Accidents and Coincidence

My Butterfly


YAY!!! Chapter 2 is done. =D I was going to hold onto it till I finished writing Chapter 4 but decided to be nice and post it. ^_^




He couldn’t come up with anything to say. “But- but- ……why did you choose me?”


“Honestly, I didn’t know any other student I could fully trust.” Taemin was taken back. The principal trusted him? “You’re a good student, you have wonderful grades, but you don’t have many friends here. I thought this might be a good opportunity for you. Plus, she just moved here and doesn’t know anything about this place. I’ll understand if you don’t want to do it. I can find someone else to look after her,” the man trailed off as he started pulling paperwork towards him.

“Aniyo! I’ll do it,” The words left him before he had time to process them. Did he really just say that? Something in his gut was telling him to do this and he usually followed his gut.

Mr. Park laughed, and stood from his desk. He clapped his hands together, “That’s wonderful! Now shall we go meet her?” Taemin nodded and followed the man out of the room. “We put you two together in all the same classes to make it easier on her.”

He remained quiet while he followed Mr. Park back to the front of the school. “Lee Taemin, I do have one more thing to ask of you.” The two stopped and the older man gave him a serious stare. “Whatever you do, do not ask what happened to her sight. Do you understand me?”

Taemin nodded, “Yes, I understand.”

The continued off down the hall till they reached the spot where he’d run into the strange girl earlier. She was still sitting on the bench; her belongings now put away except for the cane she had asked him to retrieve.

“Ms. Yeo,” Mr. Park exclaimed, “lovely to see you again, my dear.”

The girl turned and smiled, “Mr. Park. It’s good to see you again. I trust you are well?”

The old man chuckled, “As good as my old body will let me be. Ms. Yeo, there someone I’d like to introduce you to. I’ve found you an to show you around, help you find where everything is,” Mr. Park turned to the red-head and nodded towards the girl.

Taking the cue, he stepped forward and bowed, “Hello. My name is Lee Taemin. I hope we can become good friends.”

She smiled and turned towards him, bowing in return, “Hello. My name is Yeo Ae-Min Jae. I hope we can be friends too.”

“I’ve worked everything out with the staff. You both have the same classes with the exception of P.E. Ms. Yeo has a study session while you have P.E. Taemin, but you’ve been given permission to leave class early to Ms. Yeo to her study session and to leave P.E. early to take her to her next class,” Taemin nodded as Mr. Park continued, “So, that’s everything. The bell should ring in the next few minutes for your first class. Taemin, why don’t you show Ae-Min Jae how to get to homeroom from the front doors?”

Both students bowed and bid farewell to Mr. Park. Once he was gone, they sat in silence. Neither knew what to say. Taemin started shifting from side to side and staring at the floor. The girl looked at him and gave a sad smile, “I’m sorry if you’re uncomfortable with this. Mr. Park thought this would be easier for me, so I’m not stumbling around trying to find everything.” He just shrugged, but realized a few seconds later that the action was unneeded.

“Aniyo. It’s not like that. I’m just………..not good with interacting with people.”

Her brow furrowed, “Why do you say that? You seem nice.” She smiled at him and stood from the bench and walked towards him. His shifting slowed as he watched. When she was about a foot away, she stopped and reached a hand out waiting.

He eyed it uncomfortably, “Do we have to hold hands?”

She smiled and shook her head, “No, if you’d like I can hold onto your bag or jacket.” Nodding, he grasped her hand and placed it on his book bag strap and led her to the front door. As they walked towards their homeroom, Taemin thought about the hand on his backpack. It wasn’t like the other girls that clung to him. It was different. He looked at her face, and studied it. Her eyes were still shut, but her expression was happy and trusting. How can someone trust a person so fast? ‘Don’t be silly, Taemin. She’s only holding on to you because she has too. Don’t get carried away.’

“How far away is the classroom?” Her sudden question caused him to jump slightly. He felt her grasp tighten as worry crept on her face.

He just smiled, “It’s not much further.”

She smiled again, “I guess I’ll get use to it after a while.”

“Yeah. The school’s a little big, but once you know where everything is you’ll be fine.”

“I guess since we’re going to be spending so much time together, we should get to know one another, right?”

He looked at her quickly, analyzing her question. Was she a crazed fan trying to get information or dirty secrets on him and the guys? Looking at her expression, he got nothing. She was still smiling as she waited for his reply. “Maybe; I’m not very open with people, so it might be hard. I don’t have many friends. I’m rather shy.”

She frowned, “But you seem so nice. How could you not have many friends?” He chuckled. Maybe she was just playing naïve to make him feel better. “You’d be surprised.”

“Actually I am, but about something different.”

 He turned to her, “About what?”

She shrugged, “Well, while I was waiting in the office for all my papers, a couple of girls in the room were talking about a celebrity that apparently goes here. They didn’t say a name. I wonder who it is….”

She trailed off into thought and Taemin began to feel uncomfortable again. He continued to watch her expression, looking for any signs of deceit. She looked so innocent. Maybe he could tell her…..

“Well, if you want to know, its-“

Just then the bell rang and drowned out his sentence.

“Oh! We should hurry. We might be late for class,” she said. He looked down at her but decided to save the confession for later. 

He nodded, “Araso. Let’s go.”



Okay it's shorter than I meant it to be. This one is mostly filler and for them to "officially" meet. 

Again many many many thanks to my lovely beta, Kate 

And as promised my end of chapter treat. 


Today is Onew day. =D

A very Taemin looking Onew......

And lastly from Onew and I to you lovely readers!!!


Remember comments and constructive criticisms are very welcome!! 

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LiveLoveLaughter #1
Pleeeeeease update!!!
Natasha335 #2
oh I liked this chapter! I like Min's character too :)<br />
MidnightRose #3
I love this. Now post the next chapter I beta'd for you. Eonni Ninja <3
Natasha335 #4
OMGGGGGGGGGG that was awesome!!^^ ahaha she punched that jerk in the face :P<br />
lol all of those Onew pics & OMG G-DRAGON!!!!!!^^♥♥♥
Natasha335 #5
I love this story! its so different then other ones I have read :D<br />
aww there so cute!^^<br />
update soon!♥
minionsbanana #6
omo! it's interesting!
i LOVE your story right now. and i love the way you put little pictures at the end of each chapter they make me so happy and scream when i see there cuteness lol. well i hope you update soon and have fun i wish you good luck XD
kidamazone #8
Omggggg. What I LOVE about the way you write is the fact that you take your time and when there's an update, there's SOOOO MUCHHHHH. And the goodies at the end makes it even more fun to read your chapterrs~! Great job, keep up the good work <333
Dreams #9
lol eonni don't work yourself too hard! I really like this story!:)
Dude, I love that first gif, it's my all time favorite and is all time epic.