I really like you.

The Missing Piece

Lights were and stomping could be heard through the door.

“Really, really?!?!” the voice of an enraged resident shouted.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” Taemin said getting ready to leave, but Minho pulled him back.

“Let me do all the talking.” Jonghyun instructed.

The door opened and out stepped a beautiful man wearing a pink silk bathrobe and bunny slippers with a baseball bat in his hands, who Jonghyun immediately took a liking to.

When the intruders didn’t try anything, Key put his bat down and just stared at the dirty boys, quickly becoming bored.

“If this is a robbery, you’re doing it wrong.”

Minho chuckled. “This isn’t a robbery.”

“I gave to charity last week.” The man said and started to close the door.

Jonghyun placed his foot in the way. “We’re not from a charity house.”

The feminine man opened the door again and looked at them closer. He gasped a little when his eyes fell on the boy in the middle. He couldn’t believe the resemblance this boy had to his cousin. From the face structure to the small scare above his eye that he had given Taemin when they were younger by accidently hitting him with a branch.

Taemin was just as surprised. The man standing at the door look like someone he used to know and as hard as he tired he couldn’t remember where he had seen him before.

“We found him.” Jonghyun said pushing the younger one forward. “Lee Taemin.”

“A-annyeonghaseyo” Taemin said with a small bow.


Once inside it had become obvious that this man had money. The huge flat screen TV, the multiple computers and game councils, the elegant furniture and chandelier that hung in the living room, even the frames around the pictures he had on his mantle were fancy. It was like something out a magazine.

The man had offered them tea, which the kindly declined. They even refused to sit down afraid they would dirty the man’s furniture.

 “So you’re Lee Taemin.” he said with hands on his waist.

“Yes!” Jonghyun answered

Taemin remained silent.

“I’m Kim Kibum, Key for short. I play your cousin.” He said figuratively, which Taemin took literal.

“Wow. You really do look the part. Have you ever had acting lessons before?”

“No.” Jonghyun answered once more.

“Let’s let Taemin answer the next one.” Key told Jonghyun. “Did anyone put you up to this?”

Taemin looked at his hyungs, who were a nervous wreck.

“It took some convincing, but I thought I would give it a shot. You never know what could happen, right?” Taemin replied talking about something completely different.

Because it was so late and Key was tired he didn’t catch on to Taemin’s bizarre answers.

“So you’re not in this for the money?”

Taemin laughed. “I could use some cash, but there’s more to life than money.”

“You have to get past me before you can get a shot at the real thing.” Key said

“Can’t wait! Let’s work hard together!” Taemin said with a smile.

During the whole conversation Jonghyun and Minho feared that they would be found out by Taemin AND Key, luckily neither of them suspected anything.

“It’s obviously too late to interrogate you-”

“He means interview.” Jonghyun said quickly.

Key was starting to get really annoyed at Jonghyun. “So we’ll leave it for the morning. Where are you staying?”

“The car.” Taemin said with a shrug of his shoulders. “We don’t have any money for a hotel.”

“Omo!” Key said “That won’t do. A pretty thing like you, sleeping out in the cold. No, you’re all staying with me.”

“Thankyou!Thankyou!Thankyou!” Taemin said quickly. He was tired of sleeping in enclosed quarters that smelled like sweat and dirty feet.

“Despite the space, I only have one spare bedroom.” Key said showing them the way to one of the rooms “but you can share with me, if you’d like.”

“Thanks, but I-” Jonghyun started to say.

“I was talking to him.” Key said looking past Jonghyun at Taemin.

“Thank you.” Taemin said with a bow. “But if you don’t mind, I’d really like to share a room with Minho hyung.”

 Key smiled. “Of course. There are fresh towels in the bathroom and I’ll have someone bring in your luggage.”

Taemin bowed once more before following Minho into the bedroom. Key’s smile fell as soon as Taemin closed the door and he shot a glare at Jonghyun.

“Looks like it’s just you and me-” Jonghyun said as he followed Key into his room. Suddenly, with great force and impact, he was pushed out of the room.

“What the-?”

He looked up just in time for his face to be greeted by a pillow and blanket.

“Aren’t you going to go get your friend’s luggage?” Key asked slamming the door in Jonghyun’s face.


 As Taemin showered, Minho debated whether or not he should tell him the truth. Minho really wanted too, but there was always something that seemed to stop him.

After showering and changing into something more comfortable Taemin and Minho laid down facing each other and tried to fall asleep, but couldn’t seem to get the hang of it.

Taemin had his eyes closed, but could feel Minho’s gaze. He opened his eyes again to find the other staring at him.  

