Sealing the bond.

Invisible Minds


I could feel myself fall on something soft and as soon as I could see again, I tried to escape but Toto's arm was holding onto my collarbone tightly.

Don't worry. You'll be safe here for now. This is Zelo's home.

I looked around, posters hung up all over the place. I was in his room. Apparently, I landed on his bed. I looked around, his table was full of music albums. His clothes were pratically all over the place,  Toto picked them up and threw them in his cupboard.

'Why did you take me here?'

Toto paused, he turned. Because Zelo asked Toto to.

'I meant why did he ask you to? It's obvious that Zelo asked you to bring me hear, I heard him call you. But before I ran, his hands were glowing a bright blue. The one that matched your mouth. And his eyes, it was fixed in one direction. It was like as if something was about to appear. Before I could even know what it was,' I stared at Toto hard, 'I got chased by a toki who jumped me to another location.'

Toto ignored what I said and walked to the table, he pushed away all the music albums and lifted up the table top. He took out a book that was purple in colour. 

If you really want to know why, read this. Toto needs to sleep. The door isn't lock by the way.

He handed me the book and went to sleep on the bed. 

The book looked really odd, the designs and patterns on it were quite old. I brought the book to the living room, as I sat down, I tried to figure out a way on how to open it. There was a look, but there was no keyhole. I tried opening it with so many other ways but it wouldn't work. I decided to shake the book, maybe the lock might shift or something. Instead, a paper fell out. I picked it up and read it out loud,

'A person who poses a matoki is given great power. With this power, he must protect the matokis.' 

Nothing happened.

I looked at the flipside of the paperit said:

'If you want to open the book, place your right palm on the lock, read the second sentence out loud. After that, a hole should appear. You must then put a drop of your blood in it. This is to seal the bond between you and your matoki. This will also be the day when you, who owns a matoki, gets your power. But be reminded that this will only work if you have a matoki and with great power, comes great responsibility.'

It ended there, I decided to try it out. I went back into Zelo's room and found a safety pin. Funny huh? Why would a guy ever have safety pin in his room? To pin his pants?


I went back into the living room and sat on the couch. I placed my right palm on the lock and said, 'With this power, he must protect the matokis.'

Suddenly, I felt something liquidy touching my right palm, I lifted it up, only to see the centre of the lock liquidfy to form a small hole. This must be where I put my blood, I thought. I poked my right thumb, and squeezed my thumb on the hole. As soon as I felt the blood the flowing, the lock opened. And at that exact moment when the lock unlocked itself, Zelo walked it. He stopped. He paused. His eyes opened really big. His stare was fixed at my thumb and the book. 

'You sealed the bond..?' His hands started shaking.

I looked at him and nodded. Zelo hugged himself, 'I hope you survive.'

Survive? What did he mean?

I barely had time to think when suddenly I felt pain on my right palm, it felt like millions of swords were stabbing it over and over again.

'ZELO, HELP ME..' But he didn't move.

I kept squeezing my right palm but the pain wouldn't go away. The pain moved all over my body and soon my whole body became hotter and started hurting. My whole body was burning. Each time I moved, it would hurt even more. I could feel myself trying so hard to breathe, trying so hard to control the pain. Tears started rolling from my eyes, my body was burning. I pulled my hair and yelled but the pain wouldn't go away. The pain kept intensifying every second until I couldn't take it anymore;

I out.

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Chapter 3: I'm a little confused, but enjoying this so far! I'll come back to read more :0
Cassi_cool22 #2
Chapter 10: This is not borig at all!!! probably the best matoki fic I've read!! and trust me I have read a lot and looked for a lot too but they were all one shots that left me wating more but were completed this fic also leave me wanting more but it is not finished! continue it whenever you feel like it or when you have more insperation for it! it doesn't have to become a fic! On the contrary it makes it even better and m ore realistic if you have one gay caracter! Sometimes I read fics and everybody in the group are gay and sometimes I can't help but think what are the odds that 6 men are placed in the same group and they are all gay? but with one or two it makes it more realistic! even if the matokis and power is not supposed to be realistic but it makes it eve more interesting!! okay I'm gonna shut up now... I know it's been a while but I know how you feel about this fic but if you don't feel like finishing it I won't be mad! because I know that if you don't feel like finishing a story but you force yourself to finish it, it's not going to be as good as you want it to be. Anyway, just wanted to say that I love this fic but I won't hold it against you if you decided not to finish it!
- still looking for a coauthor, please message me -
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 10: This is in NO WAY boring! I love what you have done by integrating the matokis into the story. BAP was awesome in concert in Dallas btw. Just cause you are feeling another storyline right now, don't delete this. The real reason you are slower to get votes for this one is cause a HUGE portion of the AFF fanbase is all about EXO. Thats all well and good, but I prefer my BAP and Big Bang... I really hope you consider doing this justice. Its a good start to something that could be great.
Chapter 10: *blink blink* that was amazing..... Sudden surprised me but that was awesome xD Daehyuns got some issues lol he almost suddenly seemed like a possessive girl xD which reminds me! Isn't keke the one that looks like a girl under his suit? Lol that's ironic xD this really is an awesome story lol
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 10: anyway i'm new reader^^
stephani_bap #7
Chapter 10: WOW! i really LOVE this story unnie! please, don't delete this story coz i want to read it until the end. i'll upvote this story and subscribe because i love it!!^^
Chapter 10: You have my sword! And my bow! And my pen with an ink!
I know the feeling of being at lost with inspiration - which author doesn't - so keep your promise, and don't force anything stupid. IM is great and the lack of response may be due to, at least in my case, rarer checking aff.
I also like your flow of keeping this story away from the gay, I mean.. It's not this often to see main story line concetrated around adventure without much influance of love-like-interactions. You're great for doing that.
And about dreams - I'm hard Daehyun stan, but from time to time I dream about Youngjae. It happened to me twice already and I find it weird, but that doen't bring me away from Daehyun, so.. Doesn't dreaming about your bias doesn't make you any less stan of him/her.
I love you, precious, don't matter "which fandom is your main fandom".
Chapter 9: Hey. I'm a new reader here. Your story is awesome... Update soon~~
AshXIII #10
Chapter 9: Oooh, update. (rubs hands together mischievously) And do my eyes deceive me.....DaeDae's having the hots for JongUppie...even better. (chuckles)