

Taeyeon looks up to see someone standing over her, intense eyes meeting her own.


Taeyeon let out a shriek as she sat straight up and backed away to the wall. She clutched her heaving chest from the shock.

The other person also jumped back in surprise from the sudden movement. The two froze and just stared at each other not saying a word. It took awhile for Taeyeon to finally realize who she was staring at. After a few more awkward seconds, the other person relaxed and slightly smirked at Taeyeon.

“Good morning sleeping beauty.” The person grinned. He had found Taeyeon unconscious body on the ground. He didn’t know what to do. She was talking softly in her sleep. It was just a few minutes after, that she woke up to find him staring. He didn’t think that she’d wake up so suddenly or screaming and panting against the wall.
“Oppa...you-you scared me.” Taeyeon voiced still shook but her heart rate began to return to normal.
Before the other person had a chance to reply, footsteps could be heard running closer to them. Three figures turned a corner and Yeasung, Victoria, and Chanyeol came into view.

“Donghae!” Yeasung shouted worriedly as he ran nearer to where Taeyeon and Donghae were.
The three stopped once they were close. They took a moment to catch their breath from all the running they had done.
“We... heard... a scream...” Chanyeol panted as he gave Taeyeon a questioned look, guessing that it was probably her.
“Are you guys alright?” Victoria held her hands out for Taeyeon to take. The older one pulled the younger one up. Victoria helped Taeyeon dust herself from the dirty floor.
“I’m alright!” Taeyeon assured the older leader. “It’s just that Donghae oppa there, scared me half to death.”
Hearing this, Yeasung hit Donghae at the back of the neck. “I told you to find people, not scare them!” Yeasung sighed.
“Hey! I wasn’t doing anything, I was just admi- I mean looking at her. To see if she was still alive or not.” Donghae defended himself. “Besides...good thing it wasn’t you... or else you’d probably be feeling up her philtrum, like you do to us in our sleep!” (Yeasung’s Philtrum obsession lol)
“Hey! Don’t talk about that...” Yeasung complained.

At that moment another set of running footsteps made their way towards them.
“Taeyeon! Are you ok?” Leeteuk shouted as he rounded the corner first, and the others in the previous group followed after.
Taeyeon was happy that no one was hurt. Leeteuk, Shindong, Key, Amber, Changmin, Kyuhyun, Suho, Kai, and Taemin were all there present. They looked as they did except there was worried written on their faces. Though it disappeared once they saw Taeyeon was okay.

Leeteuk walked up to Taeyeon and put his hands on both of her shoulders.
“We thought something happened to you, like...Nevermind. I’m just happy you’re alright.”
He then patted her cheeks lightly.

“What happened to you guys?” Key asked, after everyone quieted down and said their concerns and relief to the four newly found members.
Yeasung turned to him to answer his question. “We just woke up...from that thing that happened last night.”
“Yup, we just came from the meeting room.” Chanyeol added.
“Thing that happened last night? Don’t you mean two days ago?” Changmin questioned the older one.
“Two days ago!? We were out for that long?” Donghae exclaimed out loud.
“You said you came from the meeting room...but we checked that place out.” Kai turned to Chanyeol.
“Ya and we didn’t see any of you.” Taemin informed the four of them.
Taeyeon’s mind started spinning.
It’s that girl, I feel it. She probably moved them there while they were unconscious. Though... where could have she taken them for the time being. Maybe we’ll find the others there...

Everyone talked a few minutes more, informing the new arrivals about the events that took place within the few days they had been stuck in this living nightmare. Amber recalled her memories as she tried to explain what happened first with her. Victoria hugged her for support, as she tried to finish her story without tearing up. Everyone got quiet.

"Sungmin..." Was all they said once Amber was done.
"Where's the body?" Yeasung asked the obvious. He didn’t want to believe that Sungmin was really dead.
"Some psycho girl took her.." Shindong told the him.
“Wait a minute! Where’s the blood trail?” Kyuhyun was bewildered as he nudge Leeteuk’s arm.
Everyone who knew what he was talking about, looked around themselves searching for a sign, while the newbies just stood there confused.
Suho took the time to explain to them what happened. How they were following a trail of Sungmin’s blood right before the same incident in the meeting room repeated itself.

Taeyeon examined her surrounding. They were still in the same area where they had been last. Everything was the same, the gloomy ominous clouds hanged outside, the clock tick tocking away. The only difference was there was no red streak that told them where they had to be going. There is no sign of blood anywhere. Not even one red drop. As if someone cleaned it carefully, making sure not to leave any evidence that it ever existed.

“So what do we do now?” Taemin asked after a few minutes of useless searching.
“We should find the others.” Victoria suggested.
“No we should find a way out, so we can get help!” Donghae argued.
“I think we should get food.” Shindong pouted as he held his empty stomach.

With the mention of food everyone starts to groan, they all noticed how terribly hungry they were. It’s been about 2 day since they all had eaten last. All the worrying about others had made them forget their empty guts for a while. There was a chorus of empty stomachs growling madly.
Taeyeon recalled her dream.
Maybe that’s why I dreamed of food?
“Let’s go to the cafeteria then? We might find something to stuff our mouths there.” Suho suggested.
“Good idea! I’m about to pass out from hunger!” Shindong whined as he patted his gut.
“Ok, let’s get going. The sooner we take care of our stomach, the faster we can look for a way out and,or find the others.” Leeteuk stood as leader, leading them to the cafeteria area in the first floor.

They made it to the buildings humungous cafeteria. There was nothing but vending machines and a lone coffee maker in the corner.
“Let’s go to the kitchen maybe there’s more food there.” Changmin stated his empty stomach commanding him to find food sooner.

As everyone made their way, Taeyeon glanced at door leading inside the kitchen.  There was a small window towards the top that lets you see into the room. But Taeyeon didn’t see the kitchen space, instead she saw a face staring back at her through the tiny frame. Taeyeon blink and the face was gone.

“Taeyeon noona...”
Taeyeon just noticed that she had stopped walking and had clutch tightly on to Kai’s arm, who was right next to her.
She let go immediately, while Kyuhyun gave a disapproving look from behind.
“Sorry, I thought... nevermind." Taeyeon let it go, as it probably was just a trick of the eye or maybe her own hunger playing with her mind.
Kai just shrugged it off, as it seemed like he didn’t mind.

They walked into the kitchen, one at a time.
Taeyeon started to get nervous. Why am I feeling like this? Its nothing...
Taeyeon scanned the place, as she walked in behind Amber. She searched for any sign of the face she saw.
See nothing... She let out a sigh of relief in her head.
Then someone squealed loudly behind her.

Everyone turned to the direction of the scream. Shindong stood there with a sheepish grin on his face.
"Shindong! What the heck? Why'd you scream?" Leeteuk slapped on the arm.
"Sorry hyung..I just saw this bowl of ramen! Look it's still warm." Shindong held a clean brown ceramic bowl in his hands, filled with steaming hot noodles.
"Let me have some!" Changmin tried to take the bowl away, but when it comes to food, Shindong always wins.
"Fine, Fine here..." Shindong took some noodles between his chopsticks. He inched it towards Changmin's mouth.
Taeyeon's face scrunched up as she looks at the bowl of food in Shindong's hand. It seemed so familiar somehow, like she seen it before recently. Did we have the same bowl back at home?
Taeyeon questioned herself then a flashed from a recent dream replayed in her head.

She just had picked up the same styled bowl, but Sooyoung had harshly slapped her hands away.
“Aish Sooyoung what the heck?”
“Sorry unnie, you should remember to not touch food that isn't yours. You never know what might happen.”

Was Sooyoung trying to warn me?

Taeyeon wasn't sure, but she couldn't risk it.
"Oppa wait!" Taeyeon yelled out a warning to Shindong, but it was too late. Instead of putting it in Changmin's mouth, he pulled it away playfully into his own. Shindong gulped down the mouth full of ramen in one go.
Everyone chuckled, except for Taeyeon.
"Hyung..." Changmin complained with a little pout.

Suho who was busy chuckling, noticed Taeyeon’s frightened look.
“What’s wrong noona?" You look all tense up?”
Taeyeon eyed Shindong.
He seems fine...I guess I’m worried about nothing...
As soon as she said this. Shindong froze in place for a few second, then he drop the brown bowl on the ground, shattering and spilling the ramen all over the floor.
Everyone stopped laughing and looked at him questionably.
“Shindong...” Yeasung called out.
Shindong started to shake violently. His eyes rolling over to the white parts. His body fell hard to the floor with a loud thud. Everyone immediately gathered around him panic and confusion.
Leeteuk held him on the ground. He shouted Shindong's name repeatedly. Though it was no use, Shindong remained unresponsive. White foam started to form at the corner of his mouth.
“What do we do!?” Donghae asked in panic. But there was no use, no matter how much they wanted to help, it was too late. Poison already ravished his body fully. Killing him from the inside.
After a few moments of uncontrollable shaking, it became less violent before it stopped completely. Shindong laid there still and lifeless. His eyes glazed over as he looked openly into the world.


Sorry for not updating for a while, really busy with school now. I wanted to update sooner, for my new sunscribers and stuff...but things just got hectic. I hope you guys like this update, though there migh be errors here and there. I just type whatever, since I'm so tired! Please leave a comment, subscribe, and keep anticipating. And again I deeply apologize to Shindong's fans. :'( Hope you're not too sadden. Ok tell me what you guys think! :)

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Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 11: Oooooo update pls update pls..jebal yooooo
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 11: Upload please :)
Chapter 11: Death Bell * i meant sorry -.-
Chapter 11: OMFG this is like Deth Bell but SM Idol Version.
Chapter 11: could she be Boa? D:
Chapter 11: update soon ne^^
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling its jessica??
I missed this fanfic. Please update soon author-nim *bows* x)
I don't understand what's happening to them, but.. PLEASE KEEP THEM SAVE! ;A;
and update soon~ take your time c;