1 + ? = 2

By Chance: You and I

1+? = 2


A month have passed, and Seohyun has not only gotten closer to Kris but to his three ever loving best friend as well. Probably even closer since they were able to adopt the belle's ways fast, and she was able to adapt to their funny ways as well.

They even walk their way to school with her and walk the belle home in the afternoon.

The four of them were like the infamous Flower Four and she's like Jandi, with the only difference that she's really an exceptional beauty.

It was their Intermediate Algebra when Luhan, Lay, and Tao were bored of listening to the professor. For Luhan and Lay, they don't want to listen because they really hated Math, and for Tao who was obviously accelerated that's why he is classmates with his geges it's quite boring and easy, so the three of them were throwing scratch papers sneakily as they converse with each other, as Kris and Seohyun were eagerly listening to their professor.

Tao threw a small piece of sticky note to his two geges saying, 'Let's make a move for our Duizhang!'

Luhan immediately wrote a reply and threw sneakily threw it to their youngest saying, 'What's your brilliant idea baby panda?'

The youngest then wrote cleanly in a sheet of yellow paper, ‘1+? =2: Could you be the other one so we’d equal to two? – K.Wu.’ he then showed to his geges and beckoned that he was going to put it in his Seohyun-jie’s things.

Lay and Luhan laughed hysterically as they agreed with their youngest ‘brilliant’ idea.

‘Kris Wu, we’re making advancement for your sake. You better do well after this big promotion we’re going to do just for you! You’re too slow, it’s been a month and heck we three were the ones who became a lot closer to your girl not you! She even knows how to play pranks with you now.’ the unicorn boy thought as he and the deer-eyed boy intently watched how their youngest sneakily inserted the note in the free slit of the belle’s backpack.

Their youngest successfully slid it in, and the unicorn-boy and the deer-eyed-handsome silently high-five for their triumphant plan.



An hour later, their Intermediate Algebra class has ended. Seohyun opened her backpack to put in her notebook when she saw the yellow paper that the panda sneakily put in, she read what was written in it, '1+ ? = 2. Could you be the other one so we'd equal to two? - K. Wu.'  She then immediately confronted the towering handsome beside her. "Kris, what's this?"

Kris gave the latter a puzzled look he was just about to approach her since he too like Luhan and Lay was really weak in Math.

"What's this?" she repeated her question in a rather serious tone.

All he could see was a half folded yellow paper, so he answered, "A yellow paper Seohyun. Why?"

He really has a lot of common sense.

The belle was rather felt frustrated recieving a 'very clever' answer from the towering handsome.  She then showed the latter what was written in the paper,"I mean, what's the meaning of this?"

He read what was written in the paper himself, '1+ ? =2. Could you be the other one so we'd equal to two? -K.Wu.'

The message written in the paper really made him feel as if a pail of cold water was splashed all over his face. He immediately denied, "I - I was not the one who wrote that Seohyun!"



The three who originally wrote the note and who was silently watching the scene covered their face in disappointment. 'Seriously Kris, you're such a big idiot! That's a lot! That's a lot!'  the deer-eyed handsome mocked their Duizhang.

"Come on you two, we're going to the airport." Lay beckoned the two to leave the scene.

"Why are we going there Lay-ge?" Tao innocently asked as the three of them made their way out of the classroom.

"We're gonna buy a ticket to Mongolia." the unicorn-boy replied.

"A ticket to Mongolia? Why just a ticket?" their youngest asked again.

"Want to make it two so you can be with your Kris-gege?" Lay scornfully asked the latter. "Seriously, his common sense is as slow as his moves."

"Thanks but no thanks gege." baby panda declined the latter's offer. "...there's no The Heir's Love Story aired in there. Tonight's episode is going to be hot, the trailer commercial showed that the heir was kissing the milady's neck. Gosh! We better watch it together this evening."

