So arrogant...

"Who would have thought that I would fall for you...!"

I was sitting in my living room while drinking soda.I was waiting for Exo-M's interview to begin.My sister is the closest assistant of Exo-M so i got to know them through her.I really liked them.

"Oh! It's starting!!" i beamed happily.I was watching them talking in chinese(thankfully i could talk chinese really good) and i couldn't do anything but smile.That was until i saw their arrogant site.When i saw them acting like this i didn't like it at all!Just then i saw the God of arrogantness.Chen.I saw him and listen to what he was saying and i remembered the past.I hated arrogant people and always tried to stay away from them because of an inciddent that happened in the past.The first person that i got in love with was an arrogant bastard but i didn't know.


He was always so smily to everyone and i fell for him.When ever he would see me he would smile to me and i would smile back while blushing.Everything was perfect in my life until the day i decided to confess to him.I gave him chocolates that i had made and i confessed to him.When i did that he smirked and threw the chocolates on the ground and stepped on them.I froze.He then told me

"Are you crazy?Did you really believed that i liked you?" I still stood there frozen

."But you were smiling at me all the time.."was the only thing i could say.

"Hahaha..and you thought that ME would like someone like YOU??Hahaha! Only in your dreams girl.And for your information i only like to play with girls like you"he said.

"Only to play..?"i said weakly."Exactly.Like this.."he said with a smirk and then grabbed my chin and kissed me.I got disgusted and pushed him away.He was still smirking and i felt tears forming in my eyes.I took a deep breath and then ran away.

Since then i decided that i would stay away from people like him and that i would never fall in love with someone like him again!


" first kiss...that jerk..." i said to myself.

"And to think that i was their fan..."i sighed.

"From now on i am not a fan and i have to remeber to say to my sister, when she comes tomorrow , how arrogant they are especially that person Chen!"i said and then went to sleep.







Well this was the first chapter.I hope you like it even though it's kind of short xD

Exo-M will appear in the second or third chapter.

Please subscribe and comment!!^_^



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ilabya40 #1
zaphira1995 #2
Hahaha Thanks!!^_^
I will!!xD
memoire- #3
This story is damn cute! Especially chapter 5~~~ Update soon!