Bite me

Clean This Dirty Heart *Hiatus

The visiter bell rang as I entered the small cafe. It was empty let alone me and the employee. It was late afterall. The girl behind the counter smiled lazily at me. I looked at the muffins through the glass. They all looked so good. What flavor did he want? Did he like chocolate? Did he like nuts on his muffins? What if he was allergic? I decided to buy a huge bag full of muffins for him. It was better than one, right?

I paced down the dark streets until I found the apartment complex. It was a lavish one. He must have money to spare. He was on the top floor as well. I stopped in front of the door. Room 612? Yes it was. I smiled to myself and knocked on the clean, white door. The door opened fully, revealing a complete stranger.

He smiled. "Hello, how can I help you?" This was definitely not my savior. He was immensely shorter and had a cute, chubby face.

"Umm, sorry, I think I have the wrong room." I smiled politely at him and began to turn away in confusion.

"Wait, who are you looking for? He might be my roommate!"

"I don't know his name." I turned around to face him and smiled sheepishly.

"Oh...what does he look like?" He questioned with a sincere smile.

"Hmm, he's tall, looks kind of scary?" That was the perfect description. Who else could look tall and scary?

"Oh, Kris?" The guy smiled widely. Kris was my savior. That was his name. The short boy called my savior's name in the house. "Kris, someone's here for you! Here, come on in." He smiled warmly at me.

"Oh no that's fine, I'm just here to drop something off." I politely declined but he pulled me in and shut the door. I stood there awkwardly with the bag of muffins waiting for my savior. The short boy walked casually back into the open living room and continued watching television. The apartment was beautiful and adorned many windows. The amount of shoes around the door, and clothes lying in the semi dirty living room was a sure sign this apartment housed more than two men. Unless they were both divas. A tall and angry looking man came into the room from a connecting hallway. He matched my description alright. But he had blonde hair and was not my savior.

He looked at me oddly. "Do I know you?"

"Uh, no" I slowly backed away towards the door. Had my savior really given me the wrong address? Was that his way of getting rid of me? Was I that annoying?

"Then why did you come here? Oh god, Xiumin, don't tell me you let one of those crazy girls from the bar in to the place!" Kris came towards me and began to shove me out. "Get out, you people disgust me." He gazed down at me with menacing eyes. My own eyes widened in fear. What was this Kris guy talking about? Kris had grabbed a hold of the door knob when someone else entered from the other side of the living room.

"Wait, she's here for me!" My savior rushed towards Kris and pulled me into the kitchen. He smiled brightly. He was a handsome boy. I set the bag on the table and grabbed my chest, my heart was not beating normally. The Kris guy did not seem friendly. "Are you okay? Sorry for Kris back there, he's a mini celebrity. Don't worry about it. So did you come to deliver my muffin?" He motioned at the large paper bag. "Wait, why is the bag so huge? Do they make unsually large muffins or something?" He observed the bag cautiously.

"I heard muffins!" The short boy, Xiumin, rushed into the kitchen. "I'm all for it!" He opened the bag and pulled one out. "Thank you...what's your name?" He smiled at me brightly while taking a bite.

"I brought you muffins, not a muffin." I smiled back to my savior and Xiumin. "I'm Li Hana, and don't bother thanking me, thank your roommate." I gestured towards my savior.

"Tao? What did Tao do to deserve this?" Xiumin gestured towards the bag of muffins.

"Tao saved my life this morning. I now owe him my life, but he's stubborn. The least I could do is give him food."

A shade of pink tinted Tao's cheeks. "It really wasn't that big of a deal. Thank you for the muffins Li Hana."

"Please, call me Hana. And it was a big deal. He saved me from getting hit by a car." I smiled

"You know, if you really think you owe Tao, I've got an idea." A new voice entered the kitchen. The owner of the voice casually leaned on the entrance of the kitchen. His dark brown bangs came down above his eyebrows. He had an irresistably chiseled jawline. He smirked mischeiviously. "I'm chen"

"And what could I do to repay him? I'll do anything, he's so stubborn and I feel horrible about not repaying him." I questioned Chen.

"There's the six of us guys living here and we wouldn't mind a maid, you could cook every once in a while. Kris sort of at that." The three boys chuckled. Kris threatened them from the living room and stormed into the kitchen.

"That," he pointed at me "is not going to become our maid." He glared at me.

"B-but I owe Tao." I spoke softly, afraid he would hurt me. He was horrifying.

"Does it look like I care? You owe him, not anyone else. And who knows, you're probably here so you can spy and tell all of your friends from the bar about  me aren't you? I'm not stupid. Don't act all innocent." He angrily spat the words at me. I cringed at the fire shooting from his mouth. What did I do wrong? Was he always so ?

