An E.L.F. Story... Chapter 3

An E.L.F. Story


I have to admit, I knew it would be a long plane ride, but... MAN IT WAS F*KING LOOOOONG!!!!

Arm... Yes, we were probably over the Atlantic ocean, near Europe, when I received a text from umma. Yes, we call Katy “umma” meaning “mom” in korean. We call her that because... because... because she's older than us and... and she acts just like a mother sometimes. Haha, I do realize they're not good enough reasons, but that's how it is. So yes, I received a message in response to the one I sent her before we boarded the aircraft.


Hmm... I think I was lucky umma didn't have her regular phone -she accidental lost it in the Beijing airport- and was stuck with an old one that didn't have a practical keyboard, because, judging by the number of emotes she put, there would have been even more “OOOMG!!!!”... Yeah...


I couldn't help but answer: “LOOL umma! How long did it take you to write this?! ;P”. The answer was... yeah... well, let's just say there were a lot of stars...


I was sitting next to a small porthole. I could barely see, but the view was awesome. The ocean was so blue and there were no clouds preventing us from clearly seeing it. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I didn't realize someone sat right in front of me...


- It's beautiful isn't it?..., a familiar voice asked, sounding deeply chinese-like...


- Yeah..., I said, still daydreaming, slightly turning my head to face my interlocutor, then my gaze shifted back to the small peek hole.


A bright smile, brighter than the sun itself... Reddish hair... Oh. MY... ZHOU MI?! What was he doing here?!


- Hy... didn't... see you there?!... Ha..., I muttered, blushing.


Oh. My. Gosh... Not cool!... So embarrassing! Mental facepalm moment...


- Hey..., he said with an unusual smile.


I blushed even more. I wasn't used to HOT guys talking to me. I used to act weird around them... and that smile... AH!!!! I was squealing on the inside. The fact that he was one of the three hotties I LOVED didn't help my fangily state of mind. Still, I couldn't show any of that. I was the kind of person who keeps everything inside... Besides, he would think I'm a total nut case, not that I deny it... Arm... So I smiled, breathed deeply and looked back in Zhou Mi's direction.


- So... You too like the view... from up here?, I stumbled in my words a little. I hated making childish grammar mistakes, but... C'est la vie! I guess it happens when you're overly nervous.


- Yeah... It's really cool, you can see... a lot of interesting things..., he explained, stumbling on a few words, probably not for the same reasons I did though.


I giggled slightly, realizing I wan't the one having a hard time expressing myself.


- You must fly a lot... I mean being a star and all, you get to travel a lot..., I said, spacing out a little, a sad smiled slightly curving my lips.


He noticed my disappointed look.


- What's... wrong?!, he asked, worried he might've said something that'd upset me.


- Oh! No! I'm... I'm sorry!..., I apologized, my face regaining it's crimson colours,... It's just that... all my life, I wanted to travel the world... and see it's wonders... That's all..., I explained smiling.


We talked for a while before I noticed a little something I absolutely could not miss...


Leeteuk, who was previously talking to Donghae about Katy, I presume, was now headed Yesung's way. Normally I wouldn't have lingered on such a small detail, but something was at work here... It lasted for only a moment, but there was definitely something going on... A spark... a glow, like nothing I'd ever seen before, illuminated Yesung's face as Teuki sat next to him... It was gone as soon as it'd began, but I was lucky enough to see it... My suspicions raised, I had to know more. My curiosity would be the end of me someday, but 'till that day comes, I had to discover the truth. Yesung was in love... was he not?! And I thought I'd found the person he was in love with...


I smirked, ever so slightly. Zhou Mi was about to turn and find the reason behind my absence of mind, when Ama popped into our faces...


- Hey sista!..., I said out loud, almost screaming,... Perfect timing..., I added to myself, a slight expression of relief taking over my face,... Something wrong?!, I finally asked her.


- No... Hmm... Just popped by to say hey!..., she said with the most fake smile I'd ever seen her wear,... Je pensais que t'aurais peut'tre besoin d'un peu d'aide..., she then whispered in my ear as she sat next to me.


- Hey!..., I said trying to look natural,... Tout est sous controle..., I then added, whispering a bit curtly.


