When Cupid Falls In Love (on-hiatus)




Jaeshin’s POV

“AHHHHHHHHH! PUT ME DOWN GIANT! YAH!!!” I protested to the big headed curly haired giant who is carrying me on the fountain.

“Should I?” He slightly loosen his grip.

“NO! NO! NO! I’m hydro---“ but it’s too late he already let go of me. Kris hurriedly approach me and gave the “Chanyeol guy” a death glare. The wet me was taken into the clinic. How could he? Out of all the students? The school “future” president? The school administrator’s daughter? The top 1? How could--? I get it, it’s my fault but isn’t it to harsh for a revenge on a petite girl?


I lead the boys through the school ground. I give each of them their schedule and a map. I show them almost every room and I can see that NO ONE is listening to any of the information that I say. Well, I don’t care as long as I had…

“What’s that room for?” The tan guy asks pointing from a far.

“You’re listening?!” I gave him a shock look and I receive a -face reply.

“That is.. well”

“It’s the old auditorium, dancers used to practice there.” I was cut off by…. Kris. I didn’t notice him before. We were both looking to each other like it was a staring game. But I was snap out of it by a giant who was touching my legs. I slap his face without thinking.

“ERT!!”  I shouted.

“Mwo?!” His cute and lovely face change into a devilish one.


Chanyeol’s POV

I saw Noona’s [ well not for sure, but she act as she is one]injured leg, it was bleeding, I don’t know how she got it but I hurriedly buy a band-aid and went back seeing Kris hyung and her having a staring game. I tried to put the band-aid on the wound without her noticing but fail! She saw me and in 0.0000000000000000156723 secs. BAM! I was slapped! And, I was called a ERT. The word planted on my mind. The most irritating and hateful word I ever know. I hate being called ert. So, I carried her, bridal style and went to the fountain. She kept protesting but I don’t care. I was very angry that time.

“AHHHHHHHHH! PUT ME DOWN GIANT! YAH!!!” She kept screaming. “Should I?” I smiled at her foreign-like face. She’s cute even though she’s angry. I slightly loosen my grip. She’s still complaining, I saw half my friends laughing, ¼ worrying, the others doesn’t care, but Kris hyung is giving me a death glare and mouthing something like HIGH-DO-POBIC? D.O. Is high? She had a phobia with D.O.? ! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!!! AH! I get it! She is hydropho--.

I dropped her! Oh great! Scholarship aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnd it’s gone!


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i need a poster!!!~ TT_TT


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Chapter 10: gimme the hint, keke
they're still love each other, but??
luvinkpop1234 #2
Chapter 10: Update soon~~~
new reader hereee~
update asap XD
Awkwardweirdgirlhere #4
Chapter 9: Hi new reader here!!! :D i really love your story! :) update soon yeah? ^^ hehe thank you!! :)
Chapter 9: :( seeing the one you love with someone else is sad.... i hope you update soon!!! :)
mianhae if my english is bad... TT_TT
luvinkpop1234 #7
awwwwww poor kris and kai....watching the one they love with their friend T_T
update soon~~~~~
Poor Kris and Kai!!! TTATT
Awww poor Kris and Kai!!! :'( they must be heartbroken </3
But aww ssooo cute of chanyeol!!!! >.<
~ please UPDATE SOOON!!!! <3 ^^
OMG!! Kris was her ex... things are about to get complicated ~ drama!!
awww Chanyeol is soo cute and writing the letter awwww!! ^^
Hopefully their date will turn out fine1!! :)
~ Please UPDATE SOON!!!! :D <3