An E.L.F. Story... Chapter 4

An E.L.F. Story


Alfred looked way too serious for my taste. We looked at each other, swallowing, breathing heavily. I was sure he was going to say that we had to be maids in the SuJu households, or something like that. We definitely did not expect the following...


- I know you might not be ready yet, but you will learn to dance, sing and perform... You will be trained in the art of entertainment by the champions themselves! It also implies, that you will learn korean and mandarin!, he finally revealed the purpose of our trip, his voice lighting up like we were in a Mortal Kombat movie and our “training” was imperative to the Earth's survival.


We blinked a few times, confused. It took us a whole minute, perhaps even more to grasp the meaning of the butler's words. I don't know about the others, but I had a lot of difficulty understanding what'd just happened. I mean, me... dancing?! No... You have never seen me dance!!! I don't have two left feet, I have three of them!!! We were thrown once more in profound doubt, hesitating between reality and the possibility of it all being a crazy dream. We finally agreed it had to be real, since it was even less probable that all four of us had the same dream at the same time.


We successfully lifted off for the second and, hopefully, last time. The flight was supposed to be shorter form China to Korea. Compared to Canada/China, it was a breeze. Surely a shorter flight, but not less interesting...


We were all bonding. No one understood more than half of what the other was saying, but it didn't matter. We trusted our instincts and universal gestures didn't hurt our understanding either.


As we approached Seoul airspace, I grew more and more nervous. I was red and sweating as though it was forty degrees and a sun baked me from the inside. Of course, I didn't forget Henry's words... You'd think the excitement of seeing my sister, Katy, after all this time and the news of the true purpose for our sudden trip to Korea would make me forget, but things like that always seeme to find a way back into my mind... I hadn't forgotten our Canadian friend's “head's up”. I still believed he was having a laugh at my expense, I mean, Zhou Mi, a guy like this, sweet and super popular, asking me, a girl like that, plain and unknown the opposite , out... It was impossible... was it?!


I thought I could hide my anxiety, but an unexpected character noticed my discomfort and restlessness.


Leeteuk walked up to me and sat in the seat next to me. I was already so red, I didn't think I could've turned any redder. He asked me if something was wrong, his bright smile illuminating everything around him. I couldn't help but smile at his intense accent, but I greatly appreciated the effort he displayed. I politely assured him I was fine and... I lied a teensy-weensy bit, telling him that traveling by plane always made me a bit queasy. What?! Like I was gonna tell him the truth... He was so nice and dreamy, but... I couldn't see him as anything else then an umma!!! Haha, I was more than certain we would bond very easily. Anyway, as Leeteuk left me alone with my thoughts and went to talk to my sisters, making me promise I was ok, my worst nightmare came to life...


My eyes crossed with Yesung's fiery gaze. His kitty eyes spelled danger, warning me to stay away form HIS Leeteuk... I lost my smile and I was sure I would lose my life then and there, but he simply looked away. I was paralysed. I couldn't move nor speak. All I could do was to mentally slap myself. I was definitely on Yesung's black list and the last thing on Earth I wanted, was to be on the cat's bad side. I needed to fix that, but... how?!


The captain's voice, telling us to get back in our seats for the landing, was what brought me back from this terrible stare down contest. The victor... Yesung. Obviously. He completely shattered my spirit with those intense and beautiful eyes of his.


We landed safely. Everyone applauded, thanking the pilot for bringing us to our destination in one piece. Like I said... a short but less then dull flight.


A car, no a bus, was waiting for us at the airport. It was huge, yet I had doubts we would all fit. And as always, the Universe proved me wrong... We did all fit... ¬_¬


As the driver engaged into the colourful streets of Seoul, Hyuk and Donghae acted as our personal tour guides. Their descriptions were always accompanied by Teuki and Wooki's specifications and the other members' funny commentaries. Whoever said that jokes help ease a tenuous situation... was definitely right!


The sun was already set when we finally arrived at the imposing building which held SuJu's apartments. It was weird, the sun set already... I'd completely forgotten about the jet lag. For umma, it wasn't much since she was in China, but for us... I believe we were about to have breakfast back in Canada... >.<


Anyways... The building was very beautiful. Grand glass windows filtered light from the imposing chandelier in the middle of the enclosed space. There was so much room... The entrance looked more like the reception of a pricey hotel than the lobby of an apartment building.


- You like the grand hall, wait until you see the rooms..., said Teuki, a sly smile gently curving his lips.


