swear, I swear to all my ancestors grave that you need some ing glasses, like for real. Why do you choose a jerk that hits you over EXO who treats you like a damn friend that cares a lot more than that ing bastard!!!!!! Urgh. Now look what you did to Kris And Luhan! YOU MADE THE TWO FIGHT!! Ooijgpserohilejk9ji0ernohjierjphkwroh[wr /rages again/ OKAY. I'm out. Peace. I don't know what to ing say anymore.

Sorry for the language yet again... ;___; /runs away to kick the wall and punch it till my hand bleeds/
HANA GO TO KRIS AND THE OTHER EXO MEMBERS! Don't go back to that don't know how many timing douche bag! Even if you don't want to go to Kris because of how mean Kris was, ATLEAST HE DIDN'T HIT YOU LIKE ENLAI!
Omfg. I swear if she chooses Enlai. I don't know what to do anymore, except ing scream!!!!! Klslskwsndolds URGH. I swear. I literally swear.

Girl, you're blind if you choose Enlai or in my case, the ing bastard faced jerk,I never ever want to meet in my whole life, if possible. Dont you see Hana? He treats you like freaking rubish! No slash that, a spec of dirt in his life. Dump that idiot! You had it a while ago when you said that you had no respect for him anymore, girl, I was rooting for you. Until you ing ran out and took him back! C'mon! Choose Kris, for Christ sake! Though he was a jerk to you at first , he did it for a freaking reason. And you know it! Plus have you not see him treat your wounds earlier and stood up for you? Oh btw one last advice from me. Be ing smart. Lol, omfg. I was too dramatic there, I swear. XD lol, but srsly, I needed to say that so badly!!! /le deep face/ sorry, for the language! >.<
Hana, pick Krease! Enlai has hurt you so many times. Can't you see he doesn't love you? Yes, Kris hasn't been the nicest welcoming committee, but he doesn't hit you, and he's not a lowly scumbag! He has a reason for this, he thinks you're a crazy girl! Well, I don't think I'm helping the situation, but Kris can love you bettah guuuuuurl! Omg, wtf am I saying? Anyways, Kris!!
Aww... D; Poor Hana, I pity her for having such a bad life and great bad luck! I hope some light would shed onto her life soon! urgh!! Stupid Enlai!!! Why can't Hana just kick him out or get another apartment?!! she works doesn't she? then she can afford to do so! =3= He's not worth your tears, guuurrrll!! he's just a freaking douchebag that only knows how to play around with girls! BEAT HIS !! /fist pumps/ D:< and Kris Y U SUCH A JERK?! does Hana look like a freaking crzy girl to you? if she was a crzy girl from the bar then you would see her there, wouldn't you? and also she would be freaking flirting with you 24/7!! URGH OPEN YOUR EYES KRISUS!!! >.< Hwaiting Hana~!! Me is here to be your back up! b'cuz I know some Karate! ;DD kekekeke! please update soon author nim!
Luhan is such a cutie pie, my goodness!! Krease is almost making me want to punch him. I mean, he can lighten up a little! I mean geez... Nice twist!
KRIS OMG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU. GAH Atleast the other guys are nice (: