Then life said

Clean This Dirty Heart *Hiatus

A crash sounded from somewhere in the apartment. My eyes twitched open. Who was here? Did someone break in?
"!" Enlai cursed. I closed my eyes again and relaxed. It was just him. The sunlight softly patted my eyelids with warmth. God I loved Saturdays. There was not a thing to worry about. I snuggled deeper into the bed not willing to wake up. Why not take my time? There was nothing to do, and nowhere to go. My breathing began to even, my dreams just beginning when something tainted it all. I sniffed in air just to make sure. The smell was faint and grew stronger as I headed to the door. Something was burning! I dashed into the kitchen to find Enlai facing the sink, the water on. He mumbled and cursed to himself. His fluffy, black hair stuck up in multiple directions. He hastily scrubbed the frying pan under cold water and managed to splash himself. He let out a slightly womanly scream fronm the cold and continued on. His straight nose crinkled up in frustration and his lips puckered in concentration. I casually leaned on the door frame and smiled. He was so cute when he was hard in concentration.

Enlai is hard to explain. He has an extremely special place inside of my heart. As dirty and weak he has made it, I still can't help but love him. We met in my last year of high school. He was the new guy, quiet, handsome, and mysterious. Not to mention attractive. Our love was definitely something out of a storybook. Girls swooned over Enlai, but who did he choose? None other than Li Hana, me. I at first didn't accept him. He was just another boy interested solely because I didn't want him.  Or at least I thought, maybe it started that way, but I definitely had fallen for him. He was perfect. Everything was perfect. Until I decided to introduce him to my parents.

I set the table for my mother. Tonight was a special night, because I had finally decided to let Enlai meet my parents. He was the perfect candidate, and my parents would love him as much as I did. I smiled to myself as I set the last plate down. My mother was finishing cooking the last of the meal. I smiled to myself and observed her. She was aging nicely, still beautiful in a simple summer dress that flowed freely to her knees. She gazed at me and returned my smile.

"When will Enlai arrive? I'm anxious to meet this boy of yours."

"He told me he wouldn't be long." I reassured her and entered into the living room. My father lazily watched the television. He perked up and beamed when I entered. My father was more picky than my mother but I knew he would love Enlai. My dad taught history and Enlai loved history. I had thought this night would be nerve wrecking but I felt perfectly fine. What was there to worry about? Enlai was near perfection and my parents would for sure love him. I had nothing to worry about.

My mother strolled into the living room and sat herself beside my father. He pecked her on the cheek and my heart swelled. They were still so in love. I knew that Enlai and I would share a future like my parents as well. The doorbell rang and I rushed up to answer. I straitened my dress and fixed my hair before I opened the door. An impatient knock sounded from the other side. Wow, Enlai must really want to meet my parents. Or maybe he was hungry.

As soon as the door opened I knew something was wrong. This night was ruined. A cigarette hung out of Enlai's mouth. The smell of smoke and alcohol intermixed in the air and permeated my nostrils. What was this? This wasn't Enlai was it? He threw the cigarette carelessly to the ground and stomped on in. Before I could utter out a word, he stepped in and planted a messy kiss on me.

"Hey babe, you look y." He smirked, his dark brown eyes cloudy, and lazy.

I looked at Enlai in disbelief. Was this the Enlai I knew? The one I had fallen for?

"Hana, come in here and introduce your boyfriend." My father's voice called from within the living room. My hands began to perspire and shake. My mind became a jumbled mess. How could I show Enlai to my parents like this? How come he never told me he smoked or indulged in alcohol? My mouth opened to make an excuse for Enlai to leave, he would have to meet my parents another day. I also had to talk to him. Had he been lying to me?

Enlai pushed past me and into the living room. My heart stopped. I could hear their gasps. I dashed into the living room. My mother was the first to recover and had to shake my father out of shock. He looked at me with disapproving eyes. I shifted my gaze to the back of Enlai's leather jacket.What happened to him?

"Hello, you must be Yan Enlai." My mother plastered the most synthetic smile onto her beautiful face.

The smile must have seemed real to his drunken eyes because Enlai then greeted them with slurred drunken words.

The dinner went horribly and my parents lectured me about my choice in men. I tried to reason with them but they wouldn't let me. I knew he had to have had a reason to show up in such a state. The way he was and acted wasn't anything like the Enlai I knew and loved.

"Hey, what are you doing there just staring? I'm not decent you know." Enlai glanced back at me and smirked. He was referring to his wife beater and boxers. I smiled sadly. He had such a dark side. Enlai had forced me to believe that his grandmother passed away the night before the disastrous dinner. He told me that his friend shoved a bottle and cigarette into his face and he took it as a way out. I now look back and realize how stupid I was. Because of Enlai I no longer speak to my parents. I believed him and hated them for a long time. I even moved out. I began to realize they were right about Enlai when he started to change. He would go out later each night. He would come home the way he did the night he met my parents. Then he began cheating. I used to yell at him about cheating but I stopped. There was really no use in losing my voice over something that wouldn't change. But I couldn't bring myself to leave him. He had this invisible pull that kept me grounded, and I hated it.

"What did you burn?" I walked over to him.

He sheepishly grinned and set the pan down. "I burnt some eggs, I guess I zoned out for a bit too long."

"Would you like me to cook?" I opened the fridge and pulled out the carton of eggs.

"You'd do that for me?" He brought his manly voice up to a nasaly and girly octave.

"Yes, only if you never do that again." I laughed at him. He s his arms around my waist from behind and set his chin on my shoulder.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, Hana." He lay a kiss on my shoulder. Of course he wouldn't see me. I got up too early to go to work and came home late or home to an empty apartment.

"I'm busy, and I'm sure you are too, honey." I smiled at him through gritted teeth. He couldn't even tell when I was lying. What a great boyfriend.


I rolled in bed restlessly. The clock read six thirty and that was too early for my taste. I pulled out of bed anyway, leaving Enlai in a deep slumber. Today I started a new job. Kris had reluctantly given in to the begging of the other members. Well, more like Tao's cute antics. I smiled as I washed up. I was happy to be doing something new. Tao and the other four members were more than happy to have me become their maid. Kris on the other hand would have rather lost a limb than have me in their place. I still didn't understand why.

I knocked on the white apartment door nervously hoping the angry bird, Kris, wouldn't be the one to greet me in. He probably would slam the door in my face. Luhan opened the door with a welcoming smile. He was adorable, well, they all honestly were. What a great group of six friends eh? Luhan ushered me in.

"Good morning Hana, did you sleep well?" His question caught me off guard. I hadn't expect them to really make conversation with me. I was their maid!

"Oh, I slept well, and you?" I smiled at him. He was so nice.

"That's good, I myself slept fine." He put on his shoes and walked towards the door. "Each of the members wrote down things for you to do. I believe it's on the kitchen fridge. Don't be afraid to make yourself feel at home okay?" He smiled. "I've got vocal practice. See you later Hana!" He shot me another dashing smile and headed out. I had a feeling I would like Luhan. He was so sweet.

I walked into the kitchen and sure enough there was a list of tasks, each one in different handwriting and color. I could tell Tao's was the first.

Hi Hana! I hope you're doing well! If you're reading this, Luhan must have let you in. I'm at the gym right now, don't worry, I'm not late ;)

I winced at the joke. I had made him later than usual the day he saved me.

Anyways, could you pick up more muffins for us? We finished them after you left. hehe Thank you Hana!

I'm too lazy to fold my clothes. Last room to the left. Thank you Hana:)

I hate the way our shoes are scattered around the front door. Can you tidy them up? Thank you

Please clean the bathroom! Thank you Hans!

Hans? This person had a nickname for me?

Don't work yourself too hard. Don't let Tao's heroic antics make you think you have to be our slave:)

I smiled at the carefully written, green words. How sweet. Must that be Luhan? Or maybe it was Lay. He seemed pretty quiet.


Well, I knew who wrote the last one. Geez, did he really have to? My smile faltered a bit. Kris was mean. How could he have friends?



Whoa Kris, that was uncalled for. I swear, he's going to make Hana cry. So I decided to give you an insight on Hana and Enlai's relationship. I hate Hana because she won't leave Enlai. Ugh, stupid girl. haha Anywho. I hope this didn't disappoint.




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This story is going on hiatus for now. In the mean time, you can check out my 2nd fic if you'd like:) I honestly think it's much better than this one. hehe


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
Omg. I meant I don't hate Hana. Wow my kindle autocorrect....
I don't hats Jana, I pity her :/ She's so broken and beaten down that she doesn't think other people would love her, like how Lulu does. She cant bring herself to trust him because by now, she thinks she's worthless. Lol maybe I'm looking too much into the character, but she needs healing. I read that you think this story is directionless? Aw, that . I really like this one! But I understand!
omfg. Hana you're ing stupid. I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T-- I JUST CAN'T-- /raging tities/ I CAN'T CALM MAH !!! OMFG! WHY HANA?!! WHY MUST YOU BE SO BLIND WITH LOVE?!!! AND NONETHELESS WITH A STUPID JERK LIKE HIM?! SRSLY. /calms myself/ 1..2....10 /sighs in frustration/ Hana. I swear, I swear to all my ancestors grave that you need some ing glasses, like for real. Why do you choose a jerk that hits you over EXO who treats you like a damn friend that cares a lot more than that ing bastard!!!!!! Urgh. Now look what you did to Kris And Luhan! YOU MADE THE TWO FIGHT!! Ooijgpserohilejk9ji0ernohjierjphkwroh[wr /rages again/ OKAY. I'm out. Peace. I don't know what to ing say anymore.

Sorry for the language yet again... ;___; /runs away to kick the wall and punch it till my hand bleeds/
HANA GO TO KRIS AND THE OTHER EXO MEMBERS! Don't go back to that don't know how many timing douche bag! Even if you don't want to go to Kris because of how mean Kris was, ATLEAST HE DIDN'T HIT YOU LIKE ENLAI!
Omfg. I swear if she chooses Enlai. I don't know what to do anymore, except ing scream!!!!! Klslskwsndolds URGH. I swear. I literally swear.

Girl, you're blind if you choose Enlai or in my case, the ing bastard faced jerk,I never ever want to meet in my whole life, if possible. Dont you see Hana? He treats you like freaking rubish! No slash that, a spec of dirt in his life. Dump that idiot! You had it a while ago when you said that you had no respect for him anymore, girl, I was rooting for you. Until you ing ran out and took him back! C'mon! Choose Kris, for Christ sake! Though he was a jerk to you at first , he did it for a freaking reason. And you know it! Plus have you not see him treat your wounds earlier and stood up for you? Oh btw one last advice from me. Be ing smart. Lol, omfg. I was too dramatic there, I swear. XD lol, but srsly, I needed to say that so badly!!! /le deep face/ sorry, for the language! >.<
Hana, pick Krease! Enlai has hurt you so many times. Can't you see he doesn't love you? Yes, Kris hasn't been the nicest welcoming committee, but he doesn't hit you, and he's not a lowly scumbag! He has a reason for this, he thinks you're a crazy girl! Well, I don't think I'm helping the situation, but Kris can love you bettah guuuuuurl! Omg, wtf am I saying? Anyways, Kris!!
Aww... D; Poor Hana, I pity her for having such a bad life and great bad luck! I hope some light would shed onto her life soon! urgh!! Stupid Enlai!!! Why can't Hana just kick him out or get another apartment?!! she works doesn't she? then she can afford to do so! =3= He's not worth your tears, guuurrrll!! he's just a freaking douchebag that only knows how to play around with girls! BEAT HIS !! /fist pumps/ D:< and Kris Y U SUCH A JERK?! does Hana look like a freaking crzy girl to you? if she was a crzy girl from the bar then you would see her there, wouldn't you? and also she would be freaking flirting with you 24/7!! URGH OPEN YOUR EYES KRISUS!!! >.< Hwaiting Hana~!! Me is here to be your back up! b'cuz I know some Karate! ;DD kekekeke! please update soon author nim!
Luhan is such a cutie pie, my goodness!! Krease is almost making me want to punch him. I mean, he can lighten up a little! I mean geez... Nice twist!
KRIS OMG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU. GAH Atleast the other guys are nice (: