Earth x Light.

Invisible Minds

Daehyun snapped his fingers and placed his hand on me as the grey mist swirled around us, turning everything around us grey. Only Daehyun and I remained coloured. What’s going on?

“Time pause.” Daehyun said as if reading my mind. He continued, “It means that everything around us, except our matokis, can’t see us. It’s like for a moment we don’t exist.”

“You did this?” I asked. Daehyun nodded.

“It’s much safer this way. You see if I were to do this,” Daehyun punched the fish tank that was sitting on a table, to the left of the fireplace.

The glass shattered. But the pieces didn’t drop. There was a hole in the fish tank. But no water flowed out, the fish were unaffected.

“And if I do this.” Daehyun his middle finger and snapped. Everything around us were restored back to their original colour, but best of all, the fish tank looked as good as new. It was as if Daehyun had never touched it.

“It allows us to cause lesser damage. You can do it too. Just your finger and snap em’. The area where you should glow your matoki colour, in your case it should be green.” I did as I was told.

and snap. A green mist formed around us and in a flash, everything around us turned into the lifeless grey that it once was earlier.

“Now then, let’s get back to what we were doing, shall we?” Daehyun smirked.

Suddenly a green vine wrapped around me and threw me, making me break through the walls and into the backyard. I stood up and shot a ball of light and Daehyun who dodged it.

“Missed me.” He winked at me and placed his hand out, behind him came creepers that were growing in his backyard.

“That’s not fair!” I managed to slice the creepers with a few shots of light. I still wasn’t used to it. I had used too much energy; fighting off the evil matokis earlier today really took out the most of me.

Little did I realise that I was standing a pool of mud, the mud moved up my knees and froze oh so suddenly. I couldn’t move.

Daehyun walked towards me casually with a grin on his face. His white tux made him look like he was glowing.

By the time I managed to remove the mud from me with beams of lights, creepers started caressing my body, going round and round. By the time Daehyun was 5 steps away from me, the creepers were around my arms, legs and body. We were intertwined. I tried forcing my way out but was hushed by Daehyun who said, “The more you move, the move it tightens.” He placed a finger on my lip, and the creepers tighten. I cried out.

“D-D-Dae..” I called out.

“Isnt this fun? I find this fun. Looking at you being wrapped all over by my own little creepers. It’s almost like tentacle .” He giggled.


“Yessss~?” He singed.

It hurt, it hurt so bad. It felt like my guts were about to spill out, my heart and brain felt like exploding and my skin felt like they could tear any minute. And my legs, I couldn’t even feel my legs. I panted.

Daehyun walked closer and lifted my chin with his finger, he looked at me in the eye, his nose on mine, our lips centimetres apart.

 “Does it hurt?”

His lips parted and he took a deep breath and let it out. I nodded.

 “Do you want to be free?”

The creepers around me tightened. I cringed.

“Would you do anything to be free?”

He used the same finger to caress my lips. I begged.

“Then kiss me.”


And before I was even aware of it, his lips were on mine. What? What? Daehyun’s gay? Well even if he’s gay he shouldn’t be doing this to me! I’m not gay! I tried moving away but Daehyun had both of his hands on the sides on my face. I was forced to. I cried, tears falling.

Daehyun didn’t realise it until one of the teardrops went on his cheek. He immediately parted.

“!” He and snapped his fingers. The creepers around me disappeared, everything around us went back into colours.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t, I didn’t mean to. Gosh I’m so sorry.” Daehyun placed his hands on his forehead.

I didn’t say anything.

“Gosh Jongup I.. I’m sorry. I’ll just, yeah I’ll just-” He turned around and walked away hurriedly, he didn’t even complete his sentence, didn’t even turn around to see if I was okay.

Here I am sitting on the cold hard ground of the backyard. Trying to figure out what had just happen. Daehyun kissed me. No doubt about it. And I definitely didn’t like it. No question about it. I was definitely not gay. No way around it.

So why,

If I didn’t like it,


My heart


Like never before?

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Chapter 3: I'm a little confused, but enjoying this so far! I'll come back to read more :0
Cassi_cool22 #2
Chapter 10: This is not borig at all!!! probably the best matoki fic I've read!! and trust me I have read a lot and looked for a lot too but they were all one shots that left me wating more but were completed this fic also leave me wanting more but it is not finished! continue it whenever you feel like it or when you have more insperation for it! it doesn't have to become a fic! On the contrary it makes it even better and m ore realistic if you have one gay caracter! Sometimes I read fics and everybody in the group are gay and sometimes I can't help but think what are the odds that 6 men are placed in the same group and they are all gay? but with one or two it makes it more realistic! even if the matokis and power is not supposed to be realistic but it makes it eve more interesting!! okay I'm gonna shut up now... I know it's been a while but I know how you feel about this fic but if you don't feel like finishing it I won't be mad! because I know that if you don't feel like finishing a story but you force yourself to finish it, it's not going to be as good as you want it to be. Anyway, just wanted to say that I love this fic but I won't hold it against you if you decided not to finish it!
- still looking for a coauthor, please message me -
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 10: This is in NO WAY boring! I love what you have done by integrating the matokis into the story. BAP was awesome in concert in Dallas btw. Just cause you are feeling another storyline right now, don't delete this. The real reason you are slower to get votes for this one is cause a HUGE portion of the AFF fanbase is all about EXO. Thats all well and good, but I prefer my BAP and Big Bang... I really hope you consider doing this justice. Its a good start to something that could be great.
Chapter 10: *blink blink* that was amazing..... Sudden surprised me but that was awesome xD Daehyuns got some issues lol he almost suddenly seemed like a possessive girl xD which reminds me! Isn't keke the one that looks like a girl under his suit? Lol that's ironic xD this really is an awesome story lol
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 10: anyway i'm new reader^^
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 10: WOW! i really LOVE this story unnie! please, don't delete this story coz i want to read it until the end. i'll upvote this story and subscribe because i love it!!^^
Chapter 10: You have my sword! And my bow! And my pen with an ink!
I know the feeling of being at lost with inspiration - which author doesn't - so keep your promise, and don't force anything stupid. IM is great and the lack of response may be due to, at least in my case, rarer checking aff.
I also like your flow of keeping this story away from the gay, I mean.. It's not this often to see main story line concetrated around adventure without much influance of love-like-interactions. You're great for doing that.
And about dreams - I'm hard Daehyun stan, but from time to time I dream about Youngjae. It happened to me twice already and I find it weird, but that doen't bring me away from Daehyun, so.. Doesn't dreaming about your bias doesn't make you any less stan of him/her.
I love you, precious, don't matter "which fandom is your main fandom".
Chapter 9: Hey. I'm a new reader here. Your story is awesome... Update soon~~
AshXIII #10
Chapter 9: Oooh, update. (rubs hands together mischievously) And do my eyes deceive me.....DaeDae's having the hots for JongUppie...even better. (chuckles)