Full Circle

Can't You Realize That I Love You?


“It feels like it’s been a long time since we’ve been here” I said as we walked in and he shut the door behind us. The house looked empty and I realized we’d never had the time to make many good memories in this place.

“Do you want something or do you just want to get some rest? You’ve been out of it all day, but it is late…” He said as he stood beside me.

“I’m surprisingly tired” I said as I walked down the hall towards my room.

“Right… I’ll just… let you rest” Kai said as he stood outside my room, two weeks ago we would have both gone immediately to his room. Now… it felt awkward.

“Thanks. Uh, good night” I said feeling that insecurity that I knew he felt. He tried to look calm as he stepped back and left and I shut the door behind him.

I turned to face my room not knowing what to do next. I paced back and forth after changing into my pajamas felt a dull headache work its way in. I looked down at my feet and thought about my life. I loved Kai, but a part of me didn’t want to let go of Daehyun. I felt a chill and went over to my closet to pull a warm sweater out when I saw the edge of a large brown package I had shoved in the back so many months ago. I cocked my head, puzzled as to why I had paid this no attention before. With a little effort I dragged the large and thing package out. It went up to my waist and I leaned it against the bed. I sat in front of it on the floor and crossed my legs. Carefully, I peeled away the tape and gently pulled away the brown paper. I stared at the glaring portrait of my wedding day. I was smiling in the portrait, but it didn’t reach my eyes. Kai’s smile was forced too and I chuckled as I looked at his eyes only to see animosity there. We stood rigidly next to each other, but somehow it didn’t look horrible. The magic of photography.

I sat down and stared at the portrait for so long I lost track of time. I thought about how close I had been to running away that day and my chest tightened a fraction. If I had left then I would have never broken Daehyun’s heart, I would have never gotten myself kidnapped…. and I would have never married Kai. The thought made me so incredibly sad I was in shock.

I wanted to stay married.

I really did. Because while Daehyun made my heart skip, Kai made it race. I loved Daehyun, but it wasn’t in the same way. If Kai didn’t exist I could love him freely. If I had never married him then I knew I would be happy with Daehyun, but I did and now I wanted to make it work. I stood up and felt relieved, the weight of making the choice was worse than the decision itself. I felt like running into Kai’s room, but I held myself back.

It would be weird and besides I needed to put this thing away before something happened to it. I carefully dragged it back and placed it gently in my closet. I heard a ring from somewhere around the house and closed the closet doors. I stayed still as I heard his footsteps echo past my room. I quietly opened my door and stepped out. I followed the dim light to our main house phone. I heard Kai snap something I couldn’t quite make out and hang up the phone. Her placed it angrily back on the stand and turned around, his eyes widening as he spotted me standing behind him.

“Who called?” I asked.

“Just a wrong number” He said, his voice a little empty as he ran a hand through his hair, “I thought you were supposed to be sleeping?”

“I couldn’t really, I had a lot on my mind” I confessed.

“I’m sure you did” He said so quietly I wasn’t sure if I was meant to hear it at all, “Hyerim, listen—“

“No wait a minute, I wanted to tell you that I’m sure now” I said confidently, “I want to be here Kai. I was to be in our house with you” I said with a bright smile.

He stared at me. His face betraying nothing and I wondered what was going. Wasn’t this the part where he was supposed to be… happy?

“I’m glad” He finally said as a small smile made its way onto his face, “I believe in you”

“Um… great? Hahaha, I believe in you too?” I said a little bit confused and he laughed.

“Yeah, it’s great” He said, his voice slightly relived, “I think we should leave for a while. Let’s go on a honeymoon”

“That’s… random, but not a bad idea. We never did go on a honeymoon” I said happily.

“For now, let’s go to bed. You have no idea how tired I’ve been lately. I swear if it’s not one thing it’s the other”


I woke up to a loud banging on the front door. I pushed myself up from his bed and looked around a little lost. Kai shot up off the bed and looked around in confusion. His hair was a mess and I laughed as I pushed myself off the bed and went towards the front door. I was almost there when Kai’s voice stopped me.

“Wait! Don’t answer that!” He called as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back a few steps, the knocking had gotten more intensive.

“What are you talking about?” I said completely confused.

“Don’t open that door. Please, Hyerim trust me today and let’s just go back to our bed and ignore this” He said, his eyes full of worry.

“KAI! OPEN THE DOOR I KNOW YOU’RE THERE!” A deep male voice yelled from the other side.