Jaw dropped, eyes wide, Katy, Ama, Val and I walked into the famed apartments of Super Junior. We were surely dreaming. It was beautiful. The living room was huge. Windows, much like the ones in the lobby, offered a magnificent view on the city below. A big red couch reigned in the middle of the sumptuous room. Some contemporary paintings covered the walls and the crown jewel... the GIANT WIDESCREEN TV... Heaven, is that you?... The kitchen was right next to it. A state of the art one. “Of course, only the best for our Wooki”, said Sungmin's voice behind us, immediately noticing me and Val drooling over the cooking utensils. Further down were five rooms. SuJu owned a total of three floors. They were so many... I'm surprised they didn't own more!! Alfred showed us our room. Indeed, the four of us were in one room. This way, we were always together, something very important when you're confronted with a new residence. Having your sisters around can be more than comforting.


Curious, we asked who our “neighbours” would be.


- Well, here, Alfred pointed the room directly facing ours, are masters Leeteuk and Yesung...


A chill rand down my spine. Yesung and Teuki were... in ONE ROOM??!... I couldn't contain the smirk I felt coming... Soon my teeth were showing... I was gonna have fun... Lots and lots of fun...


- Over there, Alfred's voice snapped me out of my mach-making fantasies, is master Kyuhyun's room and down the hall is master Eunhyuk and Donghae's. The floor below us houses masters Siwon, Heechul, Han Geng, Sungmin and Ryeowook. As for the floor above, masters Zhou Mi, Henry and Shindong as well as Kangin and Kibum are the ones inhabiting it...


Everyone started talking, completely ignoring Alfred. Kyu was telling Ama how many games he had, boasting about his high scores. Sungmin and Ryeowook joined them, joking around, revelling embarrassing details about him to my sister. Zhou Mi noticed I was fascinated by one of the pictures hanging on the wall and we started talking photography. Soon, we were interrupted by Henry and Shindong, who started teasing Mi about his accent. I laughed and told them to look forward to my pronunciation in korean. It will be worst. Umma and Donghae were talking about a movie they both liked and Donghae said they should totally watch it together, statement which made Katy totally red. Hyuk was showing off some of his dance moves to Val, making her squeak, her face red as Hell... I quickly looked for kitty, but he wasn't there... Dommage... I had to delay my plan just a little longer...


After numerous minutes of fooling around, Teuki looked at his watch, jumped ever so slightly and started pulling his friends out of the room.


- We'll let you girls settle in peace... Join us for dinner in an hour?, said Leeteuk, smiling, still pushing some of the members through the door.


We nodded and the angelic leader shut the door behind him.


We were finally alone. A quick glance between us, followed by a smile confirmed we were thinking about the same thing... We all started squealing, jumping on the spot. All four of us formed a circle, hugging, fangirling, totally going berserk. We finally came down a little and fell on our beds, exhausted. It was the best day EVER!


- Come on girls! Let's show the boys our best behaviour and get ready for dinner, said umma after a few minutes of silence, lil' stars illuminating her eyes.




FINALLY chapter 4!!!! *sigh*

Ok, I will not be updating too soon!!!

School started and we have one and a half sessions to do and only the length of one to do them, so... BUSY BUSY BEE I'LL BE!!!

I hope you like it!!!



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inashashim #1
Chapter 15: Are u not going to finish this fic?i want to know the ending
fifisukidesu #2
Chapter 15: YETEUKYETEUKYETEUKYETEUK!!!!!!!! AHSJDLDDOSKDLIKDKBSJEKADNNNCKDMC!!! I AM SO INCOHERENT NOW!!! everytime i see that u updated, i always feel so happy!!!! Thanks for this chappie and i look forward to the next one!!!!
Chapter 15: (: I freaking love this story to death <3 You never fail to make me laugh. I love you so much, Elena <3
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 13: YETEUK!!!!!!!! ME CANT WAIT!!!! *rocking back and forth while trying to patiently wait for the nxt chappie*
Chapter 13: h telsfhklsdj fsdlk;flasdfh
I just started fangirling in class when I saw that you update... but I'm scared to read this... I'll wait until I'm home to read xD <3
fifisukidesu #6
Chapter 12: YETEUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! TEUKIE JUST ____ING CONFESS AND BEND OVER AND LET YESUNG ____ U TILL FOREVER!!!!!!! Okay, wait tht was....not me. Got it? Tht was my insane side speaking.....ignore sorry, im jus hooked onto ur story and ive been so deprieved of yeteuk these days and....and- i jus love u, ok? *sniffles* i luv u for giving my yeteuk-deprieved brain the exact thing it desires! Saranghae and u will have my support forever!!!!!!

Chapter 12: sfoidsusaflkjduaorisldfkhoiw;klad h !J lkfjsldkkfjalk lh fsudoihwekfjdsjkhf
*dead* jl asfdj xD
Ok, that's about as comprehensive as I'll be...
BTW, Straight* xD
Chapter 11: OMG. this is so awesome. You are killing me here.... Just imagining them all shirtless.. *fans face* omg...... And yeteuk <3
AnimeKitty #9
Chapter 10: Daaaaaaaaw! :D
That was so cute. Cake love.
Hope Val likes this chapter, because it's sweet enough to give you type 2 diabetes.