Zhou Mi saw my sister wasn't going anywhere and when Val showed up, he decided to give us some privacy. After all, we weren't quite used to our idols' presence. He was so sweet about it... A true gentleman... I wanted to stop him, but... I didn't...


- Stop salivating!, Val protested in a semi-low tone, loud enough to snap me back to reality anyways.


- Sorry! Am I that obvious?!..., I asked, pouting.


- Nah... Not THAT obvious..., answered Ama, a big grin plastered on her face.


Aish! I just wanted to disappear. I mean, I could never pull it off. Being with my favourite k-pop band...


- Snap out of it, unnie!, said Ama, slapping me across the face.


And it worked, if you were wondering. “If I ever look like I'm about to throw the towel, slap me! It will work and I won't be mad about it. Promise!”, I'd always told my sisters. Surprisingly, it always did work...


The rest of the flight was pretty uneventful. I made a promise. I wouldn't get upset like I did earlier. From then on, I would always do my best to be... cool... and I would no longer see Super Junior as famous idols, but just like regular guys. We had to, otherwise we would most certainly die of a heart attack at some point...


So, with that in mind, I observed everyone, trying to figure them out. You can learn a lot when you watch a person. True, you have to talk to them, but I think the first step should be to observe 'em. I am a very curious person, so I guess it makes sense to me and not to you... Moving on!


I looked at each and every sta-person and tried to define their personality. I knew a little about them, but only things I'd read on the internet or heard form fellow ELF.


I looked over in Kyu's direction. He was talking with Ama, well he was trying to talk to her since both of them weren't expert english speakers. He was friendly with my sister and, contrarily to what he wants everyone to believe, he seemed like a very nice and polite guy.


I didn't linger too long. I had fifteen people to profile after all. So next up Siwon. He was closer to me than the others and he was reading an english newspaper... So, he really did know english, well enough to read the news anyway. We would have to avoid fangirling too much in front of him...


I was about to observe Kangin, who was sitting next to Siwon, when a young voice with an absolutely perfect english accent startled me. An unusual find amongst the SuJu members...


- What'ya doing?!, asked Henry following my line of sight.


- Nothing! What are you doing?!, I deflected his question, intensely staring at him.


- You dance?, he asked me out of the blue.


- What?!, I said confused.


- Do you dance?!, he repeated.


- Very poorly... Why?!, I asked, suspicious.


- Nah, no reason... I mean, you struck me like the dancing type, that's all..., he said very seriously.


- Really?!... Funny you should say that... I prefer singing!, I said a little unsure of where this was going.


- Oh, and by the way, Zhou Mi's gonna ask you out when we arrive in Seoul... Just saying, he announced with the largest smile and the sincerest voice ever.


- WHAT?! Why?!, I panicked.


- Because he likes you and because, judging by the way you looked at him earlier, almost drooling, you like him too. Plus I told him he should totally go for you if he likes you that much..., he explained, a sly expression illuminating his face.


I stayed silent. There wasn't much I could reply... Was he joking?! And what if he wasn't... I just stayed there, watching him go toward Donghae, waving at me with a big grin on his face. Ok, we'll definitely have to watch out for Henry! I'd totally forgotten he understands perfectly well english...


The pilot announced we were nearing Shanghai airport and politely demanded we put on our seat belts. We made our descent and, soon after, landed on Chinese soil. It felt nice. When the engines stopped, we were permitted to disembark and pick up the last member of the Watson family.


As I expected, Katy was waiting for us, arms crossed, eyebrows raised. She was very skeptic about all of this. Ama went out first. She ran toward umma, jumping in her arms. It'd been two years since we saw her, so we were very excited. After Ama, it was Val's turn to strangle umma. I laughed softly at the crippled expression on Katy's face. She knew Valerie was a tight hugger, but this was tighter than usual. And finally it was my turn to snuggle in umma's arms. I tried not to squeeze too much since the other two took care of that, but under the excitement, I too ended up crushing her a little. We were busy acting like hyper kids over our reunion, when all of a sudden, Katy froze, completely stiffening. We turned, following her line of sight and immediately understood. Teuki, followed by Yesung, Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Donghae and all the other members, was casually waving at us like we were old buddies. I waved back at him and encouraged them to get closer with a hand gesture. Umma, who hadn't moved up until now, squealed when she realized that Donghae was coming her way. Katy desperately grabbed Val's arm, trying to make her stay. Unfortunately for umma though, Val was stronger and was able to escape her hold, whispering something in her ear, just as Donghae bowed down, presenting his hand to hers.