“It’s your dad!” I whispered.

“I know it is” He said a bit hopelessly.

“We have to get the door!” I said quickly as I pulled away and went to the door.  Kai tried to block me but I walked past him and opened the door to find an absolutely furious man with only hatred in his eyes for me.

“YOU! You’ve ruined us!” He screamed as he reached for me only to have Kai jump in between and push his dad back.

“What is going on?!” I asked a bit shaken as I stepped back.

“Dad I told you I’d handle this! I told you to give me time!”

“Are you happy now that you’ve taken everything from my family? Was it fun stealing our business from right under our noses?!” He accused and I stared in utter confusion.

“I… don’t know what you’re talking about” I whispered.

“As of last night we lost the ownership to the business I built from the ground up to your damn family! They couldn’t have done it without your help!” He yelled as he pointed at me and tried to move past Kai.

“I didn’t do anything!” I defended as I realized that must’ve been the call Kai had gotten last night.

“She’s telling the truth dad!” Kai finally yelled as he pushed him back with one big shove and took a step back, “I know her! She wouldn’t do this! I trust her!”

“You’re making a mistake son” He spat out seriously.

“Dad…please go. I’m begging you. Let me try to fix this Hyerim didn’t even know up until now. It can’t have been her fault”

“Kai…” His dad began angrily.

“Dad please!” He said a bit more firmly and I stood there in shock as he fixed an accusing glare on me and I felt like disappearing.

Kai pulled him outside and I didn’t want to hear what the angry whispers were about. Finally, He convinced him to leave and he walked back in and shut the door firmly behind him.

“I thought he’d never leave” Kai said with a nervous laugh and I stared.

“What is going on?” I asked.

“Last night my family was informed that they had lost all the majority stocks and power in our company and that it had all been transferred to your mother’s company. We lost everything, but I’m going to talk to your mother and I know this wasn’t your fault” He said with what I assumed was a comforting tone as he walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders reassuringly.

“….Let me talk to my mom” I said in shock. This was my fault.

“No. I’m not budging on this I’m going to see her Hyerim” He said angrily.

“A-alright, at least let me come along” I said, my mind spinning from worry. This wasn’t entirely my fault right? I hadn’t agreed to anything really. I hadn’t given her any permission. If I could just talk to her on my own…

“I’ll go get dressed. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can just move on and go on that honeymoon you want” He said as he flashed me a confident smile and walked away

“Right” I said as I went to my room and grabbed some clothes.

I shakily changed my clothes and wondered if things with Kai just weren’t meant to be. I silently prayed that my mom would be nice this one. That just this once she would realize how important this person was to me and that she would stay quiet. Why did she always need more?

Didn’t she realized the things she destroyed in her path?


DUNDUNDUNNN Ok that was lame I apologize. Anyways, last update of the weekend! I've got a test coming up next week I really need to study for if I want a good grade in that class T^T Hopefully it goes well! 

Thanks for reading and commenting! :)

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Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments left and that as for a sequel, I'll think about it and if I come up with anything I'll let you guys know~


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JiminLee #1
Your fic is one of my all time favourite! ♡♡♡
i loved this so much my heart hurtssssssssss
kai is a cutie
omg sorry
btw tHANK U
WinterRain #3
Chapter 47: omo think hyerim is pregnant ?? im kind of hope though kkkk
its really made me open my ayes over the the night ...its really amazing thanks to you !!
Chapter 47: Aww, your story is so dramatic yet nice. I love how it flows very well. Good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 47: It's amazing author-nim! My feelings were on high the whole time. Good job on your first fanfic :)
Chapter 47: Implode, very true.

OHMYGOD IT HAS ENDED. Kai came back, and his words, they made me die. I AM CRYING. I need a hug. Please hug me. Is it weird that I want more of this story?! I NEED MORE!! Yes, I'm greedy. I want more of my fill of Kai. But, THANK YOU HANNAH. I LOVE YOU.

Dear Kai, If you would marry me as well, I will be greatly appreciative. Thank you. Love, Noona.

Hannah, don't stop writing! Unnie looks forward to reading all your other stories!!!! Hwaiting!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm such a spazzoid.
Chapter 47: I can die now. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. i wish there was an epilogue though.. but then again as long they got back together, i couldn't care less.
good job author-ssi
cassia513 #8
I loved it :,) thank you soooo much for writing this story
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 47: Your story is soo amazing!! Great job!! :D