What A Discovery!!

My Butterfly

YAY!!!!! New chapter!!!! *dances* 


Sorry I haven't been updating regularly.......I've actally been distracted. *rubs head*


........................Big Bang has stolen my attention..................*ducks* MIANHAE READERS!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL TRY AND DO BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bows*


For now enjoy this update!! =D




After he had switched his school jacket for a hoodie and sunglasses, they strolled off on the way to her house. Once inside, Taemin helped prepare a snack consisting of fruits and water. They chatted happily while munching on the food, joking about what had happened at school that day. They had pulled their books out to start some of their homework, but Taemin was distracted. What she had said earlier to the jock was still replaying in his mind. “Hey, Jae.”

Her pencil stopped running across the page, “Yes, Taemin?”

He hesitated, “Did….. Did you really mean what you said earlier? About protecting me and being my friend?”

She smiled, “Of course. I wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t true. We’ll always be friend and I’ll always protect you.” She grinned and made an ‘X’ sign with her fingers and placed them over her heart. “Promise.”

He chuckled, “What’s that?”

“It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time. It was how Min and I made promises to each other when we were kids. It’s for like ‘crossing you heart’.” She dropped her hands and chuckled, “I know it seems silly to you.”

Taemin smiled, “It’s not silly. I just haven’t seen anything like that before. It’s kind of cute.” She blushed and giggled. He reached over and grabbed her hand and placed it over his fingers as they made an ‘X’. “Friends forever, promise.” She smiled and hugged him. They began gathering all his things as the guys would be there soon to pick him up. They were waiting for a text from Minho, and talking about Taemin’s upcoming schedule. Apparently they have a really special performance coming up in the beginning of September. He was about to say something, when the door to Jae’s apartment opened.

Jae tensed, and whispered, “Crap…..she’s early….”

Taemin was about to ask what she meant when a voice rang out through the silence, “Jae! I’m home!”

His eyes went wide. He had never given a thought to what would happen if he met Jae’s sister. ‘Please don’t let her have a fan moment.’

“You would not believe the day I had! My new kid, Jongki threw up all over my new shoes. I’m so glad I took my sneakers with me today.” Jae didn’t move or respond. “Jae? I’m thinking about ordering take-out for dinner. I don’t much feel like cooking tonight…..” Her voice was getting closer to the living room.

“What are you in the mood for? Noodles or chick-” Taemin closed his eyes. He knew Min was standing in the door. He turned to find a dumbstruck expression from her head to her toes. He smiled and stood, “Ahn-Nyeong Hah Sehyo! I’m Lee Taemin. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Jae has talked about you a lot.” She was frozen to the spot but mumbled, “Ahn-Nyeong Hah Sehyo. Yeo Min-Hei Su.”

After a few more moments of silence, Taemin’s phone buzzed. He quickly read the message from Minho. “Ah. They’re here Jae.” He started gathering his things and headed to the door, Jae following him. He bowed to Min before walking by her, “Hope you see you again soon.”

She nodded and tried to bow back. As he slid his shoes on, Jae whispered, “I’m sorry Taemin. I didn’t think she’d be home until later.”

He shook his head, “It’s okay. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.” Jae chuckled. “So I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She nodded, “Yeah, I’ll see you at school.” She quickly hugged him and shut the door behind him. She could feel Min’s eyes boring into her back.

“E-eonni…..you’re home early. H-how was work?” Jae tried to keep her voice as level as possible. She could still feel Min’s gaze.

“Yeo Ae-Min Jae.”

Jae flinched. ‘Oh no…..’ “Yes, eonni?” She tried her best to smile. But the heat from Min’s gaze quickly caused it to disappear. “Who was that in our house?”

“L-lee Taemin.”

“Lee Taemin…..of SHINee?”

Jae toed the ground, “Yes…….”

Silence permeated the air around them. “Jae……How the hell do you know Lee Taemin and what was he doing in our apartment?!”

Jae shrugged, “He’s my friend.”

Min gaped at her sister. “How did that happen?”

“You remember Principal Park called and talked to you about me having an around school? Well Taemin is my ……We go to school together.”

Min scoffed, “And you didn’t think to tell me that the Lee Taemin of SHINee was the person chosen as your ? He’s in my favorite band!!”

Jae shrugged, “I thought he was just another student. I didn’t know he was famous, Min.”

“But you didn’t even tell me your ’s name!! Now you’re telling me that you know and are friend’s with Lee Taemin. How long have you two been friends?”

“Since the first day of school. He’s really nice. The other students are mean to him. Actually today one of the school jocks was picking on him and I stood up for him.”

“Are you crazy?”

Jae looked at Min, shocked, “What do you mean?”

“Hello! He’s famous! His every move is noted on the internet somewhere, especially by the girls at his school. If this gets out then he could get into a lot of trouble. Not to mention all the fan girls that are going to try and hurt you just for talking or being around him!”

“The other kids at school don’t even talk to me. He’s my only friend.”

“You know that might not be a good thing.”

Jae’s brows furrowed, “What do you mean now?”

Min rolled her eyes, “Having just one friend is not good. I mean yeah, you have a friend at least, but it’s always good to have a few friends.”

“Min…..” Jae smiled and stepped forward, “I have Taemin and you. I don’t need anything or anyone else.”

Min smiled, leaning her forehead against Jae’s, sighing, “Well, if you know what you’re doing, I can’t argue with you.”

