The Kiss

Arrogant Love


Time passed by and something that I worried the most is my feeling.

I started to feel that I have some feelings for him..but he doesn’t have anything for me. That part hurts me the most. Without any reasons, I started to see his charming-sight and start to fall for him day by day.

Saturday morning:

‘Ya,Son Naeun,aren’t u going to wake up?’ Some annoying sound is disturbing my sleep.I open my eyes slowly and see Myungsoo is folding his arm looking at me sleeping.

‘and what’s wrong with u?Today we don’t have class,why do I have to wake up early?’ I asked.

‘Did u forget that today mom have go to her office early.’

‘I remembered but why I have to wake up early’

‘cook for me.’ He said and smirk.

‘What?Are u kidding? There are lots of chefs at home,why don’t u ask them to cook?’

‘I don’t like to eat the foods that are cooked by chef’ he said.

‘I can’t cook’I said and pull my blanket to cover my face.

‘What?U can’t cook?Are u sure that u’re a girl?I should have rejected to marry this kind of girl’ –Is he serious? after that sentence,I feel like someone is stabbing me that I even have to try my best to hold my tear. ok ok,Son Naeun,calm down- I pull the blanket from my face and sit on the bed.

‘I’m regret of marrrying u too’ I keep holding my tears and say that sentence. I jump off the bed and walk pass him toward the bathroom but he grab my wrist tightly.


‘What?’I try to let me of my wrist but he grab it too tight. It hurts.

‘Why do u regret marrying me?’ He said with a serious voice.

‘I hate a bastard like u’ I shout angrily.

‘What make me into a bastard to u?’

‘Everything about u.’

‘U hate me that much?’

‘Sure. To the point that I even dare to slap my own husband’

‘Really? Why don’t u try slapping me once?’

I turn my face and look at his face.

‘Wae?U can’t bear slapping this bastard?’

I can’t hold my anger  anymore –He’ll avoid. He’s in a group that usually fight with other students at school or from other schools. I’m sure,he’s good at avoiding – I keep this word in mind and slap him.

I’m praying that he would grab my wrist from hitting his cheek or just walk away, but.. my hand already touch his cheek. I slowly open my eyes and look at him surprisingly. My hand is on his cheek and he also surprised. His cheek slowly become redder and redder. I get my hand off his cheek and quickly run into the bathroom. – you,Son Naeun.What did u just do?Did u even slap ur husband?- My tears start to fall down. Yeah,I slap him. But it also hurts myself alot.

Kim Myungsoo:

I slowly put my hand on my cheek. –Did she just slap me?-

I’m stupid, right? I’m not bad at avoiding but I didn’t avoid, why? U're so stupid,KIM MYUNGSOO

Even though I know that she never have some feelings for me, but my stupid heart keeps telling me that ‘what if she also have some feelings for me?’ now I’m sure that she really have no feeling for me.

Truthfully, it sadden me..

30 minutes later:

what is she doing in the bathroom so long and quietly like this.

I walk to the bathroom and stop immediately after hearing the sobbing sound. She’s crying? I stand in front of the bathroom for a while and decided to go in. Yeah, I’m right. She’s crying..with her face on her knees.

‘Why do u cry?’ I bend in front of her to her level and ask.

She slowly turn her head and look at me.

‘What are u doing here?’ She asked with her teary eyes.

‘U spent too much time in here.’

She doesn’t reply and just look down.

‘Why do u cry? U hurt ur hand from slapping me?’

She turn her head and stare at me.

‘Do u expect me to answer I’m crying because I hurt my hand by slapping u?’

‘I just couldn’t find any reason for u to cry..’ I said and look away.

Son Naeun:

What?There’s no other reason for me to cry?

‘Don’t u feel that I start to fall for u?’ I couldn’t help but burst out the word that I try to hold so much in my heart. He slowly turn his head and look at me.

‘I  keep telling myself that I’m the only one who fall for u, but this stubborn heart didn’t stop falling for u and just fall for u more and more from day to day.’

I tell him with my tears keep falling down from my eyes.

He looked surprised.

‘u have feeling for me?’ Myungsoo asked with stupid face.

‘It’s embarrassing ..’I mumble. He suddenly pull me to his chest and hug me tightly. wha..what’s wrong with him?

‘wh..what’s wrong with u?’ I awkwardly asked.

‘Thanks.’ He reply with a sweet voice and hug me tighter.

‘Yah. Why are u being like this?’ I hit his back.

He let go of my body and stand up.

‘Have a nice shower.’ He winked and walk out of the bathroom.

-Has he gone crazy or something? o.o-

but..Did he just hug me? That part makes me blush suddenly.

I quickly locked the door and have a shower.


HAHAHAHA.I keep laughing and smiling whenever I flashback to her word.. ‘I  keep telling myself that I’m the only one who fall for u, but this stubborn heart didn’t stop falling for u and just fall for u more and more from day to day.’ She has fallen for me. so cute  HAHHA.

A few minutes later, she walks out of the bathroom. She’s blushing.

So cute..

‘Let’s go having breakfast.’ I said and smirk.

‘You go first.’ she replied without looking at me.



Wheww~ Finally, he already go downstairs.

I really can’t bear look at his face now. =.=

-Son Naeun, u’re really crazy. Who tell u to burst those word out?’-

I finally walk out of the room and climb downstairs.

Huhh?He’s already eating food?

‘Good morning,Mrs.Kim’ A maid is greeting me after I finally reached the downstairs.

‘Oh.Good morning..but who cook for him?’ I point to Myungsoo who’s having his breakfast with a smile on his face.

 ‘Me..I don’t know why today he suddenly eat my food like this..’

‘Oh,ok.thanks’ I awkwardly walk toward the table. Kim Myungsoo..Kim Myungsoo, please don’t look at me.

It’s embarrassing >.<.

He suddenly turns head to look at me and smirk. I look away immediately.

‘Uh..ugh..could u make my breakfast for me?’ I awkwardly tell the maid.

‘Why don’t u look at me?’ He asked with a smirk.

you,Kim Myungsoo >.<

‘Why do I have to look at u?’ I talked without looking at him.

Suddenly he pull my chin to look at his face.

‘Yah.What are u doing?’ I shout and pushed his hand away.

‘look at me, look at me.’ He keeps pulling my chin toward his face.

‘Yah. Let go of my chin’ I shout.

‘Shireo.’ He smiled.

‘Aiish.’ I shout and pinched his hand.

‘Aww,it’s hurt.’ He said and look at his red hand.

‘Who tell u to be like this with me..’ I said and turn my head to look at the chef but.. many maids are looking at me. Who the hell don’t wonder if he suddenly become like this. I smiled awkwardly to the maids and they quickly continue their works. How embarrasing..

‘Omo,who cook for Myungsoo?’ Suddenly I hear omma’s voice.

‘Omo,omma,aren’t u busy at work?’ I stand up and asked her politely.

‘Aigoo. Naeun’s much better than my useless son.’ She said and smiled warmly.

‘Hehe.Gumawo,omma. Let’s have breakfast with us,omma.’

‘ok,ok.Anyways, who cook for Myungsoo?’

‘chef..’ I awkwardly answered.

‘What? He also eat food that cooked by chef now?’ Omma surprised.

‘I don’t know why he suddenly become like this..’

‘Because it’s much better than food that cooked by her.’ He said and point to me. what’s wrong with him again? Didn’t he just nice to me? and what now? o.o

‘aiish. This kid really never how to treat a girl..’ Omma mumbles

After we finished our breakfast:

‘Hmm.u two should go shopping once this evening’ Omma said.

At shopping-mall:

‘What do u want to buy?’ I asked him.

‘Clothes.’ he replied and walk toward a store.

What the ? Why does everyone look at us like this?

‘Myungsoo-ahh..’ I whispered.


‘Why does everyone looking at us like this?’ I asked.

He smirked a bit before answer ‘It’s normal for me now. When I was shopping with my group, we also got this kind of stares from girls.’

-so..those girls are looking at him, not me. chu. Even it’s a bit embarrassing to say..but he’s mine >.<-

‘wae?’ he said and smirk again.but he looks very happy to get those sassy stares.

‘nothing’I said and look away.

‘U should feel happy to married a charming guy like me’


‘yah. I’m charming to most of the girls’

‘ME TOO.I’m charming to most of the boys.’

‘really?why don’t u try to show me?’

‘ok.I’ll show u after we finish shopping.’

After a few hours of shopping, it’s already 6:30 pm now.

‘Where do u want to go now?’ Myungsoo asked me.

‘Let’s go Club’ I said and smirk.

‘What?Club?’ He surprised.


‘What’s wrong with u?’ He asked.

‘Didn’t u ask me to show my charm?’ I replied and walk quickly to a clothes store.

‘I’ll take this skirt’ I asked a staff and point to a mini-skirt.

‘Ok. I’ll pack it for u.’ She replied.

‘No. I wanna wear it now.’

‘Oh.There is the changing-room.’She said and point to the corner of store.


After changing my jeans to a mini-skirt, I walk out.

What the is it? I never wear this kind of short-skirt >.<

So awkward.

‘Yah. Are u serious?’ Myungsoo asked me and look at my skirt.

I don’t reply and just walk pass him out of the shopping-centre to the car.

In the Club:

What the hell. It makes me dizzy with the smell of smokes and alcohol and the music is too loud. It’s my first time in the club.

‘I want to dance.’ I tell Myungsoo and walk quickly to the dance-floor. I’m not dancing at all..just standing on the dance floor.

‘Hey,young lady. What are u doing here?’ A crazy jerk ask me. He’s ugly and smells of alcohol. I don’t reply and look away.

A few seconds later I could notice that many boys are gathering around me and I feel that they’re from the same group as the jerk who just ask me.

‘U’re so pretty,young lady’ Another jerk is talking to me with his hand touching my cheek. . I hate this kind of guy.

I push his hand hardly.

‘I am not interested in low-life jerk like u’ I said angrily and turn my body to walk away but one of them grab my wrist.

‘Don’t try to act innocent. Why don’t u spend one night with me?’

What did he just say? Do I look like a to him?

I turn my body to face that low-life and slap him on the face.

That guy stare at me with scary eyes. Kim Myungsoo..Where the are u now? Suddenly and hand pull my wrist from that low-life’s wrist and pull me to him. I look up and see that.. ahh..Kim Myungsoo, my husband.

‘She’s my wife.’ he said and suddenly bend down to my face and.. land his lip on mine. o_o w..wh..what’s this?

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Apink son naeun ❤️
bbwil20 #2
Chapter 23: myungeun is super duper cute~~ i think this story is too short.. but overall the story is nice. good job author-nim~~
wewewewewer #3
Chapter 23: the best story ever...................................................
i hope there sequel about their family ..............................
MyungEun children is the cutest thing ever..................................
jessi828 #4
Chapter 23: awww cute cute:)))
Chapter 23: haha . . i fall'in love ,right now . . .
i love you story and myungeun . . .
hwaiting !!!. .
Chapter 23: Aww cute ending!! (:
I love the storyy:))
andin_1310 #8
Chapter 23: Wow! I really love this fanfiction!
Chapter 23: Happpy endddddding ~~~