Lonely Wedding Night

Can't You Realize That I Love You?

We walked into the large house by ourselves. Our suitcases were set at the entrance and the entire house was decorated. We went our separate ways and each explored on our own. It was big, shiny, new and completely furnished. Plate sets had been picked out, sofas and curtains had been placed, it was decorated all the way down to placemats and silverware. It sort of felt like we were walking into someone else's house. I made my way upstairs and walked into the bathroom, a few closets before I reached an actual bedroom. I walked in to find a bedroom decorated in blues and greys.

I looked around before I spotted Kai laying face down on the bed. On his bed I supposed. His tie laid sprawled on the floor and I was suddenly tired and thankful I had gotten the chance to get out of the monstrously big wedding dress I had worn hours before.

"I'm hungry" He muttered.

"We just ate. Besides what do you want me to do about it?" I asked.

"Make some food. You're the wife now" He mumbled, his voice muffled by the mattress.

"Ha, what century are you living in? Go make your own food" I huffed turning around and closing the door behind me.

Make him food? He must be going crazy if he thought I was going to feed him.

I went to the other end of the hallway and found what I assumed to be my room. It was a combination of lavender and white and I found myself smiling. It looked suspiciously like my room at Kai's house. Had his mom decorated this too? I closed the door behind me and plopped down on the bed. It was perfect and I would have stayed there too... had it not been for the growling of my stomach. I moaned as I slid off the bed tiredly and shuffled down to the kitchen.

I looked in the refrigerator expecting to find it empty only to find it fully stocked on food. I grinned and took out ingredients to make a sandwich. I made myself a great sandwich and had just finished cleaning up when I looked up to find Kai staring at it in fascination.

"It's for me" I warned as I pulled the plate closer to me.

"That's a big sandwich..." He said quietly and I made a face.

"... Ugh, the first and only time I'll share ok? From now on learn to cook for yourself got it?" I scolded him as I got a knife and cut the sandwich in half I turned to get a plate when the loud ring from Kai's phone surprised me so much so much I nearly dropped the plate.

He pulled his phone out and his face became sad, I didn't have to wonder who it was. He set the phone aside and stared at the sandwich with a frown on his face. I took his lead and ignored the phone as it rang once again. I placed his half on his plate quietly as it rang once again. We sat awkwardly as it kept ringing and I fought the urge to tell him to turn it off or answer it when he suddenly set his food down and grabbed the phone.

"What?!" He snapped into the phone and I awkwardly kept chewing my food. Should I be walking out?

"Wait... stop, breath, calm down... I already explained... don't say that.... Da Hae please" he whispered, "Yes, but... no what are you saying?... Stop it... no, don't do anything stupid! H-hello?! Hello?!" He yelled into the phone as his face paled and he stood up.

"I need to go" He said to me standing up.

"You didn't even make it past our wedding night" I commented calmly.

"She's not doing well alright?" He yelled in a panic as he ran for his coat and I frowned.

"She's manipulating you" I said as I took a sip of water.

"Would you just shut up? I need to call a cab" He muttered as his hands shook.

"Listen to me, she misses you, she wants you back right? Well if she was really going to hurt herself do you think she would have called you? She wants you to go over and stop her! You're not doing her any favors by going! Call her parents or something" I said trying to convince him. I knew this trick.

"Cab number..." he muttered to himself and I sighed, men were so stupid sometimes.

"I've got a car, but I'm coming with" I announced as I stood up and fished the keys out of my purse.

"No you're not. You being there will make things worse" He insisted as he walked over and tried to grab my keys.

"My keys, my car, my rules. If I go she'll know you're serious about breaking up. If I don't then it's like giving her the green light" I snapped.

"She is the person I love" He said through gritted teeth, "Give me the keys!"

"Hey! Stop it!" I screamed as he wrestled them away from me and sent me stumbling to the ground.

He didn't spare me a glance as he turned and ran out.

"IDIOT!" I yelled as I picked myself up and slammed the front door close.

