
My Butterfly


“Oh, come on Taemin, please?”

The red-head rolled his eyes and continued picking at his lunch. “No, Jae. I think that kind of thing is silly. Someone probably just thinks of random things to say and tried to make it sound insightful.”

“Taemin, come on. Please just read mine out. Please?” She reached across the table and grasped his hand. He looked up and chuckled. Her eyes were shut, as always, and her lips were pouting, while her bottom lip trembled. It was kind of cute.

“Oh, come on Jae. Don’t tell me you believe in any of this crap.” Jae just pushed her bottom lip out farther. He rolled his eyes again, “FINE. I’ll read it.” The girl squeaked and jumped in her seat. She smiled, waiting. He chuckled again and flipped his phone open to the site she had asked for. “What sign is it again?”


After a few taps, a small paragraph appeared. He shook his head. Jae had just a few minutes ago confided that she read, more like her sister read, her horoscope every day.

“Ready?” Jae nodded.

“Birds of a feather flock together, and you are more inclined than many other people to stick with your own kind. Whether you gravitate toward those who share your level of education, or your particular hobbies and interests, you sometimes overlook opportunities when they take you out of your comfort zone. But now there is someone or something on the horizon that beckons. It may seem unfamiliar or even strange to you, yet it is or will be oddly enticing. This is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and it may even lead to a chance to increase your income or better your life in some way.”

“Hmmm…..” Taemin turned to look at her. Her lips were pursed and her brow furrowed in concentration. “Interesting….”

“Why do you say that? It all sounds like bologna to me.” Jae just stared at him.

“Well it seems like you can’t decipher metaphors,” she retorted, sticking her tongue out with a childish ‘merong’.

He rolled his eyes again. “Okay, then. What’s my sign? Let’s see how accurate this crap is.”

“Your birthday is July 18th, right? That would make you a Cancer. So look for a crab.”

He thumbed through until he found the little button with a crab and pressed it, reading aloud, “If you are facing one misunderstanding or minor problem after another, you can blame your frustration on the current cosmic climate, Moonchild. Although nothing major is hovering on the radar, a collection of bothersome irritations are probably driving you crazy right now. Take comfort in knowing that your troubles are only temporary, and within the next twenty-four hours or so things should calm down considerably. The really good news is that once you’ve made it through this quirky period, you are due for some genuine good fortune in the form of monetary or security-related assistance from the universe.”

His brows scrunched together in confusion. All the teasing he had to endure in this hell HAD died down considerably. Though some of the guys still yelled at him in the halls, they had stopped throwing things at him after that one kid hit Jae by mistake. Today he hadn’t heard a single thing from any of the students. Somehow this thing was right…..

‘But that’s impossible! These things were never right….how did it get lucky this one time?’ he thought, closing his phone.

“I noticed it too.”

He looked up to find Jae’s head tilted her smile in place. “The other students, I mean. They’ve stopped. I wonder what it meant by ‘security-related assistance’ though.”

Taemin shrugged, “I don’t know. But remember, I don’t believe in all this mystic stuff. It could just be a coincidence.” He leaned over and ruffled her hair, chuckling.

“Nothing is a coincidence,” She just stuck her tongue out and went back to her lunch.

Taemin began thinking about the last two days. The other students had left him alone for the most part. No name calling, no flying bits of paper or erasers, and no clingy girls. He’d actually felt like a normal high-schooler. Though today he’d felt tension between him and the other guys in the school. He couldn’t quite explain it; he just had a feeling something was going to happen soon. This ‘silence’ was too good to be true.

They finished their lunches and packed to go to their next classes. The next two hours went by fine, till their last class. They were heading to English class. The other students seemed too quiet. He glanced around and found most of them whispering to their friends and glancing at him. ‘Well at least they’re leaving me alone now.’

A shoulder rammed into his left arm, causing him to stagger and bump into Jae. He quickly turned to steady the girl, before turning back to the other person. It was a jock that was in the same grade as him, who picked on Taemin the whole time they were in school together. He had tons of muscles that had been rumored to be caused from him taking steroids for all the sports he did.

He glared at the meaty boy,“What’s your problem? Can’t you see where you’re going? Or have all the steroids you’ve taken caused your brain to cease functioning?” Taemin half-yelled, surprising himself and the others around him.

The jock glared, “What’s makes you think you’re so big? Just because you’re famous? Because you know a couple of flashy dance moves and have a pretty face? Seems like they’re picking celebrities by throwing darts at random pictures.”

“I never heard him sing!” One of the jocks cronies shouted from behind muscle-head’s back.

He smirked, “Yeah, you’re right, Jungmin. I haven’t heard him sing either. How do we know you’re not there for just looks?” Taemin glared at the taller male, but didn’t respond.

The jock continued, “Maybe, you should prove yourself. So there’s no doubt that you should be a celebrity. Sing for us.” Everyone had surrounded them and fallen quiet. Taemin glanced around and saw the curious eyes watching him. “What are you scared that we’re going to discover that you can’t actually sing? That you’re just all looks and flashy dance moves?” Taemin glared at the steroid boy again, his eyes reduced to slits. He was about to respond when a small voice came from his right.


Gasps resounded through the hallway, echoing off the walls, as whispers once again broke out amongst the students. Taemin turned to see who had spoken for him.

Jae was standing with her head bowed, hands gripping her cane. “Excuse me? Did you say something?”

She lifted her head, and responded, “I said, ‘No’. He doesn’t have to prove anything to a jerk like you.”

“EXCUSE ME?! What right do you have to say that to me? You don’t even know him. He’s just a stuck up celebrity that thinks he’s too good to have anything to do with the rest of us!”

Jae scoffed, “If that’s what you really think, then obviously Taemin was right. Your brain isn’t functioning right. Neither is your common sense OR sight. He’s trying to be a normal teenager and just get through high school just like the rest of us and you guys are just making it harder on him! Why can’t you all just leave him alone and let him finish school in peace?”

Taemin turned, flabbergasted, to his only friend. Anger marred her lovely features, and radiated from her body. Her words pulled at his chest; nobody had ever stood up for him at the school. A small smile crept onto his face, but disappeared as the jock snickered. “Nice Taemin. You have to have a girl stick up for you. Worse; a blind girl. How did you brainwash her into thinking those things?”

Taemin glared and opened his mouth to respond, but Jae had rushed forward and was inches from the guy’s face. Gasps of shock resounded from everyone including Taemin. “Don’t ever say that again. Just because I’m blind doesn’t mean I’m weak.” She leaned in a little closer, “I maybe blind, but I can’t see things better than you can. You can try and use my blindness against me but whatever you say won’t hurt me. I’ve been living like this for eight years now. I wouldn’t call it a disadvantage anymore.” The breath meat-head had been holding slowly was let out.

“Oh yeah? So are you going to fight little Taemin’s battles for him from now on?”

Jae raised her chin up another inch and shot a glare as best she could at the jock. “I’ll always be here to protect Taemin. He’s my friend, and I consider myself lucky to have a friend like him.”

“You mean famous.”

She poked his chest, “No. I mean trustworthy and caring, something which you obviously have never seen nor expressed. That makes you the blind one, not me.” She took another step forward, their faces a centimeters apart, she whispered, “And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave him alone. He doesn’t deserve how you and everyone else have been treating him.”

The jock stumbled backwards, “Are you threatening me?”

Jae stood her ground, tilting her head to the side and smiling, “No. I’m making a promise.” She turned to leave, stopping at Taemin and tugging his arm, “Let’s get out of here.”

He nodded, smiling, “Yeah.” Her hand found its way onto his back as they started to walk away.

“Like I’m scared of an ignorant girl. She’s stupid as well as blind. That’s the only reason Taemin is even hanging around her; because she has no friends and he’s just a pathetic celebrity loser.”

Before Taemin had time to fully register what the jock had said, Jae’s hand had left his bag. He turned to find her walking up the jock, who was having a laugh with his cronies. One of them noticed Jae and whispered to the leader and pointed at her. He turned to her right as she stopped in front of him. Everyone in the hallway, including Taemin, seemed to be holding their breath. Jae just tilted her head to the side and smiled, “I warned you.” Confusion flashed across the jock’s face as Jae drew back and punched him square across his left cheek. The guy stumbled and fell, gripping the left side of his face. He turned back to the girl with a mixed expression of surprise and horror.

She walked up to him, squatting, “Now stop this petty bull and leave Taemin alone. This is the last warning I’m giving you and everyone else. Next time I won’t be so gentle. Leave Taemin alone and let him be a normal high school student. No more remarks, snide comments, throwing things at him or anything else that would upset him. Got it?”

Without waiting for an answer, she stood up and walked back to Taemin and grasped his bag, “Shall we?” He smiled and reached up and patted her hand.

“Thank you Jae.”

She smiled, “What are friends for?”

They continued on to class and Taemin enjoyed the rest of the day in peace.

Nobody threw anything at him during his last class. He let his mind play back the moment in the hallway. He smiled. He had a true friend here at last. Something was off though. He replayed the day over in his head and stopped at lunch.

‘You are due for some genuine good fortune in the form of monetary or security-related assistance from the universe.’

He chuckled, ‘Maybe these things are right sometimes,’ he thought, ‘But I’ll never admit that to Jae. She’ll never let me live it down.’ He felt someone poking his right arm, pulling him from his thoughts. He turned to find Jae staring at him. ‘Is she a mind reader? That’s like the tenth time this week!’

“Yeah, Jae?”

She smiled, “Do you want to walk me home today? Min is going to be working late again tonight.”

He smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I can do that. The guys are doing a show until about six. I’ll have them pick me up from your house when they’re done.” They chatted until they could leave and gathered their things, though neither noticed the glares Jae was getting from the back of the room as they were laughing and walking out the door.



hey everyone!! sorry it's been a little while. Kate has been very busy with school and I've been busy with work. 

Plus......I've been distracted. =X  I've been spending alot of time on Seoul FM. 

Onew is shocked too. >.>


Well, I'm so sorry guys. >.< I'll try and write more. <3

Thanks to Kate who had time to beta this for me. =) Saranghaeyo, dongsaeng. ^_^


So now for my end of chapter treats. Kekekeke



Okay this isn't SHINee related but I have to post it. 


SUPER EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dances* 

Okay G-dragon spam time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3






Okay going to stop. XD 

So leave me a comment telling me what you thought!!! It keeps my creative jucies flowing. ^_^ <3


By the way, my Jonghyun oneshot is done. Go check it out. =)


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LiveLoveLaughter #1
Pleeeeeease update!!!
Natasha335 #2
oh I liked this chapter! I like Min's character too :)<br />
MidnightRose #3
I love this. Now post the next chapter I beta'd for you. Eonni Ninja <3
Natasha335 #4
OMGGGGGGGGGG that was awesome!!^^ ahaha she punched that jerk in the face :P<br />
lol all of those Onew pics & OMG G-DRAGON!!!!!!^^♥♥♥
Natasha335 #5
I love this story! its so different then other ones I have read :D<br />
aww there so cute!^^<br />
update soon!♥
minionsbanana #6
omo! it's interesting!
i LOVE your story right now. and i love the way you put little pictures at the end of each chapter they make me so happy and scream when i see there cuteness lol. well i hope you update soon and have fun i wish you good luck XD
kidamazone #8
Omggggg. What I LOVE about the way you write is the fact that you take your time and when there's an update, there's SOOOO MUCHHHHH. And the goodies at the end makes it even more fun to read your chapterrs~! Great job, keep up the good work <333
Dreams #9
lol eonni don't work yourself too hard! I really like this story!:)
Dude, I love that first gif, it's my all time favorite and is all time epic.