No Way Out



A noise rang through the hall. It was a scream so loud that it echoed throughout the building. A plea for help followed after.
"Help!!! Someone? Anyone!" The voice was desperate and in near tears.
They all froze for a second analyzing the voice. Key was the first one to talk. "Sounds like Amber!"
They all acknowledged this and ran towards the direction. Amber who was usually so calm, now sounded frantic and overwhelmed. Something was terribly wrong. They all ran as fast they could.

 "We’re coming! Stay right there!" Leeteuk yelled as they ran.

Once they turned another hallway they saw her, Amber, kneeling down next to Sungmin, who in comparison was lying down, back flat, on the floor. As they got closer, Taeyeon noticed that Amber had blood all over her hand and clothes, as she held onto a closed eye Sungmin.
They all called out at once.

"Amber! Sungmin! Are you guys ok?" Key was the first one to reach Amber. Amber looked up to Key with eyes full of tears.  

"Key...Sungmin...Sungmin oppa is...” Amber was having a hard time finishing her sentence as she took her bloodied hands off Sungmin’s chest, where it revealed more blood. Everyone stood there in wide-eye shock and disbelief. Taeyeon couldn't believe what she was seeing; Sungmin was on the floor pale, lifeless, and bloody. She had to look away; the image was too much for her. Tears stung the corners of her eyes as she looked away and confirming her suspicion by looking at the other people’s reactions. Taeyeon knew from the first few seconds she laid eyes on Sungmin that he was dead.

Leeteuk kneeled down on the floor next to Sungmin's body.

"Sungmin ah...” He whispered hoarsely to Sungmin, though he knew too that Sungmin was gone.

Leeteuk's shoulder shook as he tried to hold back his tears, but it was no use as tears flooded down his cheeks, crying out for his lost member. Everyone stood there with a pain of grieve on their face and tears in their eyes. Shindong and Kyuhyun were the most shock stricken as they were the closest to Sungmin. Key held Amber as she cried on his shoulders.

"I…I... woke up... and Sungmin oppa was already..." Amber recalled through her tears.

They all stayed there for moments longer, grieving over the lost of a friend and tried to recover as much they could from the shocking event. Leeteuk after realizing that they need to inform someone, send Taemin, Kai, Shindong, and Kyuhyun to the front desk to go get help.

Changmin was the only one near Sungmin’s body looking at it or more like examining it, since he was the most stable one out of all of them right this very moment. Though signs of shock and grieve still lingered.
Taeyeon went over to where Changmin was, careful not to look down on Sungmin's lifeless body as she might start to cry again. As Taeyeon stood next to Changmin, she noticed a hard expression on his face.

"Are you ok?" Taeyeon asked Changmin. After those words left Taeyeon’s lips she though it was a silly question, since none of them were clearly ok right now.

Though Changmin still replied with a simple shake of his head, and asked a question of his own.
"Isn’t it strange to you, how this place seems empty right now? How we're the only ones who seemed to be in this building?" Changmin ask Taeyeon without looking at her, still the hard expression on his face.

Taeyeon hadn’t noticed it before with all the recent things that happened, but he was right. There were no noises what so ever; Of shoes hitting the floor, or the echoes of voices talking of business, or even a glimpse of people quickly going from one part of the building to the next. No one else had come when Amber was screaming out. Taeyeon stared out the window across from her. There were menacing dark clouds high in the sky, almost ready to pour out heavy rain. Then she looked down at the streets that were usually filled with cars, were now silent and empty like the building. No cars for miles, not even a lone passenger by on the streets. What was going on here? She questioned it all.
Then they heard running footsteps coming closer. Taemin along with the other 3 had come back, though there was a worried look on each of their faces.

"Taemin, what’s wrong? Did you get help?" Suho asked him as he neared the rest of the group.Taemin took a moment to catch his breath as they had run all the way to the others.

"There’s no help...” he said in low voice, though everyone heard him loud and clear.

No one knew how to react to this. Leeteuk was the first one to say something. "What do you mean no help?" Leeteuk half yelled with agitation.

“Hyung, there’s no help-” Shindong repeated. “-because no one was there.”

“You guys didn’t look hard enough, there’s got to be someone!” Key argued.

“There was no one, not anywhere. We even tried the phones. They were disconnected.” Kyuhyun informed them.

“What?” Taeyeon screamed out. Then they all got quiet in disbelief.

“Then let’s go to the hospital and drive Sungmin hyung ourselves!” Changmin offered. The four of them shifted uncomfortably, as if they had something bad they wanted to say, but didn’t know how to. Finally Kai spoke up.

"We can’t...” He went on slowly, thinking about how to say it.

”There's no way out."


Hey guys I'm sorry since you still don't know what the heck is going on. I promised later in the story, I will reveal more. I like to keep things mysterious! lol Let me know what you guys think, comment! :D And sorry to any Sungmin fan! I love him too! :C

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Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 11: Oooooo update pls update pls..jebal yooooo
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 11: Upload please :)
Chapter 11: Death Bell * i meant sorry -.-
Chapter 11: OMFG this is like Deth Bell but SM Idol Version.
Chapter 11: could she be Boa? D:
Chapter 11: update soon ne^^
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling its jessica??
I missed this fanfic. Please update soon author-nim *bows* x)
I don't understand what's happening to them, but.. PLEASE KEEP THEM SAVE! ;A;
and update soon~ take your time c;