

Almost an hour had pass by since the death of Shindong, and Leeteuk still sat on the ground holding tightly onto Shindong’s cold body. Leeteuk was paralyzed and stunned at the fact that another one of his bandmate was gone. He was their leader, not only in their band but in real life. Leeteuk took care of s like they were his own brothers. So seeing the death of two brothers in such a short amount of time, had push him close to the edge. Leeteuk was filled with overwhelming sadness but no tears shown on his face. He had to stay strong, even if its only from the outside because from the inside he was falling apart.
Everyone stood around Shindong’s body; the same shock and grieve planted on each of their faces as a depressing silence hung in the air. Taeyeon wiped her tears and sniffled a bit, as she turned her gaze away from Shindong and up to the clock. It was already around 3 o’clock. Time was ticking away.

“Leeteuk...hyung...” Yeasung squeezed the oldest one by the shoulder in concern. Someone needed to break the silence.
“We have to go....It’s not safe here anymore... We have to get out..” Yesung told Leeteuk, his eyes still a little red, like everyone elses.

Leeteuk looked up to meet Yeasung’s eyes, his eyes completely erased of emotion. Gently, he laid Shindong’s body on the ground and without saying a word walked out of the kitchen.
Everyone just let Leeteuk be, since they know he needs this time to cope alone.

The others, very slowly and hushly, began to converse about what to do next.
“Okay...there’s no doubt that we badly need to get out of this place.” Changmin told the others.
“How can we...there’s no way out remember?” Key irritably told the older one. He slumped himself against the wall, crossing his arms in the process.
“There’s gotta be one...somewhere! We just have to keep looking!” Donghae argued. Hope still managed to register to his handsome face.
“Well goodluck with that hyung. You weren’t there. If you saw how we tried breaking the windows and ended up with not even a scratch on the damn thing...you would say otherwise.” The people that were there that witnessed the event tensed up or nodded solemnly in agreement.
“It’s like this place is purposely keeping us inside. A force or some sort of strange magic jumbo forcing us to stay.” Taemin grumbled under his breath.
“Magic jumbo?” Kai hit his friend on the arm from how stupid that sounded; But Taeyeon, watching the two, couldn’t deny that there was something surreal taking place here. She tuned out the rest of the conversation and looked towards the door that led to the outside, into the cafeteria. She saw through the small window, Leeteuk sitting down on one of the tables, his hands covering his face. He looked, to Taeyeon, that he was crying.

Taeyeon decided to talk to him or comfort him, since she knows how much emotion he must be bottling up inside. She quietly backed away from the group and soundlessly close the kitchen door behind her as she made her way to Leeteuk.

Leeteuk didn’t seemed like he notice Taeyeon approaching him, as he kept face covered with his hands. Taeyeon sat down next to Leeteuk as quietly as she can, careful of not disturbing him.
Leeteuk on the other hand felt her presence sit down next to him. He took away his hands from his face and looked over to see who it was.Taeyeon just smiled sadly and understandingly. Taeyeon noticed that she was wrong. Leeteuk wasn’t crying, he had merely covered his face in thought. They stayed sitting watching the white walls of the cafeteria in complete silence. After another few minutes or so, Leeteuk let out a heavy sigh.

“You know what its like to be the leader.” Leeteuk told Taeyeon. Taeyeon nodded, still eyes on the wall and began to speak.

“Ya...” She sighed. “Everyone, even the ones that you previously thought otherwise, becomes so precious and close to you...I wouldn’t...I wouldn’t want to go through what you had to go through.”

Another paused followed the conversation, as the two were now thinking deeply.

“You know I’m glad that my other members aren’t here right now, it’ll hurt me so much if anything happened to them. I wouldn’t be able to control myself...”

Taeyeon told Leeteuk. She then turned to him.
“Oppa...Don’t keep it in. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be weak..even once in awhile. We may be leaders, but we feel too.”

Leeteuk looked at Taeyeon, not knowing what to reply to that. Something inside of him snapped, from Taeyeon’s soft, gentle words. Tears pierced the edges of his eyes. Leeteuk turned away, hoping Taeyeon didn’t see anything.

“Why couldn’t it been me?” Leeteuk screamed to himself. His trembling hands clenched into fists.
Taeyeon scooted closer to him. She then held on to his trembling hands, hoping to come him down.
“Oppa don't say that... What would the other members do if they lost you too!”

Taeyeon gripped Leeteuk’s hands tighter.
Leeteuk couldn’t take anymore tears that brimmed his eyes, now fell down to his cheeks.
Taeyeon hugged Leeteuk for comfort, while rubbing his back. He pulled Taeyeon into a tighter embrace letting out his emotions for the first time.

After a few minutes, Leeteuk had finally calmed down and felt a lot lighter, though the grieving feeling will never go away. He thanked Taeyeon, as he ruffled her hair. They then made their way back to the others.

Back in the kitchen, the others had clean up Shindong. They all  stood around him. Victoria nodded to Leeteuk and Taeyeon as they entered the room. The two joined the others and stood in a circle around Shindong’s body. After giving another minute of silence, Changmin bended down and finally closed Shindong’s eyes for him.

“I don’t want to leave him like this..but we have to keep going. We have to get out.” Leeteuk told them all.

They all agreed and nodded in agreement.

Then the intercom form the corner of the room clicked on. They all turned to the direction of the noise. A giggle emerged from the other end of the line.

“Sorry you can’t do that...unless you want a challenge.” The girl’s voice told them.


I sincerely apologize for not updating in soo long...though I always say that. It's just that I had writer's block and to make things more complicated, busy with college aplication stuff..>_< I'm sorry to keep any of you waiting and thanks for the comments and stuff, bc they motivated me ALOT to write! :)

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Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 11: Oooooo update pls update pls..jebal yooooo
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 11: Upload please :)
Chapter 11: Death Bell * i meant sorry -.-
Chapter 11: OMFG this is like Deth Bell but SM Idol Version.
Chapter 11: could she be Boa? D:
Chapter 11: update soon ne^^
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling its jessica??
I missed this fanfic. Please update soon author-nim *bows* x)
I don't understand what's happening to them, but.. PLEASE KEEP THEM SAVE! ;A;
and update soon~ take your time c;