 Jae smiled, “Thanks Min. Love you Eonni.”

She giggled, “Love you too, dongsaeng. I missed you calling me Eonni…….”

“Well I’ll call you that every day if it makes you happy.”

Min hugged her tightly, sighing. She gasped and jumped, grabbing Jae’s hand and dragging her away. “Min are you okay? Where are we going?”

“Well since you’re going to be friends with Taemin, you need to know more about SHINee.” Over the next two hours, Min showed Jae, or rather let her listen to, every SHINee song that was stored on Min’s computer. Jae was impressed with the amount of improvement that all of the guys had done between the few albums. Min then started pointing out the different guys and which voices belonged to whom. Jae didn’t want to admit it, but she was nervous waiting to hear Taemin’s voice. When Min finally pointed it out, Jae smiled and asked her to play it again. ‘For someone his age, he’s very good. His has a kind of angelic voice.’ She mentally slapped herself at that thought.

After listening to a few more songs, her previous thoughts were proven right again. Surprisingly, the one her sister liked the most, Onew, had a very amazing voice that Jae wanted to listen to over and over again.

When they reached a song called ‘Obsession’, Jae began picking out the voices and putting names to them to Min’s surprise. About halfway through the next song, the melody of ‘Obsession’ was still playing in her head. She reached out and paused the music, a song called ‘Ready or Not’, earning a half gasp, half scoff from Min. “What did you do that for? That song was really good…..” she trailed off.

Jae smiled, “I was just thinking about dinner. Let’s order out tonight. While we wait, you can upload all of SHINee’s songs to my Zune.” She could feel Min bouncing up and down in her seat, probably grinning like an idiot.

“Omo Jae! I’ve been trying to get you to listen to them for a while now. And to think, all it took was one of the members being your around school and your sister finding out about it to get you to listen to them.” They shared a laugh, before Min left to order food. After she left the room, Jae found the back button on Min’s media player and started ‘Obsession’ over, listening to every line Taemin sung.

She smiled. He truly did have a beautiful voice. She vowed to convince him to sing for her soon. She wanted to hear that angelic voice in person.

As they were eating some take-out Chinese, Min disturbed the silence, “You know Jae… Taemin is a dancer. Maybe you should show him that performance you did two years ago.” Her rice went down the wrong pipe, causing Jae to choke and sputter.

After drinking some water, she choked out, “No way. That was so amateurish. Besides it’s not his type of dancing. He’d probably just think it was boring and fall asleep.”

Min gawked, “What are you talking about? I’ve never seen such emotion in a dance before.”

Jae just shook her head, “No Min, I’m not showing it to him.”

 Min pursed her lips, “Fine, fine. But trust me, I think you should show him. That competition was amazing. You took first, remember? I think that means you were amazing. Nothing to be ashamed of.” Jae sighed, “I might show him. But no promises.”

Min held her hands up in surrender, “Hey , I’m just saying. Oh I heard the others from SHINee on the radio at work today. They were talking about some ghost story and about Taemin being at school. The bullying issue was brought up, but Onew quickly put a stop to that topic.” Min sighed, “Ahhhh, my brave Onew. He always stands up for his dongsaengs; like how I stand up for you.”

Jae opened her eyes and turned to her sister, smiling, “I know, my lovely Eonni ninja.” She extended her hand in the shape of half a heart. Min smiled, making the other half and joining them together, “Love you, dongsaeng ninja.”

Jae pulled her in for a hug, “Love you too, Eonni ninja.”

The rest of the night was spent listening to more SHINee as Min explained the different guy’s looks and personalities. Around nine, Jae left to take a shower and get ready for bed. That night, as she laid trying to drift off to sleep, Taemin’s ‘face’ and his singing kept replaying in her mind. She reached over and pressed play on her Zune and smiled as the familiar sounds of piano filled the room and coaxed her to sleep.




Woooooo. Sister moment. ^_^

Sorry if it seems kinda boring....... >.>

Finally Min is introduced!! What do you guys think of her so far?? She plays a major part in the next chapter. =) Hope you guys like her!!!

Thanks again to my lovely ninja Kate for being my beta and being patient with me............cause I'm a slow writer. XD


So here are your treats!!!!!


Haven't done a Key treat yet..........................so here's some Key umma!!! =D



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LiveLoveLaughter #1
Pleeeeeease update!!!
Natasha335 #2
oh I liked this chapter! I like Min's character too :)<br />
MidnightRose #3
I love this. Now post the next chapter I beta'd for you. Eonni Ninja <3
Natasha335 #4
OMGGGGGGGGGG that was awesome!!^^ ahaha she punched that jerk in the face :P<br />
lol all of those Onew pics & OMG G-DRAGON!!!!!!^^♥♥♥
Natasha335 #5
I love this story! its so different then other ones I have read :D<br />
aww there so cute!^^<br />
update soon!♥
minionsbanana #6
omo! it's interesting!
i LOVE your story right now. and i love the way you put little pictures at the end of each chapter they make me so happy and scream when i see there cuteness lol. well i hope you update soon and have fun i wish you good luck XD
kidamazone #8
Omggggg. What I LOVE about the way you write is the fact that you take your time and when there's an update, there's SOOOO MUCHHHHH. And the goodies at the end makes it even more fun to read your chapterrs~! Great job, keep up the good work <333
Dreams #9
lol eonni don't work yourself too hard! I really like this story!:)
Dude, I love that first gif, it's my all time favorite and is all time epic.