“Key sure does take this acting thing seriously, doesn’t he? Talking in character all the time.”

“Yeah.” Minho replied

“I’m really glad I agreed to this.” Taemin said with a smile.


“Cuz I got to meet Jonghyun hyung, Key hyung …and you.” He replied hiding half his face under the covers and avoiding eye contact.

Minho couldn’t take it anymore.

“Min-” Minho could feel the words wanting to come out, once again failed to speak them out of fear Min would hate him.

Instead he leaned over and placed a small kiss on Taemin forehead.

“I really like you.”

Almost immediately, Taemin flipped over so his back was to Minho. He didn’t want him to see the major blush he had on his face as he replied “I really like you, too.”

Minho smiled and did the same. He suddenly felt a small hand reach and intertwine fingers with his.

The small gesture sent Minho’s heart over the edge. He would tell Taemin truth, he swore to himself that he would tell him everything, but he would do it in the morning.


After finally finding a comfortable spot on the slippery leather couch and falling asleep, Jonghyun was awakened by the sound of a scraping pan and people talking.

Key had cooked breakfast and was serving the other 2 when Jonghyun walked into the kitchen. Despite the wrong foot he and Key had gotten off on last night, Key was nice enough to cook him breakfast as well.

“And how did you get away from your kidnapper?” Key asked suddenly

Minho put his fork down and looked away, pinching the bridge of his nose and Jonghyun froze as he was about to take a bite out of his food. Out of everything they went over and taught Min, this was something they completely spaced.

Like he had done many times before, Taemin suddenly had a vague flashback that seemed like a memory from a dream.

“There was a boy- a little older than me…” Taemin paused and closed his eyes trying hard to remember.

“He untied me- …and we ran. There were a lot of people… and- I- I let go of his hand.”

Minho turned to look at Taemin. He remembered that too. He remembered how he helped get the real Lee Taemin out before his father came back. He remembered how he had lost him in a crowd of people.

Key nodded. “Well let’s go find you something to wear.”


“You have to look presentable when you meet Lee Jinki.”


“Ugh. What on god’s green earth?” Key said as he went through Taemin’s suitcase. “Nope. No. Ew, no! Who did you say got you these clothes?”

“Jonghyun hyung.” Taemin replied

“Ugh, he would.”


Jonghyun had pulled Minho into the living room to rejoice.

“Did you hear him? We’re going to meet Lee Jinki! Very few get past Key and we zipped by him over night like that!" he said with a snap of his fingers. "Min was- he was incredible! I almost believed him!” Jonghyun finished breathlessly.

“It’s him.”

Jonghyun was still too excited to listen to what Minho was saying. “Of course it’s him-”

“No. It really is him.” Minho insisted

“What do you mean?” Jonghyun asked

Minho was about to explain, but remained silent when Taemin and Key had walked into the living room.

“Get dressed boys.” Key instructed “We’re going shopping!”


✗м α ℓ к σ м ' ѕ к σ я и є я✗

As I was on all fours, cleaning my kitchen floor (I still haven’t gotten a mop, okay)

I got a new idea! I think you’ll find it... entertaining…


Now I must hurry and finish this so I can write more forewords :D

charisma1869: LOL is that good or bad? ;)

Almighty_SHINee: KEY HAPPENED!!!  ^~^

KYUyunjaemin: LMAO I play it as a movie in my head then try to write it out (but sometimes I can’t >.<)

Krifanfics: It’ll probably be awhile still since I have so many I need to finish, but I’ll let you know ♥

Sungyo: What did you think? Was it JongKey enough? kekeke

Shineeing:  Wait no longer, it’s here!

Caline: •BIG SMILE•

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Chapter 1: great start, i am excited fo the rest :) ♥
Sounds super interesting!
Chapter 13: After reading this fic for 2 hours straight, I conclude that The Missing Piece is AMAZING! Grammar errors and (sort of) rushed ending aside, I love how you played around with the classic Anastasia movie and put your own twist to it. I also love the humor here, and the side!JongKey was adorable, too~


I'mma read your other fics later, but first I have to sleep. (It's 3AM here.) :D
Jinki_JiYong17 #4
Chapter 13: This is a cute version of Anastasia^^ Very good:)
carrotcake #5
wow, it was really a fun read. thank you for this one! <3
susumiya08 #6
Chapter 13: cute!!! I wanted more jongkey but the story was amazing! I love the "remake" of anastasia, will u please do one about jongkey my favorite story is beauty and the beast. thanks for writing!! ^^
ilovekorea #7
Just finish reading this<3
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful story<3
And thisthisthis.<33