


"There’s no way out."
As these words left Kai's lips everyone froze in place, unsure of how to react.
"This is no time for jokes Kai! We need to get Sungmin hyung out of here!" Suho half screamed in rage. Kai looked hurt for a moment. He opened his mouth to defend himself, when Kyuhyun spoke for him.
“He's telling the truth. I can’t explain it...and even if I tried, it’ll be too hard to believe. You’ll just have to see it for your self.” He stated with a darkened face.
"Fine, lets all have a look then.” Leeteuk simply stated. He walked off emotionless, like he was suppressing all he’s feelings inside.

 "What about Sungmin oppa? We can’t leave him!” Amber spoke out. She had recovered a little bit from the traumatic event, though she was still trembling a little bit in Key’s arms. Key kept his right hands on Amber’s back, and used his right hands to wipe away tears from Amber’s face.
“Don’t worry we’ll come right back for Sungmin hyung.” Key reassured Amber, gentleness in his voice.

Taeyeon looked at the two. She couldn’t help but have a warm feeling on the inside. She wishes she had someone to hold and comfort her right now. Just like Key and Amber are for each other. She wanted to be reassured that everything is fine and all this is just a joke. A horrible, stupid joke.

Everyone started to walk off towards the receptionist area.
“Wait!” Taeyeon screamed out, halting everyone to a stop. She lightly jogged back to Sungmin and squatted down next to him. She reached out to touch Sungmin’s arms one last time, his body completely out of warmth. She took off the sweater she was wearing and put it on top off Sungmin’s body.

"I don’t want you to be cold." Taeyeon whispered to Sungmin, just loud enough for the two of them. A tear fell from her eye as she stood up and walked back with the other members. Leeteuk gave her a sad smile and a patted her on the back before he went on towards their destination.

They arrived shortly at the room of S.M. Building’s main entrance. Taemin led them towards the doors of the building.
"Here." He held his arms up towards the direction of the door.

They all took a moment to look and process the image of their surrounding. There were things around the entrance that were not there when they had entered the building last night. The entrance was fully covered in locked chains. Its rusted coils twisted in and out through the handle of the glass doors. Beyond the glass they can see columns of iron pipe, arranged together like prison bars, preventing them from opening the doors and leaving. Even the windows had the same narrow bars.

Everyone stood there wide-eyed and terrified. Changmin grabbed one of the vases full of wilted flowers and threw it at the glass door. The vases bounced back and shattered in to a million pieces, while the glass remained unfazed and unscratched.
"What the heck?" Changmin screamed out loud. This time he took one of the fold-out chairs in the corner and threw it. Again it bounced back and didn’t even make a dent.
Everyone stood there mouth open and mystified. The whole place had change. Nothing seemed like what it once was. The feel of the place had gone dark and heavy. It seemed like a nightmare come to life, stuck in a building with no way out.
Taeyeon was scared but more frustrated. What the heck is going on?

Everyone was silent, until a ringing sound distracted them from their thoughts. The phone on top of the receptionist was ringing.
“I though the phone was disconnected?” Suho asked out loud.
“It was…guess it’s fixed now!” Shindong answered him.
Taeyeon who was the closes one, picked it up.

“Hello! Please we need help!” Taeyeon pleaded through the phone, but there was nothing but static. Then a girl’s cheerful giggling emerges from the other line.
“I bet you do! But I’m sorry! I’m kind of busy now... this one is really heavy...” Taeyeon heard what sounds like something being dragged on the floor. "Can’t leave thrash out in the hallways."
Then the line went out.

“What did they say?” Leeteuk ran up next to her with a hopeful expression. Taeyeon just dropped the phone and started to run off in the direction they came from. “We need to go check on Sungmin!” She yelled back at them.

Everyone ran quickly back upstairs to where Sungmin laid, but to everyone’s surprise he wasn’t there, just like what Taeyeon had suspected. In his place there was a trail of blood, a sign that his body was dragged.

“Should we follow it?” Shindong asked out loud.
“Maybe its one of our friends.” Kai pointed out, referring to the person that might have dragged his body.

“It’s not…” Taeyeon replied with her face scrunched up. “It was the girl on the phone…she called him thrash.”
“Great! We’re trapped here. We can’t go anywhere. Someone’s toying with us!” Key exclaimed out loud aggravated. Amber quickly went to squeeze his hand, in which he simply replied a sorry, calmer than before.
“I suggest we follow it.” Leeteuk spoke out. Everyone nodded and started to follow Leeteuk as he went down the hall.

Taeyeon however didn’t think this was a good idea. It’s just like those scary movies she'd spent late nights watching with Hyoyeon. Someone was leading them to a trap. The same someone that she had spoke to on the phone. Her voice had somehow sounded familiar but she couldn’t remember. Who was she and what did she want?


Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I didn't plan my story to become this dark. Even as I wrote it, I was a little creep out. lol Well hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Tell me what you think! :D

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Chapter 1: Please update soon
Chapter 11: Oooooo update pls update pls..jebal yooooo
Taeyeon97 #3
Chapter 11: Upload please :)
Chapter 11: Death Bell * i meant sorry -.-
Chapter 11: OMFG this is like Deth Bell but SM Idol Version.
Chapter 11: could she be Boa? D:
Chapter 11: update soon ne^^
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling its jessica??
I missed this fanfic. Please update soon author-nim *bows* x)
I don't understand what's happening to them, but.. PLEASE KEEP THEM SAVE! ;A;
and update soon~ take your time c;