Making Friends

My Butterfly


OMO!!!!! Kate finally had some free time and edited Chapter 3 for me =D <3

Sorry for the long wait!! TT__TT 

I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!! It's lunchtime =D <3



As they went through their next couple of classes, Taemin didn’t have time to ask about the books or even talk for that matter. The other students shouted the same comments as last year.

“You think you’re so big because you’re a celebrity.”

“He’s not as tall as I imagined.”

“He’s not that handsome.”

He ignored it and pushed onto the next class. ‘You’d think after a while they’d have thought of some new insults.’

Finally lunchtime came. When the bell rang he grabbed his things and whispered, “Get your things quick.” She seemed taken aback but gathered her things and stood, grabbing his backpack as he pulled her from the classroom. He would have run, but feared that she would have tripped or fallen. As he turned down the next hall, he breathed a sigh of relief. He opened the door and ushered her inside. The students knew he ate lunch here but he always tried to beat them there so he could actually get inside.

He turned around and bumped into Ae-Min Jae, who was still standing behind him. He reached out to steady her as she asked, “Where are we?”

“We’re in the teachers’ lounge.”

Curiosity crossed her face, “Why are we in here?”

 He shrugged forgetting that she couldn’t see the action. “The teachers let me eat lunch in here.” She was about to respond when he grabbed her arm and guided her to a table at the back of the room. As they sat, she began to open again, but he beat her to it.

“So, Principal Park said you just moved in with your sister? What about your parents?”

She gave a sad smile and responded, “I moved in my sister to be closer to the new doctor I’ll be going to. My mom died in a car crash recently; a drunk driver hit her head-on.” Sadness crept onto her face. Not very good with handling female emotions, Taemin quickly asked, “What about your dad?”

Her expression remained sullen, “I never knew him. He was never around when I was growing up. My sister vaguely remembers him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

She shook her head, smiling, “It’s okay. I don’t feel as bad now as I did when I was younger. The only male figure in my life has been my grandpa. I don’t see him much anymore. He lives about four hours away. I talk to him at least once a week on the phone.”

He pursed his lips, “You said you have a sister. How old is she?”

“She twenty. She works at a daycare. She loves kids. She really wants to be a singer though. She’s really good but a bit shy when it comes to performing in front of people. I know she dances while she sings though. She always sings for me. She can’t help but start dancing because…..well. You know…..” Taemin just stared at the girl. When he didn’t confirm what she was thinking, she smiled and answered, “Cause I can’t see her dancing. But I can hear her moving around.” She laughed. He wondered how she could sit there and laugh about something like that.

He decided to ignore his urge to ask and instead said, “What’s her name?”

“Min-Hei Su. But don’t ever call her that. She goes by Min. She got into trouble a lot when we were kids and every time mom would call her full name. So when she got to be about twelve, she had us start calling her Min.”

She turned to her bag and began rummaging through it. “She’s always taken care of me. Once, when we were younger, right after my accident, she started picking on me. I scared her. Needless to say, she started looking after me after that.” She paused, “It doesn’t scare her anymore though. I guess she’s gotten used to it by now…..” She rambled to herself. Perplexed, Taemin stared. He didn’t know what to ask after her monolog. After a few seconds, she turned to him, smiling again, “What about your family?”

“I don’t live with my family. My mom, dad and older brother live together. I miss them though. I get to go see them on the weekends and maybe a few times a week.” She sensed the sadness in his voice.

“If you don’t live with them, who do you live with?” He shifted nervously; he hoped that they wouldn’t bring that topic back up.  “It’s difficult to explain. I miss my brother a lot. He was always there for me.”

“What’s his name?”

“Lee Taesun. He’s two years older than me. People say we look a lot alike.”

She began poking around in her bag again. Smiling, she pulled out a small bento and set it on the table. “I’m sorry you’re away from your family. It must be really hard to not see them every day.”

He shrugged, “It was bad at first. You get used to it after a while.” She opened her box as the silence stretched. He looked down at her lunch. “Did you make that?”

She shook her head, “Aniyo. My sister made it. I helped a bit, but there’s only so much I can do.” She giggled.

“Well, it looks very good.” She smiled, “Did you bring lunch?” He opened his backpack and rummaged around for a few seconds. When his hand didn’t meet the familiar plastic, he almost dove into the opening. On his third search, he gave up, huffed and sat back in his chair. He began retracing his steps from when he got up that morning and slapped himself. He’d left it on the counter by the sink. Groaning, he slid further down in his chair. This day just seemed to be getting worse by the second.

“Did you leave it at home?”