I swear, I better not have a deluded ex girlfriend coming after me after he goes to save her. I took an angry breath, suddenly feeling very annoyed. I warned him. Sometime soon I knew this was going to come back and screw him over, but you know what? I didn't care. By that point I'll just sit back and calmly gloat over how right I was.

I turned back to the sandwich I had made and with an annoyed sigh I threw them both halves away. I wasn't hungry anymore. I stood in place and listened to the silence around me. The house was big, but felt so very empty when you were in it by yourself I noticed. I locked the door and turned off the lights, shivering when it went dark and quickly ran to my room. I closed my room door and shut the curtains. This was the first time I was really on my own, it was scarier than I imagined. I changed into a large old t-shirt, pulled on some shorts underneath and climbed into bed.

Once again, I couldn't help but notice the overwhelming stillness around me. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but after turning on my sides and changing sleeping positions I sat up frustrated. I glanced at my clock. It was already midnight and I wondered what kind of emergency would keep him away for two hours. I got strangely curious if I was having trouble sleeping.

My phone rang and I reached out in the darkness quickly.

"Hello?" I answered quickly.

"It's me" Said a soft voice on the other end.

"Daehyun? Why are you calling so late?" I asked as I laid back down.

"Were you expecting another call?" He asked.

"No, I'm just curious as to why you're calling" I replied as I pulled the covers back over me and silently asked myself why I hadn't expected it to be Daehyun. Had I really been expecting another call?

"I just wanted to see if you were sleeping already" He said awkwardly and I realized why he had called. It was the night of my wedding, he wanted to make sure I was alone.

"Nope, I'm just laying in bed. I can't sleep" I told him, a small smile on my face. He wouldn't have called if he didn't care.

"How's your new house?" He asked.

"It's big, it's nice. I'm by myself. Kai went out" I said.

"Are you alright by yourself? I can't believe that guy, leaving you by yourself in a big house. What if something happened?" He huffed and I could hear his annoyance over the phone.

"I'm glad he's not here" I said carelessly.

"... Me too" Daehyun whispered.

"You should sleep" I advised him with a smile on my face.

"Can I sleep with you?" He asked.

"What?!" I asked in surprise clutching the phone.

"Ah! No! I didn't mean like, sleep as in uh... that... I just... on the phone. I mean can we just stay on the phone?" He said suddenly getting flustered.

"Um... yeah. I mean I didn't... my mind didn't go to that either. I knew that" I said embarrassed.

That night Kai never came back and I woke up to the sound of Daehyun's voice feeling both happy and a twinge of disappointment.

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Hey! Just wanted to say thanks for all the comments left and that as for a sequel, I'll think about it and if I come up with anything I'll let you guys know~


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JiminLee #1
Your fic is one of my all time favourite! ♡♡♡
i loved this so much my heart hurtssssssssss
kai is a cutie
omg sorry
btw tHANK U
WinterRain #3
Chapter 47: omo think hyerim is pregnant ?? im kind of hope though kkkk
its really made me open my ayes over the the night ...its really amazing thanks to you !!
Chapter 47: Aww, your story is so dramatic yet nice. I love how it flows very well. Good job, author-nim ^^
Chapter 47: It's amazing author-nim! My feelings were on high the whole time. Good job on your first fanfic :)
Chapter 47: Implode, very true.

OHMYGOD IT HAS ENDED. Kai came back, and his words, they made me die. I AM CRYING. I need a hug. Please hug me. Is it weird that I want more of this story?! I NEED MORE!! Yes, I'm greedy. I want more of my fill of Kai. But, THANK YOU HANNAH. I LOVE YOU.

Dear Kai, If you would marry me as well, I will be greatly appreciative. Thank you. Love, Noona.

Hannah, don't stop writing! Unnie looks forward to reading all your other stories!!!! Hwaiting!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

I'm such a spazzoid.
Chapter 47: I can die now. this fic was an emotional rollercoaster. i wish there was an epilogue though.. but then again as long they got back together, i couldn't care less.
good job author-ssi
cassia513 #8
I loved it :,) thank you soooo much for writing this story
KimJongMin #9
Chapter 47: Your story is soo amazing!! Great job!! :D