Chapter 4

When the bunny and hamster meets
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All throughout the music class, Woohyun can’t be all cuddly wuddly with his boyfriend because his teacher had assigned his precious Gyugyu to be partners with Onew. They were given a task of writing and composing a song. Since Onew was new, their teacher asked him to pick a partner to help him. It was an individual task, but Onew was an exception. So talk and talk, Onew picked Sunggyu. So here they are.


Woohyun glared at the OnGyu couple from across the room, “Why does he have to pick my GyuGyu, there are other students here!” and pouted like there’s no tomorrow.


“Stop with the pouting Nam, it’s kinda disturbing to see” Woohyun’s friend, L.Joe said as he made his way to sit next to Woohyun.


“Whatever!” Woohyun spat as he continued to glare at the OnGyu couple.


L.Joe, feeling confused, trying to see what had made Woohyun pouting so hard. He chuckled and smirked, “Jealous Nam?”


“Shut up you purple cabbage head!” Woohyun then stood up, asked permission to go to the bathroom and proceed to out the door, ignoring the confused face his Gyugyu was giving him.


L.Joe laughed before looking at Sunggyu and just smiled warmly at the cute hamster. Sunggyu smiled back before continue to work with Onew on the song. L.Joe gave a long sigh, “Well, if I were in his position, I’ll be jealous too. Sunggyu is just adorable~” soon after, he felt a hand smacking his head from the back.


“Yah! Lee Byunghun! I leave you for one second and you already set your eyes on another person!?!” L.Joe’s boyfriend, Chunji yelled, “And why does it have to be the hamster?!” and pouted, tears dangerously trying to fall from his eyes.

L.Joe chuckled, pulled Chunji’s hand so that he’ll sit on his lap, “Aww~ baby, I’m not interested in that hamster~ I have you, I don’t need anyone else” L.Joe cooed, and caress his boyfriend’s cheeks.


“B-But, yo-you called h-him adorable…”


“Am I not allowed to?” L.Joe asked, “It’s true anyway..”


Chunji gave a long sigh and lowered his head, “Mm..”


L.Joe smiled before cupping his boyfriend’s cheeks again and looked into his eyes, “But I think you’re more adorable~ you’re the cutest, prettiest, most adorable boyfriend in the world!” and peck his nose.


Chunji giggled, “I love you”


“I love you too”


*back to the OnGyu*


“Shut up you purple cabbage head!”


Sunggyu turned his head to looked at Woohyun, he seemed different for some reason, but the latter didn’t even sneak a glance at him, ‘Is Woohyun mad at me?’ Sunggyu thought. He looked at Woohyun’s friend L.Joe, who just smiled warmly to him, being a good boy,  Sunggyu smiled back.


“Wonder what’s up with Woohyun..” Onew said to Sunggyu.


“I don’t know, I need to ask him later when he comes back..”


After that they continued to work on their assignments, leaving the thought on suddenly-went-out-of-the-room-looking-mad-Woohyun right at the back of their mind. The class ended when the bell rang. Woohyun still isn’t back from his trip to the ‘bathroom’.  Sunggyu got worried and texted Woohyun.


To: Namu♥


Woohyunnie, where are you?


Sunggyu and Onew made their way to their next class; Geography. The class started as normal. Introducing the new kid, aka Onew, and proceed back to studying as normal. While the teacher was talking and explaining about the earth’s plates, that causes earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and such, Sunggyu was staring at his phone, waiting for Woohyun to text him back.


“Gyu, you okay?” Onew, whom was sitting next to him, whispered and nudged him in the arm.


“Mm?” Sunggyu looked at Onew, and sighed, “Woohyun.. he hasn’t texted me back. I’m worried Onew ah..”


Onew felt bad for Sunggyu and patted his back, “I’m sure he’s fine Gyu ah, he’s probably having class now and can’t be disturbed.”


“Maybe you’re right..”  Sunggyu smiled weakly at Onew. He’s face looked flushed. But Onew choose to ignore it thinking Sunggyu maybe over think himself or something.


15 more minutes into the lesson, Onew began noticing how Sunggyu’s body slouched more than necessary, and Onew could feel the heat radiated from Sunggyu’s body. “Gyu?” he whispered.


Sunggyu didn’t answer, so Onew tried calling him again, but all he got a was a little, ‘Mm?’ and you have to really listen cause his voice was so small, so fragile, and he sounded like he was hurt.


“Are you really okay Gyu?” Onew asked again, feeling more worried as Sunggyu’s face was more flushed than before. He then raised his hand so he could feel Sunggyu’s forehead, “Gyu! You have a fever!!”


Onew then raised his hand higher to get the teacher’s attention. When he finally did, he asked permission to take Sunggyu to the school’s infirmary as he was not feeling well. The teacher came to them and took a look at Sunggyu, she felt his forehead to know how ill Sunggyu was, “He’s having a fever.. Okay Onew, you may take him to the infirmary..”


“Thank you miss..” Onew bowed before taking Sunggyu’s hand and put it around his shoulder, “Come on Gyu, let’s get you to the infirmary..”


Once outside the classroom, something finally hit Onew, “I don’t know where the infirmary is!!!!”


“I-it’s just one f-floor dow-n..” Sunggyu said, he seemed to be having a hard time standing up.


“Gyu..” Onew crouched in front if Sunggyu, “..get on my back”




“Come on, you can’t hardly stand up.. and you’re burning! So hurry up..”


“O..Okay” feeling defeat and at no state to be talking back, Sunggyu complied and got on Onew’s back as he made his way down to the infirmary.


Once at the infirmary, Onew politely told the nurse about Sunggyu’s conditions. The nurse warmly welcomed them took really good care of Sunggyu. She had given Sunggyu an injection to lower his temperature a little and made him eat a few medicines so that he’ll get better over lunch time (which is after this, before their photography class).


“Sunggyu yah, take a nap now okay? Your medicines should be kicking in while you sleep..” the nurse smiled before going back to her office to do other paperworks.


“Feeling better Gyu?” Onew asked.


“A little..” Sunggyu answered, “I am sleepy though..”


“Then sleep..” Onew ruffled Sunggyu’s hair before straighten it back in place, careful not to let his hair covered his eyes. “Gyu ah, I think I’ll go back to class now.. will you be okay here alone?”


“You’re going?” Sunggyu looked at Onew with crystal eyes, almost pleading him not to go, “Can’t you stay here.. with me?”




“I don’t like.. being here.. alone” Sunggyu held onto Onew’s hand tightly, “Please don’t leave..”


“Okay..” Onew smiled before sitting back down on the chair next to Sunggyu’s bed, “..but you have to sleep now, okay?”


Sunggyu nodded furiously, hand still holding Onew’s. Not long after, Sunggyu fell asleep. Onew carefully retreat his hand before standing up, telling to nurse he will be back as he need to take his and Sunggyu’s things that were left back at the geography classroom.


He got his things and came back to the infirmary, Onew carefully set their things near Sunggyu’s bed. The nurse came when she heard Onew came back.


“You must be new here..”


“Yes, today is my first day

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FINAL CHAPTER!! ^^; /le cries/ do enjoy and comment afterwards? :')


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Chapter 11: Kyaaa I love sunggyu being adored by everyone!!!!xD kyaaaa thnkies
haniti #2
Chapter 11: like it
sooooooooooo cuteee
Chapter 10: Adawww to much sugar i can get diabet xDD and hueeee onew so gentle *-* u made him ruining my bias list author-nim <3 <3
And at the ending soon to be couple eh xD
I really really really like ur story, good job!! (Y) (y)
green-tea123 #4
Chapter 10: Im crying right now! TT.TT why? Because im whining on how i just found this fic of yours but author nim it's still worth it! I cant stop myself from squeling ang smiling like an idiot! And it's you fault. Still gotta subscribe even though it already marked as complete cause this fic of yours deserve more subbie's WOHOO! And O.M .G i really love how you put my number 1 bias sandeul here! I love you! I love the ending so FLUFFY! :3
Chapter 10: this was adorable.. I had lots of laugh at giggles... OnGyu is so adorable... I wanna wrap them up like a teddy bear.. nice fic btw..
finally i found this story.. i read it in live journal but only 2 chapter... i really love ongyu moment 89 liners- leader line... slanting eyes line, chubby cheek line.. kekekek..please make another story... *wink...
ritsuke05 #7
Chapter 10: i made a lot of funny ear breaking sounds ahahaha so much squealing and laughing kyahhhhhhh ongyu!!! woogyu!!!!! onkey!!!! myungyeol!!!!
fatieyn95 #8
sunggyu and onew sooo cute...
cute ending and myungyeol lol XD
now I demand you write more ongyu lol XD
O - M - G...!!!