
My Butterfly


YAY!! New chapter AND banner. =D 



Over the next week, Taemin and Jae’s friendship bloomed. He still hadn’t told her about his celebrity status despite his hyungs constant, annoying reminders. He had been brooding all day about how to bring up the topic. Idea after idea ran through his head but each one seemed sillier than the last. He puffed his cheeks in frustration and blew out hard, furiously rubbing his head, causing his hair become messy. He heard a chuckle resonate behind him. Ignoring it, he turned back to his work, trying to come up with a plan. Jae’s fingers were quickly moving across her keyboard, that smile he’d come accustomed to gracing her features.

After a few minutes, he sighed again and leaned back in his chair. A moment later, he saw something small whiz by his head and hit Jae’s shoulder. He looked down to see a bit of eraser sitting on the edge of her chair. He gaped at it in horror. ‘!’ He turned to glare at the rest of the room to find all the other students copying his look of horror. ‘Bet you didn’t plan on that did you?’ he thought harshly to himself.

She frowned, reaching down to grab the object. She began squeezing it between her fingers. She turned to him, “Taemin, is this an eraser?”

Her voice pulled him out of his shock, “Y-yes.”

Frowning, she asked, “Who threw this at me?” He looked around the classroom and spotted a boy shifting uncomfortably in his seat, guilt written all over his face. The boy felt Taemin’s gaze and looked up at him, his eyes showing worry.

 Mentally sighing, Taemin turned back to Jae and took the eraser bit from her hand, “It’s mine. It slipped out of my hand. Sorry Jae.”

She just smiled and nodded, “It’s okay. Keep a better grip on it next time. Arasso?”

“Deh….” He turned back to find the boy looking at him, grateful that Taemin didn’t rat him out. He looked at the clock and noticed it was almost lunchtime. He leaned over and whispered to Jae, “Hey, start getting your stuff together.” She nodded, saving her notes and packing away her things. As they stood up to leave, he glanced again at the boy and saw him looking around the room, avoiding his gaze. Taemin threw one last glare at the other students, placing Jae’s hand on his upper arm and lead her out of the classroom.

About halfway to the teacher’s lounge, Taemin sighed. He couldn’t keep it from Jae any longer. “Jae…..”

She turned to face him, “Yes, Taemin?”

He sighed, “Look, we need to talk.”

Worry crossed her face as he increased his speed to the teacher’s lounge. Once inside, he looked around to make sure that they were alone and walked back to their usual table in the back. Before he could open his mouth, she asked, “Why were the other students throwing erasers at you?”

He looked at her surprised, and sighed again. When he didn’t respond, she continued, “The reason you don’t have many friends isn’t just because you’re shy, is it?” He nervously toed the ground and stared at the table. She sighed and he looked at her curiously to see she had turned away from him and was looking at the ground. “It’s you, isn’t it?” He looked at her, curious. She slowly turned to face him. “The celebrity,” He shifted in his seat uncomfortably and put his head down.


He looked back up at her. Guilt coursed through his body, “Yeah….it’s me.”

She sighed, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

He looked away, but responded, guilt in every syllable, “I’ve been trying to tell you all week. But…..I couldn’t bring myself to say it…”

They sat in silence for a few minutes, the bell signaling the end of class sounded throughout the room and hallway. Not daring to look at her, he began rummaging around in his bag for his lunch. He hadn’t forgotten it once since the first day they met. Every time he walked by the kitchen, what she said to him at her apartment replayed in his mind, causing him to smile and run to grab his lunch from the fridge.

“It doesn’t change anything, you know.” Pulled from his memories, he turned to find Jae smiling at him. She stretched her hand out, “Still friends?”

He looked at her hand. It seemed too impersonal. He stood, the legs on his chair scraping across the floor. Her smile wavered and her hand dropped to the table. He walked around and squatted. He turned her to face him, her expression uncertain. He pulled her into a tight hug.

Shocked, she just let him hold her. “We’ll always be friends,” he whispered. She smiled and returned his hug. After a few more seconds, he unwrapped his arms from around her shoulders and smiled. He grabbed her right hand and brought it to his face. Her fingers skimmed across his features, tracing his smile. She laughed and hugged him again.

“Thanks, Taemin.”

Afterwards, they sat and talked about his band and his how life was hectic. She smiled bigger when he told her his position in the group. “I’m the lead dancer. Well not really, just considered the best in the group. They put me in the front for most of the songs.”

She chuckled, “I’m guessing that makes you lead dancer. By the way, what’s the name of your group?”

“Oh, we’re called SHINee.”

“Shiny? Like something glimmering in the sun, shiny?”

“No, no, no. Capital S H I N lower case e e. SHINee.”

Her brow furrowed as she pursed her lips. “That sounds familiar….” He nibbled on his rice, internally thanking Key for being a wonderful “Umma” and making his lunch. She mumbled to herself for about a minute, and then started humming; Taemin listened.

“What are you humming?”

“Something my sister plays a lot,” she shook her head and went back to trying to hum the melody. After about a minute of listening, she started humming the same part over again. He concentrated on her attempts and agreed it sounded familiar to him. Once it clicked into place, he nearly choked on his rice. She stopped and fished out her water bottle.

“Are you okay?”

He quickly gulped down about a quarter of the bottle and responded, “Y-yeah. I’m fine. What were you just humming? Do you know the words for it?”

She nodded, “A little. Min plays it enough. But I’m not a singer so bear with me.” She started humming the melody again and threw in the few words she knew. “Yeppeo……..Michyeo…….”

“Replay, replay, replay,” Taemin finished. She looked back up at him.

“Is that one of your songs?”

“Deh. Is your sister a fan of us?” Jae gave a breathy laugh, rolling her head back.

“She listens to you guys all the time. I only hear it through my walls, so I don’t really know the songs. I listen to other artists. Wow. This is something. My is from my sister’s favorite Kpop group,” She chuckled.

“Well which one is her favorite?”

“Hmmm……Well one day she was playing one of your performances really loud, so I went to ask her to turn it down. She was like, ‘But he’s on right now!’ She said his name and I replied, ‘That name sounds fake.’ She responded, ‘Duh! It’s his stage name.” Jae tilted her head. ‘Well that leaves only two possibilities,’ Taemin thought.

“I believe she said……..Jinki?”

Taemin snickered. “Onew? She likes Onew?”

Jae nodded, “If that’s Jinki, then yes she likes Onew.” They laughed and finished their lunch, chatting about his group members and what they were like. When the bell rang, they gathered their things and headed towards their classes. Jae gave him another piece of gum and chatted the whole way. He had to leave her to go to P.E.

Outside the library, Jae turned and asked, “Hey, do you want to come over and hang out today? That is if you’re not busy.”

Taemin smiled, “I would, but Onew is picking me after school. We have a show we’re doing tonight, so we have to go rehearse.”

Jae nodded, “It’s okay. Here,” She pulled a small piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to him. “It’s my home number. Give me a call when you get done with your shoot. Maybe….you can come over and help me with homework or something.”

He smiled, “That sounds like fun.” He hugged her and said, “I’ll see you after P.E.”

She nodded and walked towards one of the tables in the library. He turned and walked to class with a smile plastered to his face.




Wooooooo!!! Leave me a comment telling me what you thought!!

As always special thanks to my lovely dongsaeng Kate <3<3<3


It's 5:25 a.m. right now so just one treat tonight. 

It's an Onew pic I found today. ^_^

This is for you Kate because you're awesome!!! <3<3<3<3









And for the hell of it..................a Minho one. ^_^





OHHHHH!!! And I have two versions of my poster. Here's the other one. =)


Tell which one you like better. <3

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LiveLoveLaughter #1
Pleeeeeease update!!!
Natasha335 #2
oh I liked this chapter! I like Min's character too :)<br />
MidnightRose #3
I love this. Now post the next chapter I beta'd for you. Eonni Ninja <3
Natasha335 #4
OMGGGGGGGGGG that was awesome!!^^ ahaha she punched that jerk in the face :P<br />
lol all of those Onew pics & OMG G-DRAGON!!!!!!^^♥♥♥
Natasha335 #5
I love this story! its so different then other ones I have read :D<br />
aww there so cute!^^<br />
update soon!♥
minionsbanana #6
omo! it's interesting!
i LOVE your story right now. and i love the way you put little pictures at the end of each chapter they make me so happy and scream when i see there cuteness lol. well i hope you update soon and have fun i wish you good luck XD
kidamazone #8
Omggggg. What I LOVE about the way you write is the fact that you take your time and when there's an update, there's SOOOO MUCHHHHH. And the goodies at the end makes it even more fun to read your chapterrs~! Great job, keep up the good work <333
Dreams #9
lol eonni don't work yourself too hard! I really like this story!:)
Dude, I love that first gif, it's my all time favorite and is all time epic.