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about." I scratched my head confused.

"Bite me." A heated Kris stormed out of the kitchen and slammed a door from the other side of the apartment.

Well, I guess that was a no.


I'm horrible at this. And sorry, it's short. Thank you for the people who have subscribed. I happy danced:) haha

Anywho, why is Kris so mean? She's just trying to be nice. hehe



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This story is going on hiatus for now. In the mean time, you can check out my 2nd fic if you'd like:) I honestly think it's much better than this one. hehe


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Chapter 3: I LOVE THIS
Omg. I meant I don't hate Hana. Wow my kindle autocorrect....
I don't hats Jana, I pity her :/ She's so broken and beaten down that she doesn't think other people would love her, like how Lulu does. She cant bring herself to trust him because by now, she thinks she's worthless. Lol maybe I'm looking too much into the character, but she needs healing. I read that you think this story is directionless? Aw, that . I really like this one! But I understand!
omfg. Hana you're ing stupid. I'M SORRY BUT I CAN'T-- I JUST CAN'T-- /raging tities/ I CAN'T CALM MAH !!! OMFG! WHY HANA?!! WHY MUST YOU BE SO BLIND WITH LOVE?!!! AND NONETHELESS WITH A STUPID JERK LIKE HIM?! SRSLY. /calms myself/ 1..2....10 /sighs in frustration/ Hana. I swear, I swear to all my ancestors grave that you need some ing glasses, like for real. Why do you choose a jerk that hits you over EXO who treats you like a damn friend that cares a lot more than that ing bastard!!!!!! Urgh. Now look what you did to Kris And Luhan! YOU MADE THE TWO FIGHT!! Ooijgpserohilejk9ji0ernohjierjphkwroh[wr /rages again/ OKAY. I'm out. Peace. I don't know what to ing say anymore.

Sorry for the language yet again... ;___; /runs away to kick the wall and punch it till my hand bleeds/
HANA GO TO KRIS AND THE OTHER EXO MEMBERS! Don't go back to that don't know how many timing douche bag! Even if you don't want to go to Kris because of how mean Kris was, ATLEAST HE DIDN'T HIT YOU LIKE ENLAI!
Omfg. I swear if she chooses Enlai. I don't know what to do anymore, except ing scream!!!!! Klslskwsndolds URGH. I swear. I literally swear.

Girl, you're blind if you choose Enlai or in my case, the ing bastard faced jerk,I never ever want to meet in my whole life, if possible. Dont you see Hana? He treats you like freaking rubish! No slash that, a spec of dirt in his life. Dump that idiot! You had it a while ago when you said that you had no respect for him anymore, girl, I was rooting for you. Until you ing ran out and took him back! C'mon! Choose Kris, for Christ sake! Though he was a jerk to you at first , he did it for a freaking reason. And you know it! Plus have you not see him treat your wounds earlier and stood up for you? Oh btw one last advice from me. Be ing smart. Lol, omfg. I was too dramatic there, I swear. XD lol, but srsly, I needed to say that so badly!!! /le deep face/ sorry, for the language! >.<
Hana, pick Krease! Enlai has hurt you so many times. Can't you see he doesn't love you? Yes, Kris hasn't been the nicest welcoming committee, but he doesn't hit you, and he's not a lowly scumbag! He has a reason for this, he thinks you're a crazy girl! Well, I don't think I'm helping the situation, but Kris can love you bettah guuuuuurl! Omg, wtf am I saying? Anyways, Kris!!
Aww... D; Poor Hana, I pity her for having such a bad life and great bad luck! I hope some light would shed onto her life soon! urgh!! Stupid Enlai!!! Why can't Hana just kick him out or get another apartment?!! she works doesn't she? then she can afford to do so! =3= He's not worth your tears, guuurrrll!! he's just a freaking douchebag that only knows how to play around with girls! BEAT HIS !! /fist pumps/ D:< and Kris Y U SUCH A JERK?! does Hana look like a freaking crzy girl to you? if she was a crzy girl from the bar then you would see her there, wouldn't you? and also she would be freaking flirting with you 24/7!! URGH OPEN YOUR EYES KRISUS!!! >.< Hwaiting Hana~!! Me is here to be your back up! b'cuz I know some Karate! ;DD kekekeke! please update soon author nim!
Luhan is such a cutie pie, my goodness!! Krease is almost making me want to punch him. I mean, he can lighten up a little! I mean geez... Nice twist!
KRIS OMG WHATS WRONG WITH YOU. GAH Atleast the other guys are nice (: