Yoona and Sooyoung



"Unnie..." A soft cheerful voice rattled in Taeyeon's head, shaking her to wake up.
"Hmm…" Taeyeon groaned a reply, eyes still close.

Taeyeon was conscious of another person making their way towards her. She hears the heavy footsteps vibrating the floor her head rested in. The person stops somewhere near her, then whoever it was, stomp their foot furiously on the ground inches away from her face.

"Yah! Taeyeon!"
Taeyeon’s eyes fluttered open with the sound of the loud demanding voice. She feels two people standing over as she adjusts herself to the brightly lit room. She noticed that it was just like the room with Seohyun. But instead of the youngest, she sees two different people looking at her with wide smiles.
"Yoona! Sooyoung!"
Taeyeon reaches out to hug both of them. She had to tiptoe a bit for a proper hug.
"I miss you guys so much!"
They both smiled at their short leader and returned the hug.

A rumbling sound was heard between them. Taeyeon leans back a little to look at the two questionably.
"Ugh so hungry!" Sooyoung exclaimed as she pats her empty tummy.
"Me too!" Yoona butted in. She lets go of Taeyeon and went to go past her. Sooyoung followed after.

Taeyeon turns around to see, where the two were going. She notices a table full of food, that wasn’t there before. Maybe it was there and I just didn’t notice.

The two shinskin members were now busy stuffing their face with food. Taeyeon couldn't help but laugh at them as they piled their plates with all kinds of food. She couldn't believe they were the skinniest members with the way the gobbled down everything, like a vacuum all the dirt off a floor.
Taeyeon sat with them. She was about to grab a brown ceramic bowl full of food, when Sooyoung's hand went to slap the leader’s hand away, preventing her from doing so. Taeyeon gasped as she held her hand back away from Sooyoung, who went back to eating like nothing happened.
“Aish Sooyoung what the heck?”
“Sorry unnie, you should remember to not touch food that isn't yours. You never know what might happen.”
Sooyoung gave Taeyeon a threatening look, Taeyeon jus sighed. Never messed with a shinskin’s food.
Yoona with her plate already finished looked to Taeyeon in concern.
“So Unnie… you didn’t listen to Soehyun.”
Taeyeon looked away from Sooyoung and gazed her eyes at Yoona. It took her a second to remember what Yoona was talking about.
“What she said? You mean the time thing?” Taeyeon ask her
“Yes its very important, you know. Your time is very limited.”
Taeyeon took a few second to think it over. Then everything clicked into place. "You mean until 11:00 pm?”
“Yes.” Yoona replied simply, while Sooyoung put her spoon down to listen in.
“So every time, the clock strike 11...” Taeyeon thought of the darkness and the unbearable pain that leaves her unconscious.
“...it will happen all over again.” Taeyeon whispered halfheartedly.
Sooyoung and Yoona nodded grimly, knowing exactly what she was talking about.
“Then what do I do to stop it?” Taeyeon ask, eager for the answer.
“You can’t.” They both responded simultaneously.

“You can’t stop it. Once the clock strikes 11…you know the rest.” Yoona explained.
Taeyeon sat there dumbstruck, and then anger suddenly builds up inside her ready to explode. Her fist pounded down in the table rattling the plates and dishes.
“What! What do you mean I can’t! I can’t just let this keep happening! Sungmin's already gone and others are nowhere to be found. And who knows what’s going to happen next! So you tell me I can’t do anything about it!”

Taeyeon looked at the two, her shoulders heaved up and down in anger.
Yoona and Sooyoung went to hug Taeyeon and tried calming her down.
“Unnie we know you’re upset. Just close your eyes and take a deep breath.” Yoona urged Taeyeon gently.
Taeyeon did as she was told and shut her eyes.
“10.” Sooyoung called out.
“9.” Yoona chimed in.
“7.” Taeyeon counted with them calming down a little bit.

“Don’t forget what I told you!” Sooyoung squeeze in before the last second.
Taeyeon counted the last number by herself. She let out a final breath and opened her eyes wide. She was no longer in the room with Yoona and Sooyoung. She sat there half dazed and confused. What just happened?

Finally having a grip of reality, it took her a few seconds to realize what was in front of her. Her heart raced out of fear. She let out a loud scream as she came face to face with a pair of eyes, staring her down.


Sorry again for not updating for a while! I get really lazy...Okay tell me what you guys think!!! :D

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Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 11: Oooooo update pls update pls..jebal yooooo
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 11: Upload please :)
Chapter 11: Death Bell * i meant sorry -.-
Chapter 11: OMFG this is like Deth Bell but SM Idol Version.
Chapter 11: could she be Boa? D:
Chapter 11: update soon ne^^
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling its jessica??
I missed this fanfic. Please update soon author-nim *bows* x)
I don't understand what's happening to them, but.. PLEASE KEEP THEM SAVE! ;A;
and update soon~ take your time c;