Umma almost fainted when she put her hand in his and the sweet guy kissed it. She was redder then a tomato and more or less speechless. A few sounds that resembled words slipped trough her lips. Oh, no! She was definitely in need of assistance and Ama was the best help we could provide. Val and I looked at her and our cat-sister smiled widely. She popped next to umma, arm around her shoulders.


- She speaks chinese very well... I'm sure she can do better than mumbling, Ama said, winking at Donghae, slightly taunting Katy.


Umma knew it was a ruse and that we were trying to make her talk, but still she fell for it.


Donghae looked at her with wide eyes and a big grin.


- You speak... chinese?!, he asked, a little challenged by english.


- Well... yeah... ni hao ma?..., she started talking to him in cantonese.


In no time at all they started a conversation. High five! We did it and we were very proud. Funniest part was, we didn't do all that much. It wasn't a magic trick, far from it. Umma was still very shy and speaking chinese didn't eclipse her inhibition, but Donghae was more comfortable and that helped Katy relax, even if it was a little, and get to know him better. Deep down, he was an easy person to get close to.


We got back on board. Val, me and Ama grinning like crazy, trying not to laugh, while umma and Donghae were getting to know each other. I think she wanted to fangirl-scream her lungs out, but it was more than necessary for us to project a cool and relatively poised image. She was quite aware of that and, for now, no other sound than chinese escaped .


Alfred, who was observing us without a word up till now, walked up to us with a very serious face.


- Girls. Now that you're all here, perhaps it is time for me to inform you on exactly what it is you'll be doing while staying with the masters..., he said with a grave voice.


Somehow, I felt like he wasn't about to announce that we were going to Korea to party...





Ok french sentences mean:

"I thought you might need some help"


"Everything's under control"

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inashashim #1
Chapter 15: Are u not going to finish this fic?i want to know the ending
fifisukidesu #2
Chapter 15: YETEUKYETEUKYETEUKYETEUK!!!!!!!! AHSJDLDDOSKDLIKDKBSJEKADNNNCKDMC!!! I AM SO INCOHERENT NOW!!! everytime i see that u updated, i always feel so happy!!!! Thanks for this chappie and i look forward to the next one!!!!
Chapter 15: (: I freaking love this story to death <3 You never fail to make me laugh. I love you so much, Elena <3
fifisukidesu #4
Chapter 13: YETEUK!!!!!!!! ME CANT WAIT!!!! *rocking back and forth while trying to patiently wait for the nxt chappie*
Chapter 13: h telsfhklsdj fsdlk;flasdfh
I just started fangirling in class when I saw that you update... but I'm scared to read this... I'll wait until I'm home to read xD <3
fifisukidesu #6
Chapter 12: YETEUKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMFGOMFGOMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!! TEUKIE JUST ____ING CONFESS AND BEND OVER AND LET YESUNG ____ U TILL FOREVER!!!!!!! Okay, wait tht was....not me. Got it? Tht was my insane side speaking.....ignore sorry, im jus hooked onto ur story and ive been so deprieved of yeteuk these days and....and- i jus love u, ok? *sniffles* i luv u for giving my yeteuk-deprieved brain the exact thing it desires! Saranghae and u will have my support forever!!!!!!

Chapter 12: sfoidsusaflkjduaorisldfkhoiw;klad h !J lkfjsldkkfjalk lh fsudoihwekfjdsjkhf
*dead* jl asfdj xD
Ok, that's about as comprehensive as I'll be...
BTW, Straight* xD
Chapter 11: OMG. this is so awesome. You are killing me here.... Just imagining them all shirtless.. *fans face* omg...... And yeteuk <3
AnimeKitty #9
Chapter 10: Daaaaaaaaw! :D
That was so cute. Cake love.
Hope Val likes this chapter, because it's sweet enough to give you type 2 diabetes.