Heaving a sigh, he replied, “Yes. Oh well. I’ll be fine till school is over.”

A sad look crossed her face, but was instantly replaced with that same smile. “I have plenty here. We can share mine.”

“There’s not a lot there.”

She just smiled even more, “I’ll eat some of it, but you have most of it. I don’t eat much anyways. My sister always makes too much food.”

He eyed the food, apprehensive. He remembered when Yunho of DBSK had been poisoned by an anti-fan a couple years back. ‘She’s not one of them. Heck she hasn’t recognized me yet. Maybe she doesn’t know who I am.’

“Thank you. Eat what you want. I’ll munch on it until your full.” He picked up a piece of chicken and stared at it.

“The chicken is really good. It was lightly breaded, seasoned and fried. Simple but very tasty.” She seemed to read his mind. He took a small bite and was surprised at the flavor. He would have scarfed down the rest of it but remembered that he had to share lunch today.

They ate in relative silence, only broken when she asked him if he wanted more or when he started coughing from something spicy and offered him a sip of her drink. When they were half way through her lunch, she pushed the rest towards him, smiling.

Concerned, Taemin looked up at her, “You didn’t eat much. Here eat some more rice.”

She shook her head, “I’m full. I have a small stomach so I don’t eat very much. Finish it up for me so I can put it up before the bell rings.” Taemin nodded and quickly ate the rest of the food. He put the bento together and slid it across the table, “Thank you. It was very good.”

“I’ll make sure to tell my sister you said that.”

She smiled as she pulled out two pieces of gum, holding one out to him. He smiled and took it, their fingers brushing again. “Thank you, Ae-Min Jae.”

She cringed, “Don’t call me that. Call me Jae. That’s what everyone calls me.” Taemin chuckled.

“Just like your sister?”

Jae nodded, “My name’s pretty but it’s too annoying to say. So just Jae. Araso?”

He chuckled again, “Okay. So when’s your birthday?”

“October third. Yours?”

“July eighteenth.”

She smiled, “So that makes you my Oppa.”

He chuckled, finally someone that he really is oppa to. “Yeah it does.”

“I’ve never called anyone that before. It might take some time for me to get used to. So don’t be mad if I call you Taemin, alright?”

He drew a deep breath and held it, “Hmmm……I don’t know. I MIGHT let it slide for the first bit, but not all the time.” She seemed taken back. He laughed, “Sorry. I’m messing with you.”

She laughed and packed her lunchbox away. He sighed and picked his bag up and stood. “Want to start heading back? We can beat everyone else to the room.” She smiled and picked up her things, popping her gum in .

She grasped his backpack, and turned to him, “Lead the way, Oppa.” He chuckled, popped his gum in, and led her out of the teacher’s lounge. He sensed this was going to be the start of a very good friendship.



YAY!!!!!! I'm so sorry to keep you guys waiting!! 

I hope all the treats I had posted before made up for it!

And OMO!!! 17 subs and 700 views!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3 

Here are you end of chapter treats for today!! <3

Don't know why but lately I've been wanting Charisma!!! So I give you Minho!! =D

Love this shirt!!!

OMO!!!!! Making myself stop now!!! I hope all this Flaming Charisma makes up for the wait!!!! 





Did not mean to post that many pics of Minho............ oh well hope you all enjoy them =D

Leave me a comment telling me what you'd like to happen or how you like the story!! <3

Till next time. Anhyeong!!! <3

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LiveLoveLaughter #1
Pleeeeeease update!!!
Natasha335 #2
oh I liked this chapter! I like Min's character too :)<br />
MidnightRose #3
I love this. Now post the next chapter I beta'd for you. Eonni Ninja <3
Natasha335 #4
OMGGGGGGGGGG that was awesome!!^^ ahaha she punched that jerk in the face :P<br />
lol all of those Onew pics & OMG G-DRAGON!!!!!!^^♥♥♥
Natasha335 #5
I love this story! its so different then other ones I have read :D<br />
aww there so cute!^^<br />
update soon!♥
minionsbanana #6
omo! it's interesting!
i LOVE your story right now. and i love the way you put little pictures at the end of each chapter they make me so happy and scream when i see there cuteness lol. well i hope you update soon and have fun i wish you good luck XD
kidamazone #8
Omggggg. What I LOVE about the way you write is the fact that you take your time and when there's an update, there's SOOOO MUCHHHHH. And the goodies at the end makes it even more fun to read your chapterrs~! Great job, keep up the good work <333
Dreams #9
lol eonni don't work yourself too hard! I really like this story!:)
Dude, I love that first gif, it's my all time favorite and is all time epic.