Lay felt frustrated with the latter's think but before he could even react Luhan dodged them and budged with their conversation, "What? Who's kissing the neck. Let me see!"

The unicorn boy automatically banged Luhan and Tao's head together, "All you know is kissing neck, kissing cheeks, kissing lips, kissing wherever!"

"As if you don't!" Luhan countered the latter's statement. "...you're more of a fan-boy than I!"

"Yes Lay-gege." Tao seconded. "I've seen you watching its' midnight re-run, you almost glued your eyeballs on the flat screen watching it ten inches away, you're even screeching hard during the episode when the Milady received her first kiss from Yi Xing!"

"Whatever you two." all he could do was to accept his defeat for the two won't make him win without any violent argument.




A moment of awkwardness enveloped the towering handsome and the belle. She stopped asking about the paper, though still feels weird towards him who was walking with her on their way.

'I wasn't really the one who wrote it Seohyun, but I mean that if I was really the one who wrote It.' he thought as they silently walked together.

The trio was already having their lunch in the university's cafeteria when they arrived.

As the three of them saw that the two were just looking for them, they briefly talked about another plan.

"Lulu, don’t let Seo sit beside Kris. Instead, force her to sit beside you. Then this afternoon, act as if you're making moves to her." Lay instructed.

The deer-eyed handsome was rather dumbfounded with his sudden instruction, and protested "Wait! Are you telling me to make Kris feel jealous?"

"Exactly!" the unicorn-boy gave the latter a smack on the head, "...but please turn your volume down, you're already spilling the plan."

"Ouch!" he rubbed his irking forehead. "Why don't you do it instead?"

He earned another smack from the latter, "Just do it, I look so kind and so mindblowingly handsome than you. I'm over qualified so you do it!"

"Fine! Fine!" Luhan accepted his defeat.




And the three of them began their award winning act as the towering handsome and the belle approached them.

"Seohyun!" the deer-eyed handsome immediately beckoned the belle to sit beside him. “Sit beside me.”

The two sheepishly grinned, and seconded, “Yeah, sit beside him Seo-jie…Luhan-gege has something to tell you.”

Kris was rather bewildered with the trio’s acting, as the belle accepted the deer-eyed handsome’s offer.

He then beckoned a rather steely glance at their youngest, and mumbled to him, “What’s the meaning of this?”

Tao rolled his eyes as if he doesn’t even care about his favorite gege’s feelings, “Luhan-gege’s making his own move because you’re too slow Kris-gege. We just made you the biggest favor just now, but you put it in vain.”

“W-what favor?” he half hysterically hissed again.

“The note," baby panda briefly replied. “I also had enough helping you Kris-gege, so I’m going to help Luhan-gege instead.”

He was literally thrown by the latter’s statement; he knows that he was too slow; he was even comparable to a snail. It’s been a month since Seohyun has been friends with his here ever loving best friends and there’s really a high possibility that Luhan could also feel something for the belle. Of course who wouldn’t? She’s indeed exceptionally beautiful. In fact, the deer-eyed handsome became her closest amongst the three, it’s just that Luhan was just open about his being a player towards the belle and he’s also open that she’s not his type, but the verity that the two also became closer to each other in thirty days time could also changed the deer-eyed handsome’s preference.

“So what do you want to eat for lunch?” Luhan began to ask, “…my treat.”

“Thanks for the offer, but no thanks Luhan. I have my own allowance.” She declined.

Duizhang mentally rejoiced as the belle declined Luhan’s offer, he eyed every move of the two as they spend their lunch time together.

He then suddenly budged in, “Let me guess, you like mashed sweet potatoes, right? I’ll buy you.” He already stood up and was about to make his way to counter but Seohyun was still rather awkward interacting with him, she then also declined, “Yes, but Kris I have my own allowance, don’t worry I can buy for my own.” She advanced and awkwardly walked pass Kris.

