I've Seen You In My Dreams


Jin Ae is in love with a man her mind has conjured. She dreams of him constantly. She thinks her love is hopeless until her friend reveals an interesting fact to her. You can only dream of faces you've seen in your lifetime, your mind doesn't create these faces. When Jin Ae meets him and his eleven friends, her life changes. Raised in an orphanage she finally learns about her true past and her true self. Will she be able to handle what she really is?


This fact right here is what inspired me to write this story. I was searching interesting things about dreams and I ran across this fact. I find it so freaking amazing that our mind does this.

Fact: We see so many faces during our lifetime. The faces and people in your dreams are real. At one point in your life you have seen the people or faces that appear in your dreams. Your brain doesn’t simply create faces and people; it draws from memory; even if you don’t recall the face.


"The dreams had become so real. Sometimes she caught herself thinking about him as if he were as real as she."


Byun Baekhyun

Everyone has a past. His past forces him to be bitter towards Jin Ae.

He's a happy and bright boy, sometimes even annoying. Only when Jin Ae comes around, he changes.


Park Chanyeol

The Happy Virus.

He has this aura around him that instantly makes the people around him happy.

He grows very attached to Jin Ae and cares for her tremendously.


The rest of Exo of course!


I had originally posted this story the weekend everything was lost. I died a bit each time I got on and saw it wasn't back so I just decided to post it again. I'll delete the other one when the other stories and stuff are available.


Yes, this story is purely mine. I came up with it. Any similarities are coincidental.

No, I don't own Exo or any of the pictures I used.

Please don't take my stuff! I'll cry :( lol

Sorry for not updating! I have school and all that Jazz. Will update possibly this weekend! :)


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Chapter 5: Please do update soon! /waiting~~~~
letsflyto-seoul #2
your story is amazing !! *o*
*subbed* this is interesting so far! Keep it up!
So far so good author-nim ^^ Update soon! :)))