“We’re sorry Duizhang, now it’s time to support Lulu here.” the unicorn-boy even added pressure to the latter.

“You three are really my good friends.” The towering handsome mocked the three.

Luhan just rolled his eyes and pretended that he was indolent with the latter’s jealousy, and jus extended his hand to the towering handsome coolly, “Sorry Kris, but let's just put it this way.” He smiled innocently that as if he was really calling for a punch from the latter, “May the best man win.”

He knows his friend very well; it was the first time he showed motive towards a female friend. Usually, the deer-eyed handsome would hit on random girls he just knew but never to a female friend. “Luhan, what’s the meaning of this?”

“I’ve just thought about it. I wanted to erase the hyphen of the girl-friend of Seohyun in my vocabulary.”

This time, he literally cringed from where he was standing. He know that he is a giant, and if he wanted to he could easily throw the deer-eyed handsome as far as he could, but he felt rather defeated with the latter’s boldness. It seems that he’s really serious with his tone. “I don’t know what to say with you dude.”

Without any further remarks, he walked out from the three. He felt betrayed; he never thought that they would fight over the same girl ever.




“That was harsh.” Tao remarked as he felt the most anxious for the towering handsome amongst the three of them.

Luhan and Lay laughed hysterically as they watched Kris walked out

“See that?” the unicorn-boy pointed to the towering handsome as he slowly fades away from their sight.

“Too coward.” Luhan high-five the latter.

“Isn’t that too much geges?” their youngest anxiously asked them again.

“Serves him right baby panda.” Lay uttered.

“Yeah, we’ll not stop until that Giant Gay won’t make his acts right!” he paused, and added, “Don’t forget that he just throw your effort into waste Huang Zi Tao!”

Tao somehow got their point; he cannot be compassionate as always to his favorite gege. “Yes. I was also pissed when he denied it.”

“Where’s Kris?” Seohyun already returned carrying a tray with mashed sweet potato.

“Sit here.” the deer-eyed handsome offered the empty space beside him again.

“O-okay.” She awkwardly accepted the latter’s request again.

“So, can I walk you home this evening?” Luhan the player began.

“We’re really walking home together right?” she was thrown with the latter’s sudden question.

“I mean, just the two of us.” He was rather bold asking. “Don’t worry, it’s just a walk. Promise!” he swore and even raised his right hand.

The belle shot the latter a bewildered look, though she accepted the latter’s request, “O-okay?”

“So it’s a Yes?”

“Y-Yes?” she answered as she took a small bite of her food.

“Then it’s been settled.” He then grabbed Seohyun’s hand giddily.



As their late afternoon class ended, Luhan immediately grabbed Seohyun’s bag from her seat and carried it for her.

The belle did not know how to properly react, whether she would be scared, or flattered with the sudden acts of the deer-eyed boy. But then she thanked the latter, “Thanks, Luhan.”

Kris could only watch them silently as his chest just wanted to explode in anger.


The five of them were already walking on the streets going to their homes; Luhan already established a good chat with the belle as Lay and Luhan were cooing with them occasionally. And as of Kris, he was walking like a lifeless giant at the back of them.

‘Luhan could really be that fast. Seo’s even having fun talking to him while I was able to talk to her properly after two weeks.’ His thought rather melancholically.


Luhan and Seohyun were talking about The Heir’s Love Story. Seohyun happened to become also a fan when Tao introduced it to him. The baby panda have all the episodes of the drama on his Iphone that he was able to let the belle watch the early episodes until the time came that the belle also came to the point that she was watching the drama’s 8PM to 9PM timeslot, which was somehow connected to her.

“You’re so like Milady Kim.” Luhan complemented Seohyun. “Well, except that you look more reserve and your hair is rather a little shorter than her.”

Seohyun giggled and felt flattered with the latter’s complement and began confessing, “Actually, I was offered to audition for that drama months ago.”

“Really?” the three cooed around her.

“Well, yes.” She shyly affirmed.

“You’re not throwing pranks on us aren’t you?” Lay asked in disbelief, “…but I won’t doubt…just wear a little make up and honestly you can be compared with the girls there.”

“Yeah Seo-jie.” Tao agreed, “And just a few inches hair extension.” He added.

“I'm not kidding.”

“But what role was offered to you?” the deer-eyed was really intrigued with the latter’s confession.

“It’s not the main role you know, the milady’s best friend’s role you know the doe-eyed girl there?”

“Ah...Im Yoona’s role.” The three uttered in chorus.

“Her role there was nice though. But why didn’t you accepted the role?” the deer-eyed handsome asked again.

“Technically because she was better delivering the lines of the character when we auditioned for that role.” she coolly answered.

“And what happened then?””

“They asked me if I still wanted to be casted and offered me the supporting role.”

“And what happened again?”

“I’ve read the script, and for some reason I wasn’t confident portraying the character because she’s too straightforward so I declined.”

The three was really amused by the belle's story, “Wow, you’re really something Seo.”

And the four of them continued walking casually chatting together, as Duizhang secluded himself to them.



Lay and Tao already got into their homes, and it was only Kris, Luhan and Seohyun who were just walking together. As soon as they reached the landmark near Seohyun’s house Luhan bid farewell to Kris.

“You take care, Duizhang, and yeah see you tomorrow.”

The deer-eyed handsome appeared to be somewhat cocky in Kris’ eyes, that he cannot contain his anger anymore.

Seohyun waved her hand as well.

The two were already walking their way heading to her house when the towering handsome rushed like a ninja from the belles back, grabbed her hand and dragged her away from Luhan.

‘So I’m an effective actor, eh?’ Luhan smiled as he watched the two fade away from his sight. ‘I guess I’d just be sending her bag now.’



They’ve already ran passed her house and she was already panting hard when she was able to completely retracted her hand from Kris.

“Hey! What’s has gotten in to you?” she asked panting and somewhat protesting.

“The note, I wasn’t really the one who wrote it.” He began talking.

“Okay.” She bluntly It has been the nth time she heard it from him “But why did you suddenly dragged me all the way? It’s like we’ve run five blocks away from my house. Isn’t it you’re being too much Kris?”

“I wasn’t the one who wrote that note…” he repeated, “…but I also don’t like the idea that you’ll be closer to Luhan more than I.”

“But why?” she was extremely intrigued with the latter’s reason.

“Because I’m jealous.”



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Final Chapter of By Chance now up!


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Chapter 1: I want to ask...by chance you and I or one year later is the correct order of the story?
Chapter 14: Great story author nim it was soo cute and their friendship is soo good I am jealous of it he he he kidding and tao is soon cute
And kyuhyun was kind of mean with him!
But whatever I love your story it was daebak please continue writing seokris fanfics I love both of them ^_^ ^o^
Chapter 1: share more please
sjhsjh0628_ #4
Chapter 14: Great story, author-nim! ^^ I hope you will write more seokris ff! ^^ hwaiting! <3
babyvin #5
Chapter 14: Cute story ~~ and I love the way luhan lay and tao making fun of kris
Chapter 14: omo I super duper love your ff
Kris is sooooo sweet omg my feels~
Tao is really cute hihihi TAORIS
This ff is just perfect :)
Good job /clap clap/
Epilogue pls ^_^
Chapter 14: Awwww such a lovely story hereee:D

Kris is so sweet. It likes the real him also Seohyun too.

Hehehe I love ur story so muchhhh<3

Royalists Fightinggg!!
themartyr #8
Chapter 14: I loveeee ur story.. daebak!
iiiaaannn #9
What is the meaning of Kingka ?

and What is the meaning of Duizhang ?

icekyuream #10
Chapter 14: i love this <3 those three buddies are so LOL hahaha and kyuhyun is really mean -_